package; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.*; import scg.*; import scg.ParseException; import scg.protocol.*; import hsr.*; import hsr.avatar.HSRAvatar; import java.util.Random; /** * @author Astro */ /** Representation of HSRAvatar */ public class HSRAvatarSmart implements AvatarI{ /** Construct a(n) HSRAvatar Instance */ public HSRAvatarSmart(){ } /** Is the given object Equal to this HSRAvatar? */ public boolean equals(Object o){ if(!(o instanceof HSRAvatar))return false; if(o == this)return true; HSRAvatar oo = (HSRAvatar)o; return true; } /** Parse an instance of HSRAvatar from the given String */ public static HSRAvatar parse(String inpt) throws hsr.avatar.ParseException{ return new hsr.avatar.TheParser(new; } /** Parse an instance of HSRAvatar from the given Stream */ public static HSRAvatar parse( inpt) throws hsr.avatar.ParseException{ return new hsr.avatar.TheParser(inpt).parse_HSRAvatar(); } /** Parse an instance of HSRAvatar from the given Reader */ public static HSRAvatar parse( inpt) throws hsr.avatar.ParseException{ return new hsr.avatar.TheParser(inpt).parse_HSRAvatar(); } private Config config; /* Constructor to be called during registration where you supply config*/ public HSRAvatarSmart(Config cfg){ config = cfg; } /**proposing random unique claims which are not in the forbidden list**/ public List propose(List forbiddenClaims){ List claims = List.create(); SCGConfig scg_cfg = config.getScgCfg(); int maxProposals = scg_cfg.getMaxProposals() -1; for(int i =0; i< maxProposals;i++){ Claim claim = generateRandomClaim(); while(forbiddenClaims.contains(claim) || claims.contains(claim)){ claim = generateRandomClaim(); } claims = claims.append(claim); } return claims; } /**Random oppose method - randomly agrees, refutes or strengthens by a factor of 1 **/ public List oppose(List claimsToBeOpposed) { return List.Map() { public OpposeAction map(Claim claim) { HSRInstance instance = ((HSRInstanceSet) claim.getInstanceSet()) .getSingleton(); int n = instance.getN(); double q = claim.getQuality(); try { if (n <= 2000) { SolveRequest solveRequest = SolveRequest .parse("solve hsr.HSRInstance {{ " + instance + " }} " + claim); HSRSolution solution = (HSRSolution) solve(solveRequest); int depth = solution.findDepth(); double myQuality = (double) depth / (double) n; // System.out.println("myQuality: " + myQuality); if (claim.getProtocol() instanceof ExistsForAll) { if (myQuality <= q) return new Refuting(); else return new Agreement(); } else if (claim.getProtocol() instanceof ForAllExists) { if (myQuality <= q) { return new Strengthening(myQuality); } else { return new Agreement(); } } } else { Random rand = new Random(); int randOppose = rand.nextInt(3); if(randOppose == 0) return new Agreement(); else if(randOppose == 1){ int qa = (int)Math.ceil(claim.getQuality() * n); SCGConfig scg_cfg = config.getScgCfg(); if (claim.getProtocol() instanceof ForAllExists){ if(qa>1) return new Strengthening(claim.getQuality() - scg_cfg.getMinStrengthening()); else return new Refuting(); }else{ if(qa1) return new Strengthening(claim.getQuality() - scg_cfg.getMinStrengthening()); else return new Refuting(); }else{ if(qa= n) flag = true; } return flag; } /** * expanding the matrix to row by row */ private void expandArray(){ int c = getCurrentRow(); if (c == -1){ System.out.println("Matrix is too small. Please increase the pascal triangle's size."); } initialArray[c][0] = 1; initialArray[0][c] = (int)Math.pow(2, c-1); for(int i = 1; i < c; i++) { int j = c-i; initialArray[i][j] = initialArray[i-1][j] + initialArray[i][j-1]; } } /** * get a new row which is current row * @return */ private int getCurrentRow(){ int c = 0; if (initialArray[0][LEN-1] != 0){ LEN = 2*LEN; } for(int i = 0; i < LEN; i++){ if((i != 0) && (initialArray[0][i] == 0)) return c = i; } return c; } /** get the row index which contains the number no less than n */ private int getRootRow(int k, int[][] arr){ for(int i = 0; i < LEN; i++){ if (arr[i][k] == 0) return i-1; } return 0; } /** print the array to string */ private String printArray(){ String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < LEN; i++){ str += "\n"; for(int j = 0; j < LEN; j++) str += initialArray[i][j]; } return str; } private int LEAF_INDEX; /** solving using modified pascal triangle **/ public SolutionI solve(SolveRequest solveRequest) { HSRInstance hsrInstance = (HSRInstance) solveRequest.getInstance(); int n = hsrInstance.getN(); int k = hsrInstance.getK(); LEAF_INDEX = 0; HSRAvatarSmart sa = new HSRAvatarSmart(); HSRSolution s = sa.smartSolve(n, k); System.gc(); return s; } private HSRSolution smartSolve(int n, int k){ //initializeArray(); // what's a good size? int[][] arr = getProceedArray(n, k); // System.out.println(printArray()); int r = getRootRow(k, arr); HSRSolution solution = solve(r, n, k, arr); // System.out.println("Solution Depth: " + solution.findDepth()); return solution; } private HSRSolution solve(int r, int n, int k, int[][] arr) { HSRSolution leftYes, rightNo; if (arr[r][k] == 1) { return new Simple(LEAF_INDEX++); } // construct the left subtree if (arr[r][k - 1] == 1) { leftYes = new Simple(LEAF_INDEX); LEAF_INDEX += 1; } else { leftYes = solve(r, n, k - 1, arr); } // construct the right subtree if (r == 0) { rightNo = solve(r, n, k - 1, arr); } else { rightNo = solve(r - 1, n, k, arr); } int question; question = getMaxNodeValue(leftYes) + 1; if (question > n - 1) { return leftYes; } else { return new Compound(question, leftYes, rightNo); } } /** get the maximum value in the nodes of the given tree */ private int getMaxNodeValue(HSRSolution leftSubTree) { int maxNodeValue = 0; if (leftSubTree instanceof Compound) { int nodeValue = Math.max(getMaxNodeValue(((Compound) leftSubTree) .getYes()), getMaxNodeValue(((Compound) leftSubTree) .getNo())); int rootValue = ((Compound) leftSubTree).getQuestion(); maxNodeValue = Math.max(rootValue, nodeValue); } else { maxNodeValue = ((Simple) leftSubTree).getHighest_safe_rung(); } return maxNodeValue; } /** Generates random claim with N >=200 * @throws ParseException */ private Claim generateRandomClaim() { Random rand = new Random(); boolean nextBoolean = rand.nextBoolean(); int randN = 1000 + rand.nextInt(500); // check if N value is less than maxN in HSRConfig HSRConfig hsr_cfg = (HSRConfig) config.getDomainConfig(); if (randN > hsr_cfg.getMaxN()) { randN = 2 + rand.nextInt(hsr_cfg.getMaxN() - 2); } int randK = 1 + rand.nextInt(20); int randQ = 1 + rand.nextInt(randN - 1); HSRInstance singleton = new HSRInstance(randN, randK); // get the // maximum // allowed n // from config HSRInstanceSet instanceSet = new HSRInstanceSet(singleton); // random claim for finding the solution Claim claim = new Claim(instanceSet, nextBoolean ? ForAllExistsMin .getInstance() : ExistsForAll.getInstance(), ((double) randQ) / randN, ((double) randQ) / randN); try { SolveRequest solveRequest = SolveRequest.parse("solve hsr.HSRInstance {{ " + singleton + " }} " + claim); HSRSolution solution = (HSRSolution) solve(solveRequest); // get the optimal solution int depth = solution.findDepth(); // update the quality for a optimal claim double myQuality = (double) depth / (double) randN; // claim = new Claim(instanceSet, ExistsForAll.getInstance(), myQuality, // 1.0); claim = new Claim(instanceSet, nextBoolean ? ForAllExistsMin .getInstance() : ExistsForAll.getInstance(), myQuality, 1.0); return claim; } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.gc(); return claim; } /** DGP method from Class Print */ public String print(){ return hsr.avatar.Print.PrintM(this); } /** DGP method from Class PrintToString */ public String toString(){ return hsr.avatar.PrintToString.PrintToStringM(this); } /** DGP method from Class Display */ public String display(){ return hsr.avatar.Display.DisplayM(this); } }