We decided to try a low-tech use of SCGs where students were playing the role of administrator making sure that the game rules are followed. The administrator also had a helping role with scheduling the matches and moving the games along.
To record the student interactions we could have used email but Piazza has a more convenient capability of recording the interactions. The low-tech approach worked quite well. There is a danger that some students are lazy and don't check that the values they get conform to the game rules established by the instructor.
But the low-tech approach provides flexibility allowing the students to participate in the debates without having polished algorithms implemented.
It is important that one of the students playing the assignment dialog (game) have higher skills than the other unless both are quite strong.
Team-based learning. We divide the class of n students into n/3 teams of 3 students. Within each teams a full round-robin tournament is played. The winner (maybe chosen randomly if there is a tie) becomes the leader of this team. In the next round we have n/9 teams of 3 winning students (each representing her team of three students). We stop this division process when all teams arrive at the same conclusion and there are no faults.
The concept of side-choosing games was not yet used. (SCG was already used but it stood for: Scientific Community Game.) In this course we used semantic games associated with a predicate logic formula. We used a table by Hintikka to map formulas to games: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/courses/algorithms/cs5800/f13/preparation/debates-versus-proofs.html
The process described here is useful: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/courses/algorithms/cs5800/f13/preparation/study-groups.html
SCG-Teach. An introduction to teaching with SCG from 2013 and updated 2015.
Instance-Solution Special Case. describes an interesting special case demonstrated with teaching query design and spreadsheet development.