package player; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.util.CLI; import scg.gen.PlayerContext; import logging.Logger; import scg.gen.*; import scg.Util; import player.tasks.*; public class PlayerFactory { /** The available command-line options */ public static final String INFINITE = "--infiniteloop", NOOFFERS = "--nooffers", EMPTYTRANS = "--emptytrans", EXCEPTION = "--exception", GIBERISH = "--giberish", SMART = "--smart", BADPRICES = "--badoffers", NOSECRETS = "--nosecrets", ALLSECRETS = "--allsecrets", BADTYPES = "--badtypes", OFFERACCEPT = "--offeraccept", GOODSECRETS = "--goodsecrets", NEWACCEPT = "--newaccept", OFFER = "--offer", PARSOLVE = "--parsolve", DUPTYPES = "--duptypes", FASTPITCH = "--fastpitch"; /** As a list... for handy searching */ static final List allOptions = List.create(INFINITE, NOOFFERS, EMPTYTRANS, EXCEPTION, GIBERISH, SMART, BADPRICES, NOSECRETS, ALLSECRETS, BADTYPES, OFFERACCEPT, GOODSECRETS, NEWACCEPT, OFFER, PARSOLVE, DUPTYPES, FASTPITCH); /** Global command-line options, so others can see what flags are set */ static List globalOptions; public static void setGlobalOptions(List opts){ globalOptions = opts; } public static boolean globalOptionSet(String s){ return globalOptions.contains(s); } public static String opitonArgument(String s){ return CLI.getArgument(s, globalOptions); } /** Create a PlayerFactory with the given command line options */ public static PlayerFactory create(List opts){ setGlobalOptions(opts); return new PlayerFactory(); } /** Create a Player with teh given command line Options, context, and logger */ public Player getAPlayer(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l){ if (globalOptionSet(SMART))return player.smarttasks.Player.create(ctxt, l); if (globalOptionSet(INFINITE))return new InfiniteLoop(ctxt, l); if (globalOptionSet(NOOFFERS))return new NoOffers(ctxt, l); if (globalOptionSet(EMPTYTRANS))return new EmptyTrans(ctxt, l); if (globalOptionSet(EXCEPTION))return new Except(ctxt, l); if (globalOptionSet(GIBERISH))return new Giberish(ctxt, l); if (globalOptionSet(BADPRICES))return new BadPrices(ctxt, l); if (globalOptionSet(BADTYPES))return new BadTypes(ctxt, l); if (globalOptionSet(OFFERACCEPT))return new OfferAccept(ctxt, l); if (globalOptionSet(DUPTYPES))return new DupTypes(ctxt, l); return Player.create(ctxt, l); } /* Different, Unruly Players... */ /** Bad Players start here... */ static class BadPlayer extends Player { BadPlayer(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l) { super(ctxt, l); } public PlayerTrans playOne(){ return; } /** Be Bad about half the time */ public PlayerTrans play(){ if (Util.coinFlip()) return; return playOne(); } } /** Infinite loop */ static class InfiniteLoop extends BadPlayer { InfiniteLoop(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l) { super(ctxt, l); } public PlayerTrans playOne(){ while(true) try{ log.notify("Still Waiting"); Thread.sleep(10000); }catch(InterruptedException e){} } } /** Empty Transaction */ static class EmptyTrans extends BadPlayer { EmptyTrans(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l) { super(ctxt, l); } public PlayerTrans playOne(){ return new PlayerTrans(context.getId(), List. create()); } } /** No Offered Transactions */ static class NoOffers extends BadPlayer { NoOffers(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l){ super(ctxt, l); } public PlayerTrans playOne(){ return new PlayerTrans(context.getId(), .getTs().filterout(new List.Pred() { public boolean huh(Transaction t){ return t instanceof OfferTrans; } })); } } /** Bad Prices in Offers */ static class BadPrices extends BadPlayer { BadPrices(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l) { super(ctxt, l); } public OfferTrans change(OfferTrans t){ double price = Math.random()*4-2; return new OfferTrans(ChallengeKind.ALL, t.getPred(), price); } public PlayerTrans playOne(){ return new PlayerTrans(context.getId(), .map(new List.Map() { public Transaction map(Transaction t){ if(!(t instanceof OfferTrans)) return t; return change((OfferTrans)t); } })); } } /** Bad Prices in Offers */ static class DupTypes extends BadPlayer { DupTypes(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l) { super(ctxt, l); } public PlayerTrans playOne(){ return new PlayerTrans(context.getId(), .filter(new List.Pred(){ public boolean huh(Transaction t){ return (!(t instanceof OfferTrans)); } }).append(List.create( new OfferTrans(ChallengeKind.SECRET, new ProblemType(List.create(7, 15)), 0.87), new OfferTrans(ChallengeKind.SECRET, new ProblemType(List.create(15, 7)), 0.87)) )); } } /** Bad Types in Offers */ static class BadTypes extends BadPrices { BadTypes(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l) { super(ctxt, l); } public OfferTrans change(OfferTrans t){ return new OfferTrans(t.getKind(), new ProblemType(List.create(Util.random(516)-258)), t.getPrice()); } } /** Throws Exception Immediately */ static class Except extends BadPlayer { Except(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l){ super(ctxt, l); } public PlayerTrans playOne(){ throw new RuntimeException("Random Error!!"); } } /** Returns a nonsense response */ static class Giberish extends BadPlayer { Giberish(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l){ super(ctxt, l); } public String playString(){ return "\"The man walked into the barn\""; } } /** Try to reoffer and accept the same challenge */ static class OfferAccept extends BadPlayer { OfferAccept(PlayerContext ctxt, Logger l){ super(ctxt, l); } int acc; public PlayerTrans playOne(){ final ReofferTask roff = this.reofferer(log); acc = -1; List offrs = (List)this.offerer(log).offer(context); return new PlayerTrans(context.getId(), offrs.append(context.getTheirOffered() .map(new List.Map(){ public Transaction map(OfferedChallenge c){ if(acc < 0) acc = c.getKey(); return roff.reoffer(c, context.getConfig()); } })).append((Transaction)new AcceptTrans(acc))); } } }