***** Competition Csu670 SDG Game *****
***** Date: Fri Mar 13 10:38:17 EDT 2009 *****
***** ROUND 1 of 6 *****
** Admin overhead: 0.0150
** Player 10: Team Mazer8's turn
** Player 10: Team Mazer8 finished: 2.2660
** Admin overhead: 0.0310
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6's turn
freshType t = : Type (
: Classic ( )
: Cons (
: TypeInstance (
: RelationNr (
: int "90" ) )
: Empty ( ) ) )
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6 finished: 2.2350
** Admin overhead: 0.0150
** Player 3: Team Celtics8's turn
Finishing Derivative:
Total Profit: 0.000
Total Time: 17 milliseconds
Delivering Raw Material:
Total Time: 2 milliseconds
Creating Derivative:
(Celtics8_797ef22e_5092_42e7_b73b_1c082e70f998, 9 196 228 25 73, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 57 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 276 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 71 milliseconds
Creation Time: 128 milliseconds
(Celtics8_3b5515c1_e24c_4fec_98ba_c212901fd908, 21 8 5 6 4 14, 0.155)
Type Creation Time: 227,817 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 23 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 25,569 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 23 milliseconds
(Celtics8_b4a5de4f_0812_4b8e_ae25_255399a6f1ee, 251 180 35 47 188, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 26 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 267 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 22,647 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 26 milliseconds
(Celtics8_3136fd59_61ea_4426_b7ee_97d44659f818, 13 82, 0.472)
Type Creation Time: 47,292 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 21 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 21,783 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 21 milliseconds
(Celtics8_1af357eb_6f8f_47a2_a797_0328671bc1dd, 220 53 21 5 140, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 67 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 408 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 16,362 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 67 milliseconds
Total Time: 275 milliseconds
Buying Derivative:
(TeamAwesome6_19b2441d_5996_4e15_9366_ae7f6fa4422d, 13, 90, 0.682, 0.600)
(Mazer8_105e0356_58c1_4d62_a8ff_0e438f7de557, 13, 14 30 62 126, 0.376, 0.467)
(Mazer8_105e0356_58c1_4d62_a8ff_0e438f7de557, 10, 14 30 62 126, 0.386, 0.467)
Total Cost: 0.762
Total Time: 9 milliseconds
** Player 3: Team Celtics8 finished: 2.4690
** Admin overhead: 0.0160
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken's turn
CreateAgent : deriv["RobotChicken_fc78c7d4_d6b8_4558_8c3d_a7f6b16a9360" 11 0.3849001794597505 type classic [52 ] ] with price: 0.3849001794597505
[TIME]***createDerivative took: 0.11
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_797ef22e_5092_42e7_b73b_1c082e70f998" 3 0.505 type classic [9 25 73 196 228 ] ]Found implication: 9->25
Found implication: 9->73
Found implication: 196->228
*0.7156645473097613* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_3b5515c1_e24c_4fec_98ba_c212901fd908" 3 0.155 type classic [4 5 6 8 14 21 ] ]Found implication: 4->5
Found implication: 4->6
Found implication: 4->14
Found implication: 4->21
Found implication: 5->21
Found implication: 6->14
Found implication: 8->14
*0.13105437997441957* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_b4a5de4f_0812_4b8e_ae25_255399a6f1ee" 3 0.505 type classic [35 47 180 188 251 ] ]Found implication: 35->47
Found implication: 35->251
Found implication: 180->188
*0.9140800550799288* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_3136fd59_61ea_4426_b7ee_97d44659f818" 3 0.4716666666666667 type classic [13 82 ] ] *0.5918623091998108* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_1af357eb_6f8f_47a2_a797_0328671bc1dd" 3 0.505 type classic [220 53 21 5 140 ] ]Found implication: 21->53
Found implication: 5->53
Found implication: 5->21
Found implication: 140->220
*0.5137533131074146* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_19b2441d_5996_4e15_9366_ae7f6fa4422d" 13 0.6820710981101734 type classic [90 ] ] *0.5* {no}
[TIME]***BuyAgent took this long: 0.11
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken finished: 2.4060
** Admin overhead: 0.0160
** Player 9: Team LordCanti's turn
** Player 9: Team LordCanti finished: 2.2960
** Admin overhead: 0.0160
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8's turn
Buy Time: 0 ms
total time: 31
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8 finished: 5.8130
** Admin overhead: 0.0150
** Player 4: Team DrPepper8's turn
** Player 4: Team DrPepper8 finished: 2.2500
** Admin overhead: 0.0160
** Player 1: Team Bender8's turn
** Player 1: Team Bender8 finished: 2.2810
** Admin overhead: 0.0160
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2's turn
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2 finished: 2.2810
** Admin overhead: 0.0160
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8's turn
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8 finished: 2.3430
** Admin overhead: 0.0160
** Player 12: Team SuperStar's turn
SuperStar buying derivative: deriv["GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108" 6 0.21784425738695515 type classic [2 ] ]
gen.ParseException: Encountered "[" at line 1, column 6.
Was expecting one of:
"classic" ...
"secret" ...
at gen.TheParser.generateParseException(TheParser.java:1190)
at gen.TheParser.jj_consume_token(TheParser.java:1126)
at gen.TheParser.parse_Kind(TheParser.java:198)
at gen.TheParser.parse_Type(TheParser.java:177)
at gen.Type.parse(Type.java:29)
at SS.SSUtils.relationListing(SSUtils.java:76)
at player.playeragent.CreateAgent.createDerivative(CreateAgent.java:22)
at player.PlayerRunner.createDerivative(PlayerRunner.java:48)
at player.PlayerRunner.main(PlayerRunner.java:26)
at player.GenericPlayer.main(GenericPlayer.java:17)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at player.playeragent.DeliverAgent.buildRMI(DeliverAgent.java:66)
at player.playeragent.CreateAgent.testPrice(CreateAgent.java:64)
at player.playeragent.CreateAgent.createDerivative(CreateAgent.java:25)
at player.PlayerRunner.createDerivative(PlayerRunner.java:48)
at player.PlayerRunner.main(PlayerRunner.java:26)
at player.GenericPlayer.main(GenericPlayer.java:17)
** Player 12: Team SuperStar finished: 2.2030
***** Player 12 (SuperStar) has violated a rule! *****
***** No Transaction
** Admin overhead: 0.0160
** Player 14: Team TuesdayNight8's turn
deriv["Bender8_0f76c996_8d7e_4207_a033_061024991c70" 1 0.505 type classic [21 232 ] ] deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ] deriv["GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108" 6 0.21784425738695515 type classic [2 ] ]
** Player 14: Team TuesdayNight8 finished: 2.2810
** Admin overhead: 0.0160
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8's turn
BuyAgent time: 0
CreateAgent: 109
CreateAgent: 172
CreateAgent: 15
CreateAgent: 16
CreateAgent: 0
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8 finished: 2.6250
** Admin overhead: 0.0150
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8's turn
Buying 0 Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Creating Derivative
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8 finished: 2.6880
** Admin overhead: 0.0310
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8's turn
Browsing the store...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [59 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [53 130 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [31 128 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [50 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [59 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [53 130 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [31 128 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [50 1 128 ]
Constructing derivative...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [22 24 ]
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8 finished: 4.4840
***** ROUND 2 of 6 *****
** Admin overhead: 0.0470
** Player 10: Team Mazer8's turn
** Player 10: Team Mazer8 finished: 2.4690
** Admin overhead: 0.1410
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6's turn
freshType t = : Type (
: Classic ( )
: Cons (
: TypeInstance (
: RelationNr (
: int "16" ) )
: Empty ( ) ) )
running symmetric with 3variables.
types.length = 4
running symmetric with 4variables.
types.length = 4
running symmetric with 6variables.
types.length = 4
running symmetric with 3variables.
types.length = 1
running symmetric with 4variables.
types.length = 1
running symmetric with 6variables.
types.length = 1
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6 finished: 2.7650
** Admin overhead: 0.1250
** Player 3: Team Celtics8's turn
Finishing Derivative:
(Mazer8_105e0356_58c1_4d62_a8ff_0e438f7de557, 10, 14 30 62 126, 0.503)
Number of Constraints: 846
Finishing Time: 49 milliseconds
(Mazer8_105e0356_58c1_4d62_a8ff_0e438f7de557, 13, 14 30 62 126, 0.624)
Number of Constraints: 4
Finishing Time: 1 milliseconds
Total Profit: 1.127
Total Time: 112 milliseconds
Delivering Raw Material:
(Celtics8_1af357eb_6f8f_47a2_a797_0328671bc1dd, 11, 220 53 21 5 140, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 281 milliseconds
(Celtics8_3136fd59_61ea_4426_b7ee_97d44659f818, 11, 13 82, 0.472, 0.385)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 303 milliseconds
(Celtics8_b4a5de4f_0812_4b8e_ae25_255399a6f1ee, 11, 35 47 180 188 251, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 263 milliseconds
(Celtics8_797ef22e_5092_42e7_b73b_1c082e70f998, 11, 9 25 73 196 228, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 258 milliseconds
(Celtics8_3b5515c1_e24c_4fec_98ba_c212901fd908, 4, 4 5 6 8 14 21, 0.155, 0.125)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 272 milliseconds
Total Time: 1 seconds
Creating Derivative:
(Celtics8_d6912c77_5eab_42b0_9497_e83f2ac7e39c, 224 39 33 251 115, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 40 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 402 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 76 milliseconds
Creation Time: 117 milliseconds
(Celtics8_2a8ba9b2_e80d_4cd4_930a_ecb694a1fc59, 67 195 125 116, 0.610)
Type Creation Time: 1 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 24 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 25,740 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 25 milliseconds
(Celtics8_e0d30dc4_4e61_4dd2_afaf_2b8aa73d8de6, 9 168 75 25 189, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 89 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 258 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 24,789 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 89 milliseconds
(Celtics8_8916bf65_4c8c_4936_965a_ffb985a41318, 122 191 168 248, 0.677)
Type Creation Time: 325,903 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 21 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 21,669 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 22 milliseconds
(Celtics8_b9c1ef5c_b7b9_4fca_8796_7e2ec0429e47, 138 15 57 89 9, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 154 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 333 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 13,797 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 154 milliseconds
Total Time: 489 milliseconds
Buying Derivative:
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 7, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.970, 0.160)
(Lichwalla8_17ba6fcd_d211_4c1f_993c_67a18bcb5a48, 2, 16 2 4 9 192 104, 0.340, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_fcbb52b8_268b_480c_9667_8ac823ac3c44, 2, 16 2 100 8 133 225, 0.340, 0.195)
(Lichwalla8_c1e830a3_9f16_44a2_975f_96ac7ee75489, 2, 136 2 4 64 24 176, 0.340, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_8f81ed31_4d95_483d_9afa_d85e00df61d0, 2, 49 2 4 8 209 224, 0.340, 0.212)
(Lichwalla8_0f41747e_5918_4abd_be8b_09657950b042, 2, 137 16 32 4 65 10, 0.340, 0.212)
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 2, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.385, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 2, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.980, 0.160)
(Lichwalla8_17ba6fcd_d211_4c1f_993c_67a18bcb5a48, 8, 16 2 4 9 192 104, 0.350, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_fcbb52b8_268b_480c_9667_8ac823ac3c44, 8, 16 2 100 8 133 225, 0.350, 0.195)
(Lichwalla8_c1e830a3_9f16_44a2_975f_96ac7ee75489, 8, 136 2 4 64 24 176, 0.350, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_8f81ed31_4d95_483d_9afa_d85e00df61d0, 8, 49 2 4 8 209 224, 0.350, 0.212)
(Lichwalla8_0f41747e_5918_4abd_be8b_09657950b042, 8, 137 16 32 4 65 10, 0.350, 0.212)
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 8, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.395, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 8, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.990, 0.160)
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 14, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.405, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 4, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 1.000, 0.160)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 13, 16, 0.638, 0.200)
(Mazer8_244ae218_f0af_42da_8c84_44a637360582, 10, 10 26 58 122, 0.251, 0.300)
Total Cost: 0.251
Total Time: 2 seconds
** Player 3: Team Celtics8 finished: 7.4850
** Admin overhead: 1.5780
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken's turn
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.0050000000000000044 fp: v100 v101 v102 v103 v104 v105 v106 v107 v110 v109 v108
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.563
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.4716666666666667 fp: ! v110 ! v109 ! v108 ! v107 ! v106 ! v105 ! v104 ! v103 ! v100 ! v101 ! v102
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.594
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.0050000000000000044 fp: v100 v101 v102 v103 v104 v105 v106 v107 v110 v109 v108
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.547
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.0050000000000000044 fp: v100 v101 v102 v103 v104 v105 v106 v107 v110 v109 v108
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.593
CreateAgent : deriv["RobotChicken_bead1e2e_d730_47c5_a8ef_898a539856d2" 11 0.3849001794597505 type classic [50 ] ] with price: 0.3849001794597505
[TIME]***createDerivative took: 0.109
[TIME]***deliverRawMaterial() finished in 0.016
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 7 0.97 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.4965714913613839* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_17ba6fcd_d211_4c1f_993c_67a18bcb5a48" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 2 4 9 192 104 ] ] *0.26241436600647094* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_fcbb52b8_268b_480c_9667_8ac823ac3c44" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 2 100 8 133 225 ] ] *0.2868017077206591* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_c1e830a3_9f16_44a2_975f_96ac7ee75489" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [136 2 4 64 24 176 ] ] *0.4789644888120774* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_8f81ed31_4d95_483d_9afa_d85e00df61d0" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [49 2 4 8 209 224 ] ] *0.2316324689645437* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_0f41747e_5918_4abd_be8b_09657950b042" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [137 16 32 4 65 10 ] ] *0.33124417203637274* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 2 0.385 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.35528184508866945* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 2 0.98 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.3867042311564678* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_17ba6fcd_d211_4c1f_993c_67a18bcb5a48" 8 0.35 type classic [16 2 4 9 192 104 ] ] *0.3666565054355544* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_fcbb52b8_268b_480c_9667_8ac823ac3c44" 8 0.35 type classic [16 2 100 8 133 225 ] ] *0.4829534952115965* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_c1e830a3_9f16_44a2_975f_96ac7ee75489" 8 0.35 type classic [136 2 4 64 24 176 ] ] *0.22680365181318157* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_8f81ed31_4d95_483d_9afa_d85e00df61d0" 8 0.35 type classic [49 2 4 8 209 224 ] ] *0.3137972833723001* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_0f41747e_5918_4abd_be8b_09657950b042" 8 0.35 type classic [137 16 32 4 65 10 ] ] *0.36709423299324057* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 8 0.395 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.3112634672106029* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 8 0.99 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.33095364630664303* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 14 0.405 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.2962767998392253* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 1.0 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.3179292329402532* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_d6912c77_5eab_42b0_9497_e83f2ac7e39c" 3 0.505 type classic [33 39 115 224 251 ] ]Found implication: 33->39
Found implication: 33->115
Found implication: 33->251
Found implication: 115->251
Found implication: 224->251
*0.5114995428245348* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_2a8ba9b2_e80d_4cd4_930a_ecb694a1fc59" 3 0.6100420168067227 type classic [67 116 125 195 ] ]Found implication: 67->195
Found implication: 116->125
*0.8551628100033271* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_e0d30dc4_4e61_4dd2_afaf_2b8aa73d8de6" 3 0.505 type classic [9 25 75 168 189 ] ]Found implication: 9->25
Found implication: 9->75
Found implication: 9->189
Found implication: 25->189
Found implication: 168->189
*0.6752515475797658* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_8916bf65_4c8c_4936_965a_ffb985a41318" 3 0.6772689075630253 type classic [122 168 191 248 ] ]Found implication: 168->191
Found implication: 168->248
*0.6384521666323184* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_b9c1ef5c_b7b9_4fca_8796_7e2ec0429e47" 3 0.505 type classic [138 15 57 89 9 ] ]Found implication: 9->15
Found implication: 9->57
Found implication: 9->89
*0.5536636889909291* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 13 0.6377401152817918 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
[TIME]***BuyAgent took this long: 0.688
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken finished: 7.4840
** Admin overhead: 0.5630
** Player 9: Team LordCanti's turn
** Player 9: Team LordCanti finished: 2.7180
** Admin overhead: 0.3910
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8's turn
Buy Time: 16 ms
Deliver Time: 16 ms
Deliver Time: 0 ms
Deliver Time: 0 ms
Deliver Time: 0 ms
Deliver Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [4 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.145 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 31 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [52 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.37489996699999995 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [90 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.49 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 0 ms
total time: 703
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8 finished: 3.8280
** Admin overhead: 1.0000
** Player 4: Team DrPepper8's turn
** Player 4: Team DrPepper8 finished: 3.8910
** Admin overhead: 0.3590
** Player 1: Team Bender8's turn
** Player 1: Team Bender8 finished: 3.4840
** Admin overhead: 1.0940
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2's turn
GenericPlayer2: Making 0.3179289018898266
GenericPlayer2: Making 0.007550016499999979
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.3003030303030303
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.0050000000000000044
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.0050000000000000044
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.0050000000000000044
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2 finished: 19.8750
** Admin overhead: 0.4690
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8's turn
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8 finished: 4.6250
** Admin overhead: 0.4060
** Player 14: Team TuesdayNight8's turn
deriv["Zshauthotho8_e3fb5f62_41c2_4d60_9a4e_d97a3f1c8172" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 225 97 33 ] ] deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 5 0.35 type classic [223 2 ] ] deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 5 0.39 type classic [231 2 ] ] deriv["GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0" 6 0.2292735611392771 type classic [4 ] ]
** Player 14: Team TuesdayNight8 finished: 3.3750
***** Player 14 (TuesdayNight8) has violated a rule! *****
***** No Transaction
** Admin overhead: 0.0160
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8's turn
BuyAgent time: 16
CreateAgent: 235
CreateAgent: 234
CreateAgent: 32
CreateAgent: 109
CreateAgent: 16
DeliverAgent: 15
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 16
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 15
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 16
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8 finished: 3.3120
** Admin overhead: 0.6250
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8's turn
Buying 0 Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Reoffering Derivatives
Creating Derivative
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8 finished: 8.5940
** Admin overhead: 3.2030
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8's turn
Browsing the store...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 156 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 160 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [63 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 144 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [88 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 160 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 156 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [63 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 144 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [88 1 128 ]
Constructing derivative...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [98 26 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 7 10 0.375 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [36 36 42 98 18 66 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_0f41747e_5918_4abd_be8b_09657950b042" 7 10 0.32999999999999996 type classic [137 16 32 4 65 10 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [137 16 32 4 65 10 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_8f81ed31_4d95_483d_9afa_d85e00df61d0" 7 10 0.32999999999999996 type classic [49 2 4 8 209 224 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [49 2 4 8 209 224 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_c1e830a3_9f16_44a2_975f_96ac7ee75489" 7 10 0.32999999999999996 type classic [136 2 4 64 24 176 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [136 2 4 64 24 176 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_fcbb52b8_268b_480c_9667_8ac823ac3c44" 7 10 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 2 100 8 133 225 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [16 2 100 8 133 225 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_17ba6fcd_d211_4c1f_993c_67a18bcb5a48" 7 10 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 2 4 9 192 104 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [16 2 4 9 192 104 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_9fe60f61_43cc_40b1_9dc5_f40ef7fad8c6" 7 10 0.4235533785 type classic [50 1 128 ] ]
0.0010 -- type classic [50 1 128 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_495c1d3d_5932_4462_bb73_0eeb035938af" 7 10 0.497 type classic [31 128 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [31 128 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_c05a767b_8b01_4051_af03_4a62359fe646" 7 10 0.497 type classic [53 130 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [53 130 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_81ef0205_0dfc_44cf_976f_99b8e56b64ab" 7 10 0.497 type classic [59 128 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [59 128 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_e14a8ef3_3be8_48f4_b426_02c1ad02e519" 7 10 0.497 type classic [9 182 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 182 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["IAmRobot8_ca148a75_ac3d_4611_b743_4e0512862344" 7 10 0.26 type classic [22 24 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [22 24 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 7 4 0.97 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]
0.0010 -- type classic [4 32 144 ]
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8 finished: 10.2810
***** ROUND 3 of 6 *****
** Admin overhead: 15.8440
** Player 10: Team Mazer8's turn
** Player 10: Team Mazer8 finished: 62.0000
***** Player 10 (Mazer8) has violated a rule! *****
***** Negative account balance
***** Non-existant derivative bought
***** Incorrect number of delivered Derivatives
***** Incorrect number of finished derivatives
** Admin overhead: 3.6410
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6's turn
freshType t = : Type (
: Classic ( )
: Cons (
: TypeInstance (
: RelationNr (
: int "32" ) )
: Empty ( ) ) )
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6 finished: 55.6090
** Admin overhead: 4.5160
** Player 3: Team Celtics8's turn
Finishing Derivative:
Total Profit: 0.000
Total Time: 337 milliseconds
Delivering Raw Material:
(Celtics8_e0d30dc4_4e61_4dd2_afaf_2b8aa73d8de6, 11, 9 25 75 168 189, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 249 milliseconds
(Celtics8_2a8ba9b2_e80d_4cd4_930a_ecb694a1fc59, 11, 67 116 125 195, 0.610, 0.472)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 215 milliseconds
(Celtics8_d6912c77_5eab_42b0_9497_e83f2ac7e39c, 11, 33 39 115 224 251, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 219 milliseconds
(Celtics8_b9c1ef5c_b7b9_4fca_8796_7e2ec0429e47, 5, 138 15 57 89 9, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 232 milliseconds
(Celtics8_8916bf65_4c8c_4936_965a_ffb985a41318, 1, 122 168 191 248, 0.677, 0.593)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 246 milliseconds
Total Time: 1 seconds
Creating Derivative:
(Celtics8_5b522a6b_4a71_43a2_b9de_a6174e931301, 19 242 224 211 233, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 64 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 273 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 74 milliseconds
Creation Time: 138 milliseconds
(Celtics8_e52f8198_5328_4b0a_8761_bb9a20846728, 253 107 41 66 9 157, 0.305)
Type Creation Time: 967,444 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 24 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 29,067 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 25 milliseconds
(Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2, 176 45 15 181 9, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 21 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 288 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 26,445 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 21 milliseconds
(Celtics8_0245bc40_9b57_4800_b6fb_da1e08390f31, 22 40 18, 0.305)
Type Creation Time: 429,289 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 21 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 24,870 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 22 milliseconds
(Celtics8_9d8df467_c048_43df_8fe7_59b6a4c3268e, 170 3 43 19 127, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 27 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 258 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 12,786 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 27 milliseconds
Total Time: 2 seconds
Buying Derivative:
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 7, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.375, 0.300)
(Lichwalla8_0f41747e_5918_4abd_be8b_09657950b042, 7, 137 16 32 4 65 10, 0.330, 0.212)
(Lichwalla8_8f81ed31_4d95_483d_9afa_d85e00df61d0, 7, 49 2 4 8 209 224, 0.330, 0.212)
(Lichwalla8_c1e830a3_9f16_44a2_975f_96ac7ee75489, 7, 136 2 4 64 24 176, 0.330, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_fcbb52b8_268b_480c_9667_8ac823ac3c44, 7, 16 2 100 8 133 225, 0.330, 0.195)
(Lichwalla8_17ba6fcd_d211_4c1f_993c_67a18bcb5a48, 7, 16 2 4 9 192 104, 0.330, 0.203)
(BobLoblaw8_8cf5b1ab_182e_4cfa_8538_e232c368a19d, 7, 88 1 128, 0.371, 0.345)
(Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c, 7, 136 16 1 32 4 74, 0.330, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e, 7, 32 2 81 4 8 129, 0.330, 0.153)
(Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980, 7, 16 136 2 33 4 96, 0.330, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230, 7, 16 32 4 201 67 130, 0.330, 0.151)
(Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a, 7, 69 32 2 8 129 208, 0.330, 0.188)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 7, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.480, 0.442)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 7, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.980, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 7, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.980, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 7, 231 2, 0.370, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 7, 223 2, 0.330, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 7, 60 62 124 126, 0.730, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 7, 16, 0.618, 0.200)
(BobLoblaw8_e14a8ef3_3be8_48f4_b426_02c1ad02e519, 2, 9 182, 0.507, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_bc1154e9_9e23_4844_9ca4_27df3f6b347d, 2, 17 160, 0.507, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_66ae96d8_110f_46ac_a7df_81c435330ecd, 2, 3 156, 0.507, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_75f8eae5_b531_4c2a_9200_4464dad76705, 2, 63 128, 0.507, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_961f04d3_c4f6_47b2_bcc5_0a4bfbf8c5d0, 2, 15 144, 0.507, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_8cf5b1ab_182e_4cfa_8538_e232c368a19d, 2, 88 1 128, 0.381, 0.345)
(Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c, 2, 136 16 1 32 4 74, 0.340, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e, 2, 32 2 81 4 8 129, 0.340, 0.153)
(Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980, 2, 16 136 2 33 4 96, 0.340, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230, 2, 16 32 4 201 67 130, 0.340, 0.151)
(Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a, 2, 69 32 2 8 129 208, 0.340, 0.188)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 2, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.490, 0.442)
(GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108, 2, 2, 0.208, 0.200)
(GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0, 2, 4, 0.219, 0.200)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 2, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.990, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 2, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.990, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 2, 231 2, 0.380, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 2, 223 2, 0.340, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 2, 60 62 124 126, 0.740, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 2, 16, 0.628, 0.200)
(Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c, 8, 136 16 1 32 4 74, 0.350, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e, 8, 32 2 81 4 8 129, 0.350, 0.153)
(Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980, 8, 16 136 2 33 4 96, 0.350, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230, 8, 16 32 4 201 67 130, 0.350, 0.151)
(Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a, 8, 69 32 2 8 129 208, 0.350, 0.188)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 15, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.500, 0.442)
(GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108, 6, 2, 0.218, 0.200)
(GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0, 6, 4, 0.229, 0.200)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 4, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 1.000, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 4, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 1.000, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 5, 231 2, 0.390, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 5, 223 2, 0.350, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 9, 60 62 124 126, 0.750, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01, 13, 32, 0.550, 0.200)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 13, 16, 0.638, 0.200)
(IAmRobot8_647cf152_66a7_4cee_ab37_ed45ece4a0d5, 7, 98 26, 0.385, 0.450)
(IAmRobot8_ca148a75_ac3d_4611_b743_4e0512862344, 7, 22 24, 0.260, 0.300)
(BobLoblaw8_961f04d3_c4f6_47b2_bcc5_0a4bfbf8c5d0, 7, 15 144, 0.497, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_75f8eae5_b531_4c2a_9200_4464dad76705, 7, 63 128, 0.497, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_66ae96d8_110f_46ac_a7df_81c435330ecd, 7, 3 156, 0.497, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_bc1154e9_9e23_4844_9ca4_27df3f6b347d, 7, 17 160, 0.497, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_e14a8ef3_3be8_48f4_b426_02c1ad02e519, 7, 9 182, 0.497, 0.500)
(GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108, 7, 2, 0.198, 0.200)
(GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0, 7, 4, 0.209, 0.200)
Total Cost: 3.537
Total Time: 3 seconds
** Player 3: Team Celtics8 finished: 10.3440
** Admin overhead: 5.7180
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken's turn
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.0050000000000000044 fp: v100 v101 v102 v103 v104 v105 v106 v107 v110 v109 v108
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.578
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.27004201680672263 fp: ! v110 ! v109 ! v108 ! v107 ! v106 ! v105 ! v104 ! v103 ! v100 ! v101 ! v102
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.625
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.0050000000000000044 fp: v100 v101 v102 v103 v104 v105 v106 v107 v110 v109 v108
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.579
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.24999999999999997 fp: cc10 ! cc9 ! cc8 ! cc7 ! cc6 ! cc5 ! cc4 ! cc3 ! cc2 ! cc1
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.031
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.15555555555555553 fp: cc1 cc2 ! cc3 ! cc4 ! cc5 ! cc6 ! cc7 ! cc8 ! cc9 cc10
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.015
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.175 fp: ! cc1 cc2 ! cc3 cc4 ! cc5 ! cc6 ! cc7 cc8 ! cc9 ! cc10
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.032
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.33999999999999997 fp: ! v12 ! v11 ! v10 ! v9 ! v8 ! v7 ! v6 ! v5 ! v4 ! v3 ! v2 ! v1
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.547
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.33999999999999997 fp: ! v12 ! v11 ! v10 ! v9 ! v8 ! v7 ! v6 ! v5 ! v4 ! v3 ! v2 ! v1
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.593
CreateAgent : deriv["RobotChicken_a3a73aad_552e_4a94_b961_69d19f423e8b" 11 0.25 type classic [36 ] ] with price: 0.25
[TIME]***createDerivative took: 0.938
[TIME]***deliverRawMaterial() finished in 0.016
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 7 0.375 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.3156356168066633* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_0f41747e_5918_4abd_be8b_09657950b042" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [137 16 32 4 65 10 ] ] *0.2771917866982402* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_8f81ed31_4d95_483d_9afa_d85e00df61d0" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [49 2 4 8 209 224 ] ] *0.3585133309550574* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_c1e830a3_9f16_44a2_975f_96ac7ee75489" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [136 2 4 64 24 176 ] ] *0.3293034310765796* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_fcbb52b8_268b_480c_9667_8ac823ac3c44" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 2 100 8 133 225 ] ] *0.2839102980878185* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_17ba6fcd_d211_4c1f_993c_67a18bcb5a48" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 2 4 9 192 104 ] ] *0.24771151509561495* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_8cf5b1ab_182e_4cfa_8538_e232c368a19d" 7 0.3709999999999995 type classic [88 1 128 ] ] *0.6482992619051667* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.4024887015602687* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [32 2 81 4 8 129 ] ] *0.3191763161622107* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.17988444318598054* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ] *0.5798691406918444* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ] *0.3499994493775728* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 7 0.48 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.379779706502125* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 7 0.98 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.5312927762864991* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 7 0.98 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.31213237133155824* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 7 0.37 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 7 0.73 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 7 0.6177401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_e14a8ef3_3be8_48f4_b426_02c1ad02e519" 2 0.507 type classic [9 182 ] ] *0.6415938801632112* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_bc1154e9_9e23_4844_9ca4_27df3f6b347d" 2 0.507 type classic [17 160 ] ] *0.8449292061402748* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_66ae96d8_110f_46ac_a7df_81c435330ecd" 2 0.507 type classic [3 156 ] ] *0.9526182797081659* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_75f8eae5_b531_4c2a_9200_4464dad76705" 2 0.507 type classic [63 128 ] ] *0.5701918880911416* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_961f04d3_c4f6_47b2_bcc5_0a4bfbf8c5d0" 2 0.507 type classic [15 144 ] ] *0.5512549403848213* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_8cf5b1ab_182e_4cfa_8538_e232c368a19d" 2 0.3809999999999995 type classic [88 1 128 ] ] *0.387332459530062* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.24418319717117837* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [32 2 81 4 8 129 ] ] *0.1827587519097897* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.24168340903011903* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ] *0.49565799931993704* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ] *0.4714178060518285* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 2 0.49 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.30353454954190207* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108" 2 0.20784425738695514 type classic [2 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0" 2 0.2192735611392771 type classic [4 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 2 0.99 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.33077948552567515* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 2 0.99 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.8367318848379371* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 2 0.38 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 2 0.74 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 2 0.6277401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 8 0.35 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.22973729389403902* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e" 8 0.35 type classic [32 2 81 4 8 129 ] ] *0.4100280634387278* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 8 0.35 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.297085457846109* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ] *0.4108916638954087* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 8 0.35 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ] *0.37876717562732776* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.4094171228371641* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108" 6 0.21784425738695515 type classic [2 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0" 6 0.2292735611392771 type classic [4 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 4 1.0 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.8454402574649603* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 1.0 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.24192445113138217* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 5 0.39 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 5 0.35 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.75 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_5b522a6b_4a71_43a2_b9de_a6174e931301" 3 0.505 type classic [19 211 224 233 242 ] ]Found implication: 19->211
Found implication: 224->233
Found implication: 224->242
*0.537028910691995* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_e52f8198_5328_4b0a_8761_bb9a20846728" 3 0.305 type classic [9 41 66 107 157 253 ] ]Found implication: 9->41
Found implication: 9->107
Found implication: 9->157
Found implication: 9->253
Found implication: 41->107
Found implication: 41->253
Found implication: 66->107
Found implication: 157->253
*0.2587264411170884* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2" 3 0.505 type classic [9 15 45 176 181 ] ]Found implication: 9->15
Found implication: 9->45
Found implication: 176->181
*0.9246392740062418* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_0245bc40_9b57_4800_b6fb_da1e08390f31" 3 0.305 type classic [18 22 40 ] ]Found implication: 18->22
*0.280383380197775* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_9d8df467_c048_43df_8fe7_59b6a4c3268e" 3 0.505 type classic [170 3 43 19 127 ] ]Found implication: 3->43
Found implication: 3->19
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 43->127
Found implication: 19->127
*0.5342570738329034* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 13 0.5502430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 13 0.6377401152817918 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
[TIME]***BuyAgent took this long: 1.328
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken finished: 12.4070
** Admin overhead: 4.4840
** Player 9: Team LordCanti's turn
** Player 9: Team LordCanti finished: 5.4060
** Admin overhead: 4.4690
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8's turn
Buy Time: 15 ms
Deliver Time: 0 ms
Deliver Time: 0 ms
Deliver Time: 15 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [50 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.37489996699999995 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 16 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [16 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.138148037 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [122 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.497584 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [138 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "3" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 141 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [138 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.29205523159999996 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 15 ms
total time: 750
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8 finished: 14.3280
** Admin overhead: 4.6250
** Player 4: Team DrPepper8's turn
** Player 4: Team DrPepper8 finished: 5.6410
** Admin overhead: 4.2340
** Player 1: Team Bender8's turn
** Player 1: Team Bender8 finished: 7.7500
** Admin overhead: 4.2500
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2's turn
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.0050000000000000044
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.0050000000000000044
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.07013758902819472
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.17777777777777776
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2 finished: 14.7030
** Admin overhead: 3.5160
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8's turn
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8 finished: 13.2810
** Admin overhead: 3.0630
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8's turn
BuyAgent time: 31
CreateAgent: 63
CreateAgent: 94
CreateAgent: 31
CreateAgent: 47
CreateAgent: 15
Finishing 1440constraints.
wait time: 234
wait time: 250
wait time: 250
wait time: 203
wait time: 250
wait time: 203
Shannon: 1484
FinishAgent: 1500
Finishing 969constraints.
wait time: 93
wait time: 110
wait time: 94
wait time: 78
wait time: 93
wait time: 110
wait time: 94
wait time: 140
wait time: 110
wait time: 93
wait time: 78
wait time: 79
wait time: 78
wait time: 78
wait time: 94
wait time: 93
wait time: 94
wait time: 94
wait time: 78
Shannon: 1843
FinishAgent: 1859
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8 finished: 7.8750
** Admin overhead: 2.5620
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8's turn
Buying 4 Derivatives
Creating Derivative
Delivering Raw Material
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8 finished: 5.0160
** Admin overhead: 2.5930
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8's turn
Browsing the store...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [49 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [55 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [27 132 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [13 144 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [38 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 160 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 156 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [63 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 144 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [88 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 212 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 204 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [18 40 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 160 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 156 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [63 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 204 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 212 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [55 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [49 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [27 132 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [13 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 160 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 156 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [63 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [18 40 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [18 40 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [88 1 128 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [38 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
Constructing derivative...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [52 90 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_81ef0205_0dfc_44cf_976f_99b8e56b64ab" 7 13 0.497 type classic [59 128 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [59 128 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_c05a767b_8b01_4051_af03_4a62359fe646" 7 13 0.497 type classic [53 130 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [53 130 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_495c1d3d_5932_4462_bb73_0eeb035938af" 7 13 0.497 type classic [31 128 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [31 128 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_9fe60f61_43cc_40b1_9dc5_f40ef7fad8c6" 7 13 0.4235533785 type classic [50 1 128 ] ]
0.0010 -- type classic [50 1 128 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0" 7 3 0.2092735611392771 type classic [4 ] ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108" 7 3 0.19784425738695513 type classic [2 ] ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_e14a8ef3_3be8_48f4_b426_02c1ad02e519" 7 3 0.497 type classic [9 182 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 182 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_bc1154e9_9e23_4844_9ca4_27df3f6b347d" 7 3 0.497 type classic [17 160 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 160 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_66ae96d8_110f_46ac_a7df_81c435330ecd" 7 3 0.497 type classic [3 156 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 156 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_75f8eae5_b531_4c2a_9200_4464dad76705" 7 3 0.497 type classic [63 128 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [63 128 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_961f04d3_c4f6_47b2_bcc5_0a4bfbf8c5d0" 7 3 0.497 type classic [15 144 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 144 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["IAmRobot8_ca148a75_ac3d_4611_b743_4e0512862344" 7 3 0.26 type classic [22 24 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [22 24 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["IAmRobot8_647cf152_66a7_4cee_ab37_ed45ece4a0d5" 7 3 0.3849996579119492 type classic [98 26 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [98 26 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 7 11 0.32999999999999996 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["BobLoblaw8_8cf5b1ab_182e_4cfa_8538_e232c368a19d" 7 11 0.3709999999999995 type classic [88 1 128 ] ]
0.0010 -- type classic [88 1 128 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_c1e830a3_9f16_44a2_975f_96ac7ee75489" 7 11 0.32999999999999996 type classic [136 2 4 64 24 176 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [136 2 4 64 24 176 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_8f81ed31_4d95_483d_9afa_d85e00df61d0" 7 11 0.32999999999999996 type classic [49 2 4 8 209 224 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [49 2 4 8 209 224 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 7 6 0.6177401152817917 type classic [16 ] ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 7 6 0.37 type classic [231 2 ] ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 7 6 0.98 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]
0.0010 -- type classic [80 132 130 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 7 6 0.32999999999999996 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 7 6 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_0f41747e_5918_4abd_be8b_09657950b042" 7 6 0.32999999999999996 type classic [137 16 32 4 65 10 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [137 16 32 4 65 10 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 7 15 0.48 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 42 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 7 15 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e" 7 15 0.32999999999999996 type classic [32 2 81 4 8 129 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [32 2 81 4 8 129 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_17ba6fcd_d211_4c1f_993c_67a18bcb5a48" 7 15 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 2 4 9 192 104 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [16 2 4 9 192 104 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["Lichwalla8_fcbb52b8_268b_480c_9667_8ac823ac3c44" 7 15 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 2 100 8 133 225 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [16 2 100 8 133 225 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 7 15 0.375 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]
0.2 -- type classic [36 36 42 98 18 66 ]
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8 finished: 16.9540
***** ROUND 4 of 6 *****
** Admin overhead: 21.4210
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6's turn
freshType t = : Type (
: Classic ( )
: Cons (
: TypeInstance (
: RelationNr (
: int "46" ) )
: Empty ( ) ) )
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6 finished: 58.3910
** Admin overhead: 6.8590
** Player 3: Team Celtics8's turn
Finishing Derivative:
(GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0, 7, 4, 0.001)
Number of Constraints: 1540
Finishing Time: 138 milliseconds
(GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108, 7, 2, 0.270)
Number of Constraints: 1540
Finishing Time: 103 milliseconds
(BobLoblaw8_e14a8ef3_3be8_48f4_b426_02c1ad02e519, 7, 9 182, 0.003)
Number of Constraints: 1632
Finishing Time: 136 milliseconds
(BobLoblaw8_bc1154e9_9e23_4844_9ca4_27df3f6b347d, 7, 17 160, 0.003)
Number of Constraints: 1632
Finishing Time: 86 milliseconds
(BobLoblaw8_66ae96d8_110f_46ac_a7df_81c435330ecd, 7, 3 156, 0.003)
Number of Constraints: 1632
Finishing Time: 98 milliseconds
(BobLoblaw8_75f8eae5_b531_4c2a_9200_4464dad76705, 7, 63 128, 0.003)
Number of Constraints: 1632
Finishing Time: 86 milliseconds
(BobLoblaw8_961f04d3_c4f6_47b2_bcc5_0a4bfbf8c5d0, 7, 15 144, 0.003)
Number of Constraints: 1632
Finishing Time: 102 milliseconds
(IAmRobot8_ca148a75_ac3d_4611_b743_4e0512862344, 7, 22 24, 0.181)
Number of Constraints: 1632
Finishing Time: 88 milliseconds
(IAmRobot8_647cf152_66a7_4cee_ab37_ed45ece4a0d5, 7, 98 26, 0.211)
Number of Constraints: 1632
Finishing Time: 87 milliseconds
Total Profit: 0.678
Total Time: 1 seconds
Delivering Raw Material:
Total Time: 374 milliseconds
Creating Derivative:
(Celtics8_7cee11c3_9d64_4609_bd0a_d5298f0db35f, 172 168 45 29 5, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 272 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 336 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 108 milliseconds
Creation Time: 380 milliseconds
(Celtics8_29dfd5ee_3602_4fe4_a589_1506fb0f694a, 185 97 111 82 41 33, 0.455)
Type Creation Time: 697,356 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 34 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 33,042 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 35 milliseconds
(Celtics8_1afd7ad6_ca33_4be0_8627_fdda8dd2efeb, 207 233 210 93 9, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 41 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 261 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 31,443 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 41 milliseconds
(Celtics8_ad54fa09_3490_4127_800f_25699437a829, 108 2 99, 0.205)
Type Creation Time: 624,203 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 17 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 30,249 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 18 milliseconds
(Celtics8_35af9f8f_e4c7_4042_a015_05a5840d7e8b, 23 146 55 5 210, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 37 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 261 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 17,223 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 37 milliseconds
Total Time: 4 seconds
Buying Derivative:
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 7, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.980, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 7, 223 2, 0.330, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 7, 60 62 124 126, 0.730, 0.600)
(BobLoblaw8_132445d1_fe64_4566_bd03_775500f5ad15, 2, 38 1 128, 0.434, 0.420)
(BobLoblaw8_e14a8ef3_3be8_48f4_b426_02c1ad02e519, 2, 9 182, 0.507, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_bc1154e9_9e23_4844_9ca4_27df3f6b347d, 2, 17 160, 0.507, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_66ae96d8_110f_46ac_a7df_81c435330ecd, 2, 3 156, 0.507, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_75f8eae5_b531_4c2a_9200_4464dad76705, 2, 63 128, 0.507, 0.500)
(BobLoblaw8_961f04d3_c4f6_47b2_bcc5_0a4bfbf8c5d0, 2, 15 144, 0.507, 0.500)
(Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c, 2, 136 16 1 32 4 74, 0.340, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e, 2, 32 2 81 4 8 129, 0.340, 0.153)
(Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980, 2, 16 136 2 33 4 96, 0.340, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230, 2, 16 32 4 201 67 130, 0.340, 0.151)
(Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a, 2, 69 32 2 8 129 208, 0.340, 0.188)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 2, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.490, 0.442)
(GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0, 2, 4, 0.219, 0.200)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 2, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.990, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 2, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.990, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 2, 231 2, 0.380, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 2, 223 2, 0.340, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 2, 60 62 124 126, 0.740, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 2, 16, 0.628, 0.200)
(Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4, 8, 69 16 32 2 12 133, 0.350, 0.210)
(Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420, 8, 137 16 2 4 161 193, 0.350, 0.202)
(Lichwalla8_92fcb6f7_be5d_4275_b7fb_36b4f7ba5861, 8, 16 2 8 193 165 224, 0.350, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_8bb6ea7b_8789_446c_829f_272698d7de93, 8, 16 2 168 4 97 193, 0.350, 0.235)
(Lichwalla8_2016d017_5a49_443a_9d0f_015c955281de, 8, 16 32 2 140 197 9, 0.350, 0.169)
(Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c, 8, 136 16 1 32 4 74, 0.350, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e, 8, 32 2 81 4 8 129, 0.350, 0.153)
(Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980, 8, 16 136 2 33 4 96, 0.350, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230, 8, 16 32 4 201 67 130, 0.350, 0.151)
(Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a, 8, 69 32 2 8 129 208, 0.350, 0.188)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 15, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.500, 0.442)
(GenericPlayer2_f4e8b773_359d_45d2_bde7_c39bbcfbf692, 6, 8, 0.201, 0.200)
(GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108, 6, 2, 0.218, 0.200)
(GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0, 6, 4, 0.229, 0.200)
(Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9, 1, 9 162, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d, 1, 9 212, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82, 1, 29 140, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c, 1, 15 228, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_e141db8c_5f68_4c4f_8a8b_73cdf269e4c5, 1, 33 204, 0.505, 0.500)
(DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e, 4, 154 190 60 184 116 162, 1.000, 0.580)
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 4, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.355, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 4, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.251, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 4, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.298, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 4, 231 2, 0.296, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 4, 223 2, 0.310, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 4, 60 62 124 126, 0.605, 0.600)
(FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2, 4, 135 2, 0.440, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138, 4, 153 2, 0.480, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284, 4, 179 2, 0.230, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec, 4, 47 2, 0.250, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552, 4, 59 2, 0.370, 0.200)
(LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47, 4, 12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126, 0.615, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 4, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 1.000, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 4, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 1.000, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2, 5, 135 2, 0.450, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138, 5, 153 2, 0.490, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284, 5, 179 2, 0.240, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec, 5, 47 2, 0.260, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552, 5, 59 2, 0.380, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 5, 231 2, 0.390, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 5, 223 2, 0.350, 0.200)
(LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47, 9, 12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126, 0.625, 0.300)
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 9, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.365, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 9, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.261, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 9, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.308, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 9, 231 2, 0.306, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 9, 223 2, 0.320, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 9, 60 62 124 126, 0.615, 0.600)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 9, 60 62 124 126, 0.750, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba, 13, 46, 0.776, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01, 13, 32, 0.550, 0.200)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 13, 16, 0.638, 0.200)
(IAmRobot8_155c3724_87f9_4a8e_9418_8fec2de1b810, 7, 52 90, 0.395, 0.467)
(RobotChicken_a3a73aad_552e_4a94_b961_69d19f423e8b, 11, 36, 0.250, 0.300)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 4, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.412, 0.442)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 9, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.422, 0.442)
(Celtics8_0245bc40_9b57_4800_b6fb_da1e08390f31, 4, 18 22 40, 0.284, 0.300)
(Celtics8_e52f8198_5328_4b0a_8761_bb9a20846728, 4, 9 41 66 107 157 253, 0.285, 0.300)
(BobLoblaw8_7544c581_0fb6_4199_be2e_353e5eb1b23c, 2, 13 144, 0.507, 0.500)
Total Cost: 2.555
Total Time: 2 seconds
** Player 3: Team Celtics8 finished: 11.8600
** Admin overhead: 5.1870
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken's turn
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.32999999999999996 fp: ! v10 ! v9 ! v8 ! v7 ! v6 ! v5 ! v4 ! v3 ! v2 ! v12 ! v11 ! v1
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.344
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.03734751387226587 fp: ! v1 v14 v15 ! v2 ! v3 ! v4 v5 v6 v7 ! v8 v9 ! v10 v11 v12 ! v13
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.375
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.12999999999999995 fp: v1 v11 v12 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.281
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.22999999999999995 fp: v10 ! v9 ! v8 ! v7 ! v6 ! v5 ! v4 v3 v2 v12 v11 v1
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.313
CreateAgent : deriv["RobotChicken_59a4b707_aff0_4cc7_90ff_c64a15b462a6" 11 0.3849001794597505 type classic [112 ] ] with price: 0.3849001794597505
[TIME]***createDerivative took: 0.156
[TIME]***deliverRawMaterial() finished in 0.015
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 7 0.98 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.3709841398083764* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 7 0.32999999999999996 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 7 0.73 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_132445d1_fe64_4566_bd03_775500f5ad15" 2 0.43355337850000003 type classic [38 1 128 ] ] *0.6752072427102396* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_e14a8ef3_3be8_48f4_b426_02c1ad02e519" 2 0.507 type classic [9 182 ] ] *0.6081037347782627* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_bc1154e9_9e23_4844_9ca4_27df3f6b347d" 2 0.507 type classic [17 160 ] ] *0.540447187884757* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_66ae96d8_110f_46ac_a7df_81c435330ecd" 2 0.507 type classic [3 156 ] ] *0.677702331549323* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_75f8eae5_b531_4c2a_9200_4464dad76705" 2 0.507 type classic [63 128 ] ] *0.9679129956734* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_961f04d3_c4f6_47b2_bcc5_0a4bfbf8c5d0" 2 0.507 type classic [15 144 ] ] *0.5084715980565724* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.28131881992689406* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [32 2 81 4 8 129 ] ] *0.48612152430246724* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.2620727442128353* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ] *0.4308817346066529* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ] *0.3341499283655325* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 2 0.49 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.717738492601832* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0" 2 0.2192735611392771 type classic [4 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 2 0.99 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.8478627031451875* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 2 0.99 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.29627678862246* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 2 0.38 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 2 0.74 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 2 0.6277401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4" 8 0.35 type classic [69 16 32 2 12 133 ] ] *0.45725460958911535* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420" 8 0.35 type classic [137 16 2 4 161 193 ] ] *0.6092000297285458* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_92fcb6f7_be5d_4275_b7fb_36b4f7ba5861" 8 0.35 type classic [16 2 8 193 165 224 ] ] *0.5466391208207771* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_8bb6ea7b_8789_446c_829f_272698d7de93" 8 0.35 type classic [16 2 168 4 97 193 ] ] *0.4119767880393939* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_2016d017_5a49_443a_9d0f_015c955281de" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 2 140 197 9 ] ] *0.32225508382210066* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 8 0.35 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.18831976299586986* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e" 8 0.35 type classic [32 2 81 4 8 129 ] ] *0.38771164427092003* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 8 0.35 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.2978306351020227* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ] *0.6159863268600028* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 8 0.35 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ] *0.3820658184234915* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.32200049514542844* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_f4e8b773_359d_45d2_bde7_c39bbcfbf692" 6 0.20133865632396203 type classic [8 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108" 6 0.21784425738695515 type classic [2 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0" 6 0.2292735611392771 type classic [4 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9" 1 0.505 type classic [9 162 ] ] *0.9797861954110428* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d" 1 0.505 type classic [9 212 ] ] *0.6028379398060025* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82" 1 0.505 type classic [29 140 ] ] *0.7619853127239415* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c" 1 0.505 type classic [15 228 ] ] *0.6502851652183403* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e141db8c_5f68_4c4f_8a8b_73cdf269e4c5" 1 0.505 type classic [33 204 ] ] *0.6548141601359019* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 4 1.0 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.5263358150189272* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 4 0.355 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.30253659087543855* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 4 0.25123277349999995 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.4827089979677748* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 0.2984037528 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.4130912115451397* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 4 0.2955649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 4 0.30999999999999994 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 4 0.605 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 4 0.43999999999999995 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 4 0.48 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.44609791831413254* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284" 4 0.22999999999999998 type classic [179 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->179
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 4 0.25 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 4 0.37 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 4 0.615 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 4 1.0 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.6064544865246619* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 1.0 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.6351625637810004* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 5 0.44999999999999996 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 5 0.49 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.6288486738505771* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284" 5 0.24 type classic [179 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->179
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 5 0.26 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 5 0.38 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 5 0.39 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 5 0.35 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 9 0.625 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 9 0.365 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.3023773208871219* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 9 0.26123277349999996 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.29511657702494787* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 9 0.3084037528 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.4459642393670744* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 9 0.3055649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 9 0.31999999999999995 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.615 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.75 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7cee11c3_9d64_4609_bd0a_d5298f0db35f" 3 0.505 type classic [5 29 45 168 172 ] ]Found implication: 5->29
Found implication: 5->45
Found implication: 168->172
*0.6751726852772952* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_29dfd5ee_3602_4fe4_a589_1506fb0f694a" 3 0.455 type classic [33 41 82 97 111 185 ] ]Found implication: 33->41
Found implication: 33->97
Found implication: 33->111
Found implication: 33->185
Found implication: 41->111
Found implication: 41->185
Found implication: 97->111
*0.3708113439671478* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_1afd7ad6_ca33_4be0_8627_fdda8dd2efeb" 3 0.505 type classic [9 93 207 210 233 ] ]Found implication: 9->93
Found implication: 9->207
Found implication: 9->233
*0.6102105290598638* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_ad54fa09_3490_4127_800f_25699437a829" 3 0.20500000000000002 type classic [2 99 108 ] ]Found implication: 2->99
*0.276464239547358* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_35af9f8f_e4c7_4042_a015_05a5840d7e8b" 3 0.505 type classic [23 146 55 5 210 ] ]Found implication: 23->55
Found implication: 146->210
Found implication: 5->23
Found implication: 5->55
*0.7567448324276562* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_5b522a6b_4a71_43a2_b9de_a6174e931301" 3 0.505 type classic [19 211 224 233 242 ] ]Found implication: 19->211
Found implication: 224->233
Found implication: 224->242
*0.6750520668587101* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_e52f8198_5328_4b0a_8761_bb9a20846728" 3 0.305 type classic [9 41 66 107 157 253 ] ]Found implication: 9->41
Found implication: 9->107
Found implication: 9->157
Found implication: 9->253
Found implication: 41->107
Found implication: 41->253
Found implication: 66->107
Found implication: 157->253
*0.25999025085493577* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2" 3 0.505 type classic [9 15 45 176 181 ] ]Found implication: 9->15
Found implication: 9->45
Found implication: 176->181
*0.6367618278755541* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_0245bc40_9b57_4800_b6fb_da1e08390f31" 3 0.305 type classic [18 22 40 ] ]Found implication: 18->22
*0.285912128830214* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_9d8df467_c048_43df_8fe7_59b6a4c3268e" 3 0.505 type classic [170 3 43 19 127 ] ]Found implication: 3->43
Found implication: 3->19
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 43->127
Found implication: 19->127
*0.7344920883459903* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba" 13 0.7755582485678251 type classic [46 ] ] *0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 13 0.5502430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 13 0.6377401152817918 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
[TIME]***BuyAgent took this long: 1.703
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken finished: 11.4850
** Admin overhead: 4.3750
** Player 9: Team LordCanti's turn
** Player 9: Team LordCanti finished: 5.5780
** Admin overhead: 4.4690
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8's turn
Buy Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [63 128] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.3055649254999999 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 16 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [9 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.29 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 16 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [3 156] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.254076288 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [15 144] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.254076288 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [17 160] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.115 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 0 ms
total time: 47
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8 finished: 14.1400
** Admin overhead: 4.5000
** Player 4: Team DrPepper8's turn
** Player 4: Team DrPepper8 finished: 14.3280
** Admin overhead: 9.7970
** Player 1: Team Bender8's turn
** Player 1: Team Bender8 finished: 11.4530
** Admin overhead: 7.1410
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2's turn
GenericPlayer2: Making 0.01437796483526707
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.33397388151555796
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.11632352941176471
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.2709090909090909
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.10363636363636361
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.08909090909090905
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.13727272727272724
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2 finished: 42.8750
** Admin overhead: 6.1090
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8's turn
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8 finished: 18.7500
** Admin overhead: 5.2660
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8's turn
BuyAgent time: 32
CreateAgent: 0
CreateAgent: 62
CreateAgent: 31
CreateAgent: 16
CreateAgent: 31
Finishing 60constraints.
wait time: 31
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 31
wait time: 0
wait time: 32
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 31
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
Shannon: 391
FinishAgent: 407
Finishing 30constraints.
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 0
wait time: 31
wait time: 0
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
Shannon: 125
FinishAgent: 125
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8 finished: 7.0160
** Admin overhead: 5.2030
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8's turn
Buying 4 Derivatives
Creating Derivative
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.3654155174 at quality 0.8
Generated 50 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.495 at quality 0.5
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.3554155174 at quality 0.5
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.5 at quality 1.0
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8 finished: 19.5310
** Admin overhead: 8.1410
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8's turn
Browsing the store...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [55 136 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [37 152 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [51 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 134 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [68 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [21 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 234 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [25 192 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 212 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 204 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [181 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [5 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [237 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [63 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [63 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 204 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [21 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [25 192 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 212 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 234 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 134 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [37 152 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [55 136 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [51 128 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [68 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [181 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [5 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [237 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
Constructing derivative...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [2 96 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["IAmRobot8_155c3724_87f9_4a8e_9418_8fec2de1b810" 7 3 0.39490017945976025 type classic [52 90 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [52 90 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 7 4 0.98 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]
0.0010 -- type classic [4 32 144 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 7 6 0.73 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 7 6 0.32999999999999996 type classic [223 2 ] ]
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8 finished: 52.2810
***** ROUND 5 of 6 *****
** Admin overhead: 26.1720
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6's turn
freshType t = : Type (
: Classic ( )
: Cons (
: TypeInstance (
: RelationNr (
: int "62" ) )
: Empty ( ) ) )
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6 finished: 39.8120
** Admin overhead: 6.5000
** Player 3: Team Celtics8's turn
Finishing Derivative:
(BobLoblaw8_7544c581_0fb6_4199_be2e_353e5eb1b23c, 2, 13 144, -0.007)
Number of Constraints: 1260
Finishing Time: 80 milliseconds
(Celtics8_e52f8198_5328_4b0a_8761_bb9a20846728, 4, 9 41 66 107 157 253, -0.018)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Finishing Time: 106 milliseconds
(Celtics8_0245bc40_9b57_4800_b6fb_da1e08390f31, 4, 18 22 40, -0.011)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Finishing Time: 87 milliseconds
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 9, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.451)
Number of Constraints: 110
Finishing Time: 16 milliseconds
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 4, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, -0.079)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Finishing Time: 70 milliseconds
(RobotChicken_a3a73aad_552e_4a94_b961_69d19f423e8b, 11, 36, 0.090)
Number of Constraints: 500
Finishing Time: 62 milliseconds
(IAmRobot8_155c3724_87f9_4a8e_9418_8fec2de1b810, 7, 52 90, 0.084)
Number of Constraints: 1632
Finishing Time: 100 milliseconds
Total Profit: 0.509
Total Time: 942 milliseconds
Delivering Raw Material:
(Celtics8_ad54fa09_3490_4127_800f_25699437a829, 11, 2 99 108, 0.205, 0.148)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 228 milliseconds
(Celtics8_0245bc40_9b57_4800_b6fb_da1e08390f31, 4, 18 22 40, 0.305, 0.250)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 213 milliseconds
(Celtics8_9d8df467_c048_43df_8fe7_59b6a4c3268e, 4, 170 3 43 19 127, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 188 milliseconds
Total Time: 990 milliseconds
Creating Derivative:
(Celtics8_7cdc8096_9f9d_4697_819e_4789bbf1dc27, 21 5 166 109 253, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 41 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 273 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 83 milliseconds
Creation Time: 124 milliseconds
(Celtics8_50f4f5a2_729d_4cdf_b511_7bc9a3a6ee15, 52 20 38, 0.405)
Type Creation Time: 908,148 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 25 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 32,334 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 26 milliseconds
(Celtics8_ebb02a91_76e5_4665_9312_f435bb8109fc, 3 252 9 15 1, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 27 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 432 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 28,716 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 27 milliseconds
(Celtics8_52138c47_dcbf_41ef_9a64_0eb9689137f7, 76 92 74 6 29 4, 0.205)
Type Creation Time: 588,674 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 19 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 26,037 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 19 milliseconds
(Celtics8_d1109690_e842_4dec_bada_98329fa2462f, 51 202 3 147 11, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 85 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 348 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 22,824 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 85 milliseconds
Total Time: 3 seconds
Buying Derivative:
(BobLoblaw8_7424cb65_4ac1_4d6b_b2a7_f70f0cca6261, 2, 68 1 128, 0.316, 0.400)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 2, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.490, 0.442)
(GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0, 2, 4, 0.219, 0.200)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 2, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.990, 0.300)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 2, 231 2, 0.380, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 2, 223 2, 0.340, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 2, 60 62 124 126, 0.740, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 2, 16, 0.628, 0.200)
(Lichwalla8_75dc32c0_7b2f_4d56_986a_0debc9af16bc, 8, 16 69 32 8 193 194, 0.350, 0.160)
(Lichwalla8_138399fe_2a85_4e3e_877e_8cf2f2b8da2b, 8, 16 32 4 130 193 74, 0.350, 0.193)
(Lichwalla8_341a5aaa_c682_4d60_8cc0_ed9e675e0676, 8, 16 32 3 66 8 130, 0.350, 0.220)
(Lichwalla8_376e8024_80fa_4791_a6d4_db2c2e91b542, 8, 16 1 2 8 160 132, 0.350, 0.235)
(Lichwalla8_84f1722e_6fe8_4056_b424_73a7dda7746f, 8, 32 2 20 197 8 145, 0.350, 0.212)
(Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4, 8, 69 16 32 2 12 133, 0.350, 0.210)
(Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420, 8, 137 16 2 4 161 193, 0.350, 0.202)
(Lichwalla8_92fcb6f7_be5d_4275_b7fb_36b4f7ba5861, 8, 16 2 8 193 165 224, 0.350, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_8bb6ea7b_8789_446c_829f_272698d7de93, 8, 16 2 168 4 97 193, 0.350, 0.235)
(Lichwalla8_2016d017_5a49_443a_9d0f_015c955281de, 8, 16 32 2 140 197 9, 0.350, 0.169)
(Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c, 8, 136 16 1 32 4 74, 0.350, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e, 8, 32 2 81 4 8 129, 0.350, 0.153)
(Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980, 8, 16 136 2 33 4 96, 0.350, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230, 8, 16 32 4 201 67 130, 0.350, 0.151)
(Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a, 8, 69 32 2 8 129 208, 0.350, 0.188)
(Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388, 15, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64, 0.500, 0.202)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 15, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.500, 0.442)
(GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152, 6, 64, 0.278, 0.200)
(GenericPlayer2_f4e8b773_359d_45d2_bde7_c39bbcfbf692, 6, 8, 0.201, 0.200)
(GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108, 6, 2, 0.218, 0.200)
(GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0, 6, 4, 0.229, 0.200)
(Bender8_71bef1e9_2d83_4a37_9131_7eef967c5d50, 1, 21 144, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_293ae65d_138b_4866_862d_a98f3e109ed8, 1, 1 234, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_a226e4a5_eee2_446c_953b_f54325ff9b22, 1, 17 240, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_0a42da9d_f628_4e56_a0ec_ef653b9de528, 1, 33 182, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_af7387d7_54df_4b84_a01c_2f95c2786b73, 1, 25 192, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9, 1, 9 162, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d, 1, 9 212, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82, 1, 29 140, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c, 1, 15 228, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_e141db8c_5f68_4c4f_8a8b_73cdf269e4c5, 1, 33 204, 0.505, 0.500)
(DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880, 4, 154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192, 1.000, 0.458)
(DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e, 4, 154 190 60 184 116 162, 1.000, 0.580)
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 4, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.355, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 4, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.251, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 4, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.298, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 4, 231 2, 0.296, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 4, 223 2, 0.310, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 4, 60 62 124 126, 0.605, 0.600)
(FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2, 4, 135 2, 0.440, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138, 4, 153 2, 0.480, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284, 4, 179 2, 0.230, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec, 4, 47 2, 0.250, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552, 4, 59 2, 0.370, 0.200)
(LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47, 4, 12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126, 0.615, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 4, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 1.000, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 4, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 1.000, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_b779b6b1_2885_4915_85d0_d18e82e18e82, 5, 181 2, 0.270, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_3f5cab4f_400d_4d28_b34d_660f0767f669, 5, 211 2, 0.250, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b, 5, 5 2, 0.330, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36, 5, 237 2, 0.470, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c, 5, 151 2, 0.470, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2, 5, 135 2, 0.450, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138, 5, 153 2, 0.490, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284, 5, 179 2, 0.240, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec, 5, 47 2, 0.260, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552, 5, 59 2, 0.380, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 5, 231 2, 0.390, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 5, 223 2, 0.350, 0.200)
(LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b, 9, 20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126, 0.648, 0.400)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 9, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.288, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 9, 223 2, 0.300, 0.200)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 9, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.241, 0.300)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 9, 231 2, 0.286, 0.200)
(DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e, 9, 154 190 60 184 116 162, 0.428, 0.580)
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 9, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.345, 0.300)
(FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2, 9, 135 2, 0.212, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284, 9, 179 2, 0.220, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec, 9, 47 2, 0.240, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552, 9, 59 2, 0.306, 0.200)
(LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47, 9, 12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126, 0.490, 0.300)
(LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47, 9, 12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126, 0.625, 0.300)
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 9, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.365, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 9, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.308, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 9, 231 2, 0.306, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 9, 223 2, 0.320, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 9, 60 62 124 126, 0.615, 0.600)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 9, 60 62 124 126, 0.750, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d, 13, 62, 0.855, 0.750)
(TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba, 13, 46, 0.776, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01, 13, 32, 0.550, 0.200)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 13, 16, 0.638, 0.200)
(Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2, 9, 9 15 45 176 181, 0.290, 0.500)
(Celtics8_9d8df467_c048_43df_8fe7_59b6a4c3268e, 9, 170 3 43 19 127, 0.365, 0.500)
(Celtics8_29dfd5ee_3602_4fe4_a589_1506fb0f694a, 9, 33 41 82 97 111 185, 0.334, 0.450)
(RobotChicken_59a4b707_aff0_4cc7_90ff_c64a15b462a6, 11, 112, 0.385, 0.467)
(IAmRobot8_2dc925b0_fcf6_475a_8016_411ff22a3e58, 7, 2 96, 0.158, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 9, 60 62 124 126, 0.595, 0.600)
(BobLoblaw8_711c4b0d_06a2_4f0f_b1e4_6c4150318ddf, 2, 33 134, 0.507, 0.500)
Total Cost: 2.635
Total Time: 2 seconds
** Player 3: Team Celtics8 finished: 11.3600
** Admin overhead: 6.3590
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken's turn
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.05200000000000002 fp: ! v102 v101 ! v100 v103 ! v104 ! v105 v106 v107 ! v108 v109 ! v110
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.672
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.007000000000000006 fp: v12 v11 v10 v9 v8 v7 v6 v5 v4 v3 v2 v1
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.281
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.007000000000000006 fp: v12 v11 v10 v9 v8 v7 v6 v5 v4 v3 v2 v1
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.281
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.15659330153992307 fp: v1 v2 ! v3 ! v4 ! v5 ! v6 v7 ! v8 ! v9 ! v10 v11 v12
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.61
CreateAgent : deriv["RobotChicken_789e0f2d_4c5a_4a47_853f_aeb7d0f66a03" 11 0.3849001794597505 type classic [84 ] ] with price: 0.3849001794597505
[TIME]***createDerivative took: 0.094
[TIME]***deliverRawMaterial() finished in 0.016
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_7424cb65_4ac1_4d6b_b2a7_f70f0cca6261" 2 0.31606796847199997 type classic [68 1 128 ] ] *0.4221445905941502* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 2 0.49 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.6174282633709831* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0" 2 0.2192735611392771 type classic [4 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 2 0.99 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.6753407022872489* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 2 0.38 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 2 0.74 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 2 0.6277401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_75dc32c0_7b2f_4d56_986a_0debc9af16bc" 8 0.35 type classic [16 69 32 8 193 194 ] ] *0.3358927185321964* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_138399fe_2a85_4e3e_877e_8cf2f2b8da2b" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 4 130 193 74 ] ] *0.3977751046970619* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_341a5aaa_c682_4d60_8cc0_ed9e675e0676" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 3 66 8 130 ] ] *0.1901289299974881* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_376e8024_80fa_4791_a6d4_db2c2e91b542" 8 0.35 type classic [16 1 2 8 160 132 ] ] *0.49832830895292773* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_84f1722e_6fe8_4056_b424_73a7dda7746f" 8 0.35 type classic [32 2 20 197 8 145 ] ] *0.4350265673227338* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4" 8 0.35 type classic [69 16 32 2 12 133 ] ] *0.4389647837800188* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420" 8 0.35 type classic [137 16 2 4 161 193 ] ] *0.47560725365068496* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_92fcb6f7_be5d_4275_b7fb_36b4f7ba5861" 8 0.35 type classic [16 2 8 193 165 224 ] ] *0.3974238480965129* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_8bb6ea7b_8789_446c_829f_272698d7de93" 8 0.35 type classic [16 2 168 4 97 193 ] ] *0.3660551438652374* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_2016d017_5a49_443a_9d0f_015c955281de" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 2 140 197 9 ] ] *0.3402721712199205* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 8 0.35 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.2706847821002035* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_53189895_26b1_4d71_a76d_3cd7e469130e" 8 0.35 type classic [32 2 81 4 8 129 ] ] *0.23011161538526986* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 8 0.35 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.21811743480071985* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ] *0.43662749529301403* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 8 0.35 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ] *0.3165913391683626* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 192->255
Found implication: 64->255
Found implication: 64->127
Found implication: 64->192
*0.36698433619516935* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.7802407248904989* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152" 6 0.27762496214712784 type classic [64 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_f4e8b773_359d_45d2_bde7_c39bbcfbf692" 6 0.20133865632396203 type classic [8 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_13b1a509_0d24_415a_99d9_d96d2680e108" 6 0.21784425738695515 type classic [2 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_8c0979a6_3a77_448e_976d_fd95461f0cf0" 6 0.2292735611392771 type classic [4 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_71bef1e9_2d83_4a37_9131_7eef967c5d50" 1 0.505 type classic [21 144 ] ] *0.6397486442828157* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_293ae65d_138b_4866_862d_a98f3e109ed8" 1 0.505 type classic [1 234 ] ] *0.9598591319798302* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a226e4a5_eee2_446c_953b_f54325ff9b22" 1 0.505 type classic [17 240 ] ] *0.5007624466523617* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_0a42da9d_f628_4e56_a0ec_ef653b9de528" 1 0.505 type classic [33 182 ] ] *0.644481503254799* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_af7387d7_54df_4b84_a01c_2f95c2786b73" 1 0.505 type classic [25 192 ] ] *0.5894398530239113* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9" 1 0.505 type classic [9 162 ] ] *0.9460963179777981* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d" 1 0.505 type classic [9 212 ] ] *0.7816740396938853* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82" 1 0.505 type classic [29 140 ] ] *0.5360567427115487* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c" 1 0.505 type classic [15 228 ] ] *0.6100134146009351* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e141db8c_5f68_4c4f_8a8b_73cdf269e4c5" 1 0.505 type classic [33 204 ] ] *0.9901141771325701* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880" 4 1.0 type classic [154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192 ] ]Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 98->226
Found implication: 98->114
Found implication: 192->220
Found implication: 192->240
Found implication: 192->226
*0.7142183458821978* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 4 1.0 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.6617529568828036* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 4 0.355 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.2771851289381016* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 4 0.25123277349999995 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.9232408537530609* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 0.2984037528 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.42927936170101044* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 4 0.2955649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 4 0.30999999999999994 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 4 0.605 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 4 0.43999999999999995 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 4 0.48 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.3041254449701589* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284" 4 0.22999999999999998 type classic [179 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->179
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 4 0.25 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 4 0.37 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 4 0.615 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 4 1.0 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.5590009820850286* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 1.0 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.1398734968774398* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_b779b6b1_2885_4915_85d0_d18e82e18e82" 5 0.27 type classic [181 2 ] ] *0.40048831469701435* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3f5cab4f_400d_4d28_b34d_660f0767f669" 5 0.25 type classic [211 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->211
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b" 5 0.32999999999999996 type classic [5 2 ] ] *0.8077167040580959* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36" 5 0.47 type classic [237 2 ] ] *0.1719686929321415* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c" 5 0.47 type classic [151 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->151
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 5 0.44999999999999996 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 5 0.49 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.3594816777146047* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284" 5 0.24 type classic [179 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->179
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 5 0.26 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 5 0.38 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 5 0.39 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 5 0.35 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b" 9 0.648148037 type classic [20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 20->22
Found implication: 20->28
Found implication: 20->30
Found implication: 20->52
Found implication: 20->54
Found implication: 20->60
Found implication: 20->62
Found implication: 20->84
Found implication: 20->86
Found implication: 20->92
Found implication: 20->94
Found implication: 20->116
Found implication: 20->118
Found implication: 20->124
Found implication: 20->126
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->86
Found implication: 22->94
Found implication: 22->118
Found implication: 22->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 52->54
Found implication: 52->60
Found implication: 52->62
Found implication: 52->116
Found implication: 52->118
Found implication: 52->124
Found implication: 52->126
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 54->118
Found implication: 54->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 84->86
Found implication: 84->92
Found implication: 84->94
Found implication: 84->116
Found implication: 84->118
Found implication: 84->124
Found implication: 84->126
Found implication: 86->94
Found implication: 86->118
Found implication: 86->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 116->118
Found implication: 116->124
Found implication: 116->126
Found implication: 118->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962963* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 9 0.28840375279999997 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.48485596000376296* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 9 0.29999999999999993 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 9 0.24123277349999994 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.970057722931966* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 9 0.2855649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 9 0.42774771199999995 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.8159145338404208* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 9 0.345 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.27594702034711227* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 9 0.2122220555 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284" 9 0.21999999999999997 type classic [179 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->179
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 9 0.24 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 9 0.3055649254999999 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 9 0.49 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 9 0.625 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 9 0.365 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.3081015728117456* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 9 0.3084037528 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.25943346102855747* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 9 0.3055649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 9 0.31999999999999995 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.615 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.75 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7cdc8096_9f9d_4697_819e_4789bbf1dc27" 3 0.505 type classic [5 21 109 166 253 ] ]Found implication: 5->21
Found implication: 5->109
Found implication: 5->253
Found implication: 21->253
Found implication: 109->253
*0.5249270885555741* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_50f4f5a2_729d_4cdf_b511_7bc9a3a6ee15" 3 0.405 type classic [20 38 52 ] ]Found implication: 20->52
*0.37045999024040976* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_ebb02a91_76e5_4665_9312_f435bb8109fc" 3 0.505 type classic [1 3 9 15 252 ] ]Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 1->9
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 9->15
*0.6762820123468903* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_52138c47_dcbf_41ef_9a64_0eb9689137f7" 3 0.20500000000000002 type classic [4 6 29 74 76 92 ] ]Found implication: 4->6
Found implication: 4->29
Found implication: 4->76
Found implication: 4->92
Found implication: 76->92
*0.3717464416667824* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_d1109690_e842_4dec_bada_98329fa2462f" 3 0.505 type classic [51 202 3 147 11 ] ]Found implication: 3->51
Found implication: 3->147
Found implication: 3->11
*0.9803834468374631* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7cee11c3_9d64_4609_bd0a_d5298f0db35f" 3 0.505 type classic [5 29 45 168 172 ] ]Found implication: 5->29
Found implication: 5->45
Found implication: 168->172
*0.7321524859293943* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_29dfd5ee_3602_4fe4_a589_1506fb0f694a" 3 0.455 type classic [33 41 82 97 111 185 ] ]Found implication: 33->41
Found implication: 33->97
Found implication: 33->111
Found implication: 33->185
Found implication: 41->111
Found implication: 41->185
Found implication: 97->111
*0.3730930889267382* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_1afd7ad6_ca33_4be0_8627_fdda8dd2efeb" 3 0.505 type classic [9 93 207 210 233 ] ]Found implication: 9->93
Found implication: 9->207
Found implication: 9->233
*0.8164124435627911* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_35af9f8f_e4c7_4042_a015_05a5840d7e8b" 3 0.505 type classic [23 146 55 5 210 ] ]Found implication: 23->55
Found implication: 146->210
Found implication: 5->23
Found implication: 5->55
*0.7695726987974321* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_5b522a6b_4a71_43a2_b9de_a6174e931301" 3 0.505 type classic [19 211 224 233 242 ] ]Found implication: 19->211
Found implication: 224->233
Found implication: 224->242
*0.8071141658209569* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_e52f8198_5328_4b0a_8761_bb9a20846728" 3 0.305 type classic [9 41 66 107 157 253 ] ]Found implication: 9->41
Found implication: 9->107
Found implication: 9->157
Found implication: 9->253
Found implication: 41->107
Found implication: 41->253
Found implication: 66->107
Found implication: 157->253
*0.39334670063337535* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2" 3 0.505 type classic [9 15 45 176 181 ] ]Found implication: 9->15
Found implication: 9->45
Found implication: 176->181
*0.8584339064469608* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d" 13 0.8547724880621078 type classic [62 ] ] *0.6311303094408988* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba" 13 0.7755582485678251 type classic [46 ] ] *0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 13 0.5502430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 13 0.6377401152817918 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
[TIME]***BuyAgent took this long: 2.031
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken finished: 10.8440
** Admin overhead: 5.3430
** Player 9: Team LordCanti's turn
** Player 9: Team LordCanti finished: 5.9690
** Admin overhead: 5.5000
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8's turn
Buy Time: 16 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [3 156] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.254076288 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 15 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [15 144] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.254076288 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 16 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [33 204] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.254076288 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [9 212] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.24 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [9 162] from : PlayerID (
: int "9" ) at 0.1824499835 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 0 ms
total time: 31
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8 finished: 15.2810
** Admin overhead: 5.4220
** Player 4: Team DrPepper8's turn
** Player 4: Team DrPepper8 finished: 6.9380
***** Player 4 (DrPepper8) has violated a rule! *****
***** Negative account balance
** Admin overhead: 4.4060
** Player 1: Team Bender8's turn
** Player 1: Team Bender8 finished: 4.9220
** Admin overhead: 5.3750
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2's turn
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.1665954000647878
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.17230769230769227
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.02730392156862743
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2 finished: 19.7190
** Admin overhead: 5.0310
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8's turn
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8 finished: 25.5620
** Admin overhead: 4.2190
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8's turn
BuyAgent time: 31
CreateAgent: 15
CreateAgent: 109
CreateAgent: 0
CreateAgent: 266
CreateAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 16
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 15
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 0
Finishing 110constraints.
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 31
wait time: 16
wait time: 31
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 31
wait time: 0
wait time: 31
wait time: 16
wait time: 0
wait time: 31
wait time: 0
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 47
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 31
wait time: 32
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 31
wait time: 32
wait time: 31
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 32
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
Shannon: 938
FinishAgent: 954
Finishing 60constraints.
wait time: 0
wait time: 15
wait time: 31
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 31
wait time: 32
wait time: 0
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
Shannon: 437
FinishAgent: 437
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8 finished: 6.7190
** Admin overhead: 4.2340
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8's turn
Buying 4 Derivatives
Creating Derivative
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.34176785 at quality 0.8
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.3476288249999999 at quality 0.46
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.36867791059999994 at quality 0.66
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.29205523159999996 at quality 0.8
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8 finished: 9.8600
** Admin overhead: 5.7340
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8's turn
Browsing the store...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 142 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [19 164 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [41 132 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [57 134 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [34 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 176 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 152 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 136 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 146 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [21 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 234 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [25 192 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 212 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 204 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [165 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [105 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [5 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [237 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 204 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 176 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 152 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 136 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 146 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [21 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [25 192 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 212 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 234 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 204 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 176 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 152 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 136 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 146 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [21 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [25 192 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 212 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 234 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [41 132 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [19 164 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [57 134 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 142 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [34 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [5 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [5 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [105 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [105 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [165 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [165 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [237 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [237 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
Constructing derivative...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [106 60 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["IAmRobot8_2dc925b0_fcf6_475a_8016_411ff22a3e58" 7 3 0.15814814814814815 type classic [2 96 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [2 96 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 7 6 0.98 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]
0.0010 -- type classic [4 32 144 ]
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8 finished: 9.2810
***** ROUND 6 of 6 *****
** Admin overhead: 13.1880
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6's turn
freshType t = : Type (
: Classic ( )
: Cons (
: TypeInstance (
: RelationNr (
: int "12" ) )
: Empty ( ) ) )
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6 finished: 28.3590
** Admin overhead: 5.5310
** Player 3: Team Celtics8's turn
Finishing Derivative:
(BobLoblaw8_711c4b0d_06a2_4f0f_b1e4_6c4150318ddf, 2, 33 134, -0.007)
Number of Constraints: 1260
Finishing Time: 111 milliseconds
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 9, 60 62 124 126, 0.255)
Number of Constraints: 40
Finishing Time: 3 milliseconds
(IAmRobot8_2dc925b0_fcf6_475a_8016_411ff22a3e58, 7, 2 96, 0.320)
Number of Constraints: 1632
Finishing Time: 102 milliseconds
(RobotChicken_59a4b707_aff0_4cc7_90ff_c64a15b462a6, 11, 112, 0.139)
Number of Constraints: 500
Finishing Time: 58 milliseconds
(Celtics8_29dfd5ee_3602_4fe4_a589_1506fb0f694a, 9, 33 41 82 97 111 185, 0.649)
Number of Constraints: 60
Finishing Time: 5 milliseconds
(Celtics8_9d8df467_c048_43df_8fe7_59b6a4c3268e, 9, 170 3 43 19 127, 0.635)
Number of Constraints: 50
Finishing Time: 4 milliseconds
(Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2, 9, 9 15 45 176 181, 0.650)
Number of Constraints: 50
Finishing Time: 4 milliseconds
Total Profit: 2.640
Total Time: 666 milliseconds
Delivering Raw Material:
(Celtics8_52138c47_dcbf_41ef_9a64_0eb9689137f7, 9, 4 6 29 74 76 92, 0.205, 0.148)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 250 milliseconds
(Celtics8_d1109690_e842_4dec_bada_98329fa2462f, 5, 51 202 3 147 11, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 207 milliseconds
(Celtics8_7cee11c3_9d64_4609_bd0a_d5298f0db35f, 5, 5 29 45 168 172, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 198 milliseconds
(Celtics8_1afd7ad6_ca33_4be0_8627_fdda8dd2efeb, 5, 9 93 207 210 233, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 197 milliseconds
(Celtics8_35af9f8f_e4c7_4042_a015_05a5840d7e8b, 5, 23 146 55 5 210, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 216 milliseconds
(Celtics8_5b522a6b_4a71_43a2_b9de_a6174e931301, 5, 19 211 224 233 242, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 187 milliseconds
(Celtics8_29dfd5ee_3602_4fe4_a589_1506fb0f694a, 1, 33 41 82 97 111 185, 0.455, 0.370)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 226 milliseconds
(Celtics8_50f4f5a2_729d_4cdf_b511_7bc9a3a6ee15, 1, 20 38 52, 0.405, 0.296)
Number of Constraints: 2000
Deliver Time: 236 milliseconds
(Celtics8_0245bc40_9b57_4800_b6fb_da1e08390f31, 1, 18 22 40, 0.305, 0.250)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 223 milliseconds
(Celtics8_e52f8198_5328_4b0a_8761_bb9a20846728, 1, 9 41 66 107 157 253, 0.305, 0.250)
Number of Constraints: 2000
Deliver Time: 269 milliseconds
Total Time: 2 seconds
Creating Derivative:
(Celtics8_2afc0a72_ecbd_427e_8969_1b026ac1927d, 230 7 5 23 128, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 111 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 360 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 79 milliseconds
Creation Time: 190 milliseconds
(Celtics8_9901b4a0_fcb4_4a61_852b_771ea11106a1, 9 76 12, 0.305)
Type Creation Time: 828,897 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 22 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 40,677 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 23 milliseconds
(Celtics8_34463a7f_feb0_4d6a_98e2_b04359ea5b39, 11 162 9 59 13, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 43 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 351 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 28,821 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 43 milliseconds
(Celtics8_a31115c9_f917_4a7e_ad20_43d37302d7e4, 115 109 36 35, 0.305)
Type Creation Time: 699,645 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 21 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 27,211 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 21 milliseconds
(Celtics8_cb07256d_8812_4065_b87f_6b5d849724a7, 47 3 15 39 172, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 19 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 288 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 13,509 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 19 milliseconds
Total Time: 3 seconds
Buying Derivative:
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 2, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.990, 0.160)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 2, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.490, 0.442)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 2, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.990, 0.300)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 2, 223 2, 0.340, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 2, 60 62 124 126, 0.740, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 2, 16, 0.628, 0.200)
(Lichwalla8_fd0555e9_db36_48f1_aca0_c14b6f84cf45, 8, 152 32 2 4 65 80, 0.350, 0.168)
(Lichwalla8_a4ab08ce_227a_4136_a564_9de69d737bb5, 8, 137 16 2 32 5 12, 0.350, 0.176)
(Lichwalla8_7ac98860_0c24_45fc_a252_8fe41583dce1, 8, 16 32 3 5 8 132, 0.350, 0.246)
(Lichwalla8_8f41d7ec_b958_4c65_86a0_9902cdb4739d, 8, 16 35 4 97 8 128, 0.350, 0.178)
(Lichwalla8_956dd8c8_fb2b_4a4e_a2e2_d18f3464af81, 8, 16 4 98 97 8 128, 0.350, 0.220)
(Lichwalla8_75dc32c0_7b2f_4d56_986a_0debc9af16bc, 8, 16 69 32 8 193 194, 0.350, 0.160)
(Lichwalla8_341a5aaa_c682_4d60_8cc0_ed9e675e0676, 8, 16 32 3 66 8 130, 0.350, 0.220)
(Lichwalla8_376e8024_80fa_4791_a6d4_db2c2e91b542, 8, 16 1 2 8 160 132, 0.350, 0.235)
(Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4, 8, 69 16 32 2 12 133, 0.350, 0.210)
(Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420, 8, 137 16 2 4 161 193, 0.350, 0.202)
(Lichwalla8_2016d017_5a49_443a_9d0f_015c955281de, 8, 16 32 2 140 197 9, 0.350, 0.169)
(Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c, 8, 136 16 1 32 4 74, 0.350, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980, 8, 16 136 2 33 4 96, 0.350, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230, 8, 16 32 4 201 67 130, 0.350, 0.151)
(Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a, 8, 69 32 2 8 129 208, 0.350, 0.188)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 15, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.278, 0.160)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 15, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.480, 0.442)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 15, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.241, 0.300)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 15, 223 2, 0.290, 0.200)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 15, 16, 0.618, 0.200)
(Lichwalla8_75dc32c0_7b2f_4d56_986a_0debc9af16bc, 15, 16 69 32 8 193 194, 0.340, 0.160)
(Lichwalla8_341a5aaa_c682_4d60_8cc0_ed9e675e0676, 15, 16 32 3 66 8 130, 0.340, 0.220)
(Lichwalla8_376e8024_80fa_4791_a6d4_db2c2e91b542, 15, 16 1 2 8 160 132, 0.340, 0.235)
(Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4, 15, 69 16 32 2 12 133, 0.340, 0.210)
(Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420, 15, 137 16 2 4 161 193, 0.340, 0.202)
(Lichwalla8_2016d017_5a49_443a_9d0f_015c955281de, 15, 16 32 2 140 197 9, 0.340, 0.169)
(Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c, 15, 136 16 1 32 4 74, 0.340, 0.185)
(Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980, 15, 16 136 2 33 4 96, 0.340, 0.203)
(Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230, 15, 16 32 4 201 67 130, 0.340, 0.151)
(Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a, 15, 69 32 2 8 129 208, 0.340, 0.188)
(Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388, 15, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64, 0.490, 0.202)
(GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152, 15, 64, 0.268, 0.200)
(DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880, 15, 154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192, 0.990, 0.458)
(DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e, 15, 154 190 60 184 116 162, 0.990, 0.580)
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 15, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.345, 0.300)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 15, 231 2, 0.276, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2, 15, 135 2, 0.430, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138, 15, 153 2, 0.470, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284, 15, 179 2, 0.220, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec, 15, 47 2, 0.240, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552, 15, 59 2, 0.296, 0.200)
(LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47, 15, 12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126, 0.480, 0.300)
(FourthReich8_d82eed07_86fd_4d83_8f46_0e2572aa0d4c, 15, 165 2, 0.400, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_01c37255_40c2_47a6_bd64_02f74e0c087c, 15, 105 2, 0.340, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_ae176913_6c0d_4413_b71c_db02cdb01813, 15, 111 2, 0.450, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_6d020603_312d_4ab7_b776_63636320fdae, 15, 239 2, 0.310, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_5fbd3845_1c8d_465b_9678_a46439b74987, 15, 183 2, 0.310, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_3f5cab4f_400d_4d28_b34d_660f0767f669, 15, 211 2, 0.240, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b, 15, 5 2, 0.320, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36, 15, 237 2, 0.460, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c, 15, 151 2, 0.460, 0.200)
(LordCanti_537844de_735f_4959_9cca_f0a0067df6ea, 15, 72 74 76 78 88 90 92 94 104 106 108 110 120 122 124 126, 0.638, 0.400)
(LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b, 15, 20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126, 0.638, 0.400)
(TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d, 15, 62, 0.845, 0.750)
(TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba, 15, 46, 0.766, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01, 15, 32, 0.540, 0.200)
(Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388, 15, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64, 0.500, 0.202)
(Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a, 15, 255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42, 0.500, 0.442)
(GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152, 6, 64, 0.278, 0.200)
(Bender8_37d9a45b_9531_46e7_b409_51e714364e42, 1, 3 176, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_828d4a42_785b_43bc_af79_28ff123a01ea, 1, 39 240, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_619a85aa_8116_4914_9e0e_6866e59b1989, 1, 39 152, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_ac36d930_3ffe_4428_bd37_936d589fcef2, 1, 15 136, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_7cdf21b0_9d10_4cf1_8b58_65d1461af52f, 1, 1 146, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_71bef1e9_2d83_4a37_9131_7eef967c5d50, 1, 21 144, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_293ae65d_138b_4866_862d_a98f3e109ed8, 1, 1 234, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_a226e4a5_eee2_446c_953b_f54325ff9b22, 1, 17 240, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_0a42da9d_f628_4e56_a0ec_ef653b9de528, 1, 33 182, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_af7387d7_54df_4b84_a01c_2f95c2786b73, 1, 25 192, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9, 1, 9 162, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d, 1, 9 212, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82, 1, 29 140, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c, 1, 15 228, 0.505, 0.500)
(Bender8_e141db8c_5f68_4c4f_8a8b_73cdf269e4c5, 1, 33 204, 0.505, 0.500)
(DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880, 4, 154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192, 1.000, 0.458)
(DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e, 4, 154 190 60 184 116 162, 1.000, 0.580)
(TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c, 4, 98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66, 0.355, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 4, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 0.251, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 4, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.298, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 4, 231 2, 0.296, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 4, 223 2, 0.310, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 4, 60 62 124 126, 0.605, 0.600)
(FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2, 4, 135 2, 0.440, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138, 4, 153 2, 0.480, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284, 4, 179 2, 0.230, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec, 4, 47 2, 0.250, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552, 4, 59 2, 0.370, 0.200)
(LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47, 4, 12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126, 0.615, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163, 4, 80 138 132 164 130 122, 1.000, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 4, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 1.000, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d82eed07_86fd_4d83_8f46_0e2572aa0d4c, 5, 165 2, 0.410, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_01c37255_40c2_47a6_bd64_02f74e0c087c, 5, 105 2, 0.350, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_ae176913_6c0d_4413_b71c_db02cdb01813, 5, 111 2, 0.460, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_6d020603_312d_4ab7_b776_63636320fdae, 5, 239 2, 0.320, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_5fbd3845_1c8d_465b_9678_a46439b74987, 5, 183 2, 0.320, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_3f5cab4f_400d_4d28_b34d_660f0767f669, 5, 211 2, 0.250, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b, 5, 5 2, 0.330, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36, 5, 237 2, 0.470, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c, 5, 151 2, 0.470, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2, 5, 135 2, 0.450, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138, 5, 153 2, 0.490, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec, 5, 47 2, 0.260, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552, 5, 59 2, 0.380, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 5, 231 2, 0.390, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 5, 223 2, 0.350, 0.200)
(LordCanti_537844de_735f_4959_9cca_f0a0067df6ea, 9, 72 74 76 78 88 90 92 94 104 106 108 110 120 122 124 126, 0.648, 0.400)
(LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b, 9, 20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126, 0.648, 0.400)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 9, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.288, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 9, 223 2, 0.300, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 9, 231 2, 0.286, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552, 9, 59 2, 0.306, 0.200)
(LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47, 9, 12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126, 0.490, 0.300)
(LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47, 9, 12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126, 0.625, 0.300)
(DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926, 9, 148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228, 0.308, 0.160)
(FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc, 9, 231 2, 0.306, 0.200)
(FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df, 9, 223 2, 0.320, 0.200)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 9, 60 62 124 126, 0.615, 0.600)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 9, 60 62 124 126, 0.750, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_6fb0cd54_2567_42b7_a0ff_fe01cee83ece, 13, 12, 0.716, 0.300)
(TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d, 13, 62, 0.855, 0.750)
(TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba, 13, 46, 0.776, 0.600)
(TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01, 13, 32, 0.550, 0.200)
(TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305, 13, 16, 0.638, 0.200)
(IAmRobot8_e7a089b4_c047_40fc_b574_c21faecada01, 7, 106 60, 0.510, 0.600)
(Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2, 15, 9 15 45 176 181, 0.495, 0.500)
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 15, 60 62 124 126, 0.595, 0.600)
(BobLoblaw8_18799e17_83f9_4fb3_bc6b_295d51770849, 2, 57 134, 0.507, 0.500)
Total Cost: 2.107
Total Time: 842 milliseconds
** Player 3: Team Celtics8 finished: 12.3600
** Admin overhead: 7.9060
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken's turn
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.19444444444444442 fp: ! cc1 ! cc2 cc3 ! cc4 cc5 ! cc6 cc7 cc8 ! cc9 ! cc10
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.047
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.10106075346478496 fp: ! v1 ! v2 ! v3 v4 v5 ! v6 v7 v8 v9 ! v10 ! v11 ! v12
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.656
CreateAgent : deriv["RobotChicken_e5cd5f37_85a3_49f7_a498_848672de2ee6" 11 0.3849001794597505 type classic [82 ] ] with price: 0.3849001794597505
[TIME]***createDerivative took: 0.109
[TIME]***deliverRawMaterial() finished in 0.031
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 2 0.99 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.3299298232041668* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 2 0.49 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.6027593628277138* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 2 0.99 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.942839143665801* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 2 0.74 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 2 0.6277401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_fd0555e9_db36_48f1_aca0_c14b6f84cf45" 8 0.35 type classic [152 32 2 4 65 80 ] ] *0.24010233353620897* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_a4ab08ce_227a_4136_a564_9de69d737bb5" 8 0.35 type classic [137 16 2 32 5 12 ] ] *0.17109631877710824* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_7ac98860_0c24_45fc_a252_8fe41583dce1" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 3 5 8 132 ] ] *0.4182750142562842* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_8f41d7ec_b958_4c65_86a0_9902cdb4739d" 8 0.35 type classic [16 35 4 97 8 128 ] ] *0.41883829850785614* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_956dd8c8_fb2b_4a4e_a2e2_d18f3464af81" 8 0.35 type classic [16 4 98 97 8 128 ] ] *0.2086785537189602* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_75dc32c0_7b2f_4d56_986a_0debc9af16bc" 8 0.35 type classic [16 69 32 8 193 194 ] ] *0.572685063037266* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_341a5aaa_c682_4d60_8cc0_ed9e675e0676" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 3 66 8 130 ] ] *0.3664016404849485* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_376e8024_80fa_4791_a6d4_db2c2e91b542" 8 0.35 type classic [16 1 2 8 160 132 ] ] *0.3170014506471262* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4" 8 0.35 type classic [69 16 32 2 12 133 ] ] *0.43335641034688444* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420" 8 0.35 type classic [137 16 2 4 161 193 ] ] *0.3163892424682689* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_2016d017_5a49_443a_9d0f_015c955281de" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 2 140 197 9 ] ] *0.3415333978896991* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 8 0.35 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.23884144496409404* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 8 0.35 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.2735233142057515* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ] *0.4235858314082921* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 8 0.35 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ] *0.2950894982381268* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 15 0.27840375279999996 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.26956688291599784* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 15 0.48 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.6497669108776468* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 15 0.24123277349999994 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.5299721069347594* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 15 0.2899999999999999 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 15 0.6177401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_75dc32c0_7b2f_4d56_986a_0debc9af16bc" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 69 32 8 193 194 ] ] *0.5260242244325644* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_341a5aaa_c682_4d60_8cc0_ed9e675e0676" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 32 3 66 8 130 ] ] *0.3076265366558043* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_376e8024_80fa_4791_a6d4_db2c2e91b542" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 1 2 8 160 132 ] ] *0.24603461286350364* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [69 16 32 2 12 133 ] ] *0.2580182865281251* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [137 16 2 4 161 193 ] ] *0.3177769535822016* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_2016d017_5a49_443a_9d0f_015c955281de" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 32 2 140 197 9 ] ] *0.2895739024853997* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.2704263080263163* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.2820742510166137* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ] *0.5940237127277503* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ] *0.37676205513250594* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388" 15 0.49 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 192->255
Found implication: 64->255
Found implication: 64->127
Found implication: 64->192
*0.1668396058455616* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152" 15 0.26762496214712783 type classic [64 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880" 15 0.99 type classic [154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192 ] ]Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 98->226
Found implication: 98->114
Found implication: 192->220
Found implication: 192->240
Found implication: 192->226
*0.5840141907148229* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 15 0.99 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.7316929357440235* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 15 0.345 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.2761225123662956* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 15 0.2755649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 15 0.42999999999999994 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 15 0.47 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.22437857648417556* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284" 15 0.21999999999999997 type classic [179 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->179
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 15 0.24 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 15 0.2955649254999999 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 15 0.48 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d82eed07_86fd_4d83_8f46_0e2572aa0d4c" 15 0.4 type classic [165 2 ] ] *0.9532266974276573* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_01c37255_40c2_47a6_bd64_02f74e0c087c" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [105 2 ] ] *0.7958023815629931* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_ae176913_6c0d_4413_b71c_db02cdb01813" 15 0.44999999999999996 type classic [111 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->111
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_6d020603_312d_4ab7_b776_63636320fdae" 15 0.31 type classic [239 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->239
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5fbd3845_1c8d_465b_9678_a46439b74987" 15 0.31 type classic [183 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->183
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3f5cab4f_400d_4d28_b34d_660f0767f669" 15 0.24 type classic [211 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->211
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b" 15 0.31999999999999995 type classic [5 2 ] ] *0.3398880991254422* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36" 15 0.45999999999999996 type classic [237 2 ] ] *0.6078103983596649* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c" 15 0.45999999999999996 type classic [151 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->151
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_537844de_735f_4959_9cca_f0a0067df6ea" 15 0.6381480369999999 type classic [72 74 76 78 88 90 92 94 104 106 108 110 120 122 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 72->74
Found implication: 72->76
Found implication: 72->78
Found implication: 72->88
Found implication: 72->90
Found implication: 72->92
Found implication: 72->94
Found implication: 72->104
Found implication: 72->106
Found implication: 72->108
Found implication: 72->110
Found implication: 72->120
Found implication: 72->122
Found implication: 72->124
Found implication: 72->126
Found implication: 74->78
Found implication: 74->90
Found implication: 74->94
Found implication: 74->106
Found implication: 74->110
Found implication: 74->122
Found implication: 74->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 88->90
Found implication: 88->92
Found implication: 88->94
Found implication: 88->120
Found implication: 88->122
Found implication: 88->124
Found implication: 88->126
Found implication: 90->94
Found implication: 90->122
Found implication: 90->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 104->106
Found implication: 104->108
Found implication: 104->110
Found implication: 104->120
Found implication: 104->122
Found implication: 104->124
Found implication: 104->126
Found implication: 106->110
Found implication: 106->122
Found implication: 106->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 120->122
Found implication: 120->124
Found implication: 120->126
Found implication: 122->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962964* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b" 15 0.638148037 type classic [20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 20->22
Found implication: 20->28
Found implication: 20->30
Found implication: 20->52
Found implication: 20->54
Found implication: 20->60
Found implication: 20->62
Found implication: 20->84
Found implication: 20->86
Found implication: 20->92
Found implication: 20->94
Found implication: 20->116
Found implication: 20->118
Found implication: 20->124
Found implication: 20->126
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->86
Found implication: 22->94
Found implication: 22->118
Found implication: 22->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 52->54
Found implication: 52->60
Found implication: 52->62
Found implication: 52->116
Found implication: 52->118
Found implication: 52->124
Found implication: 52->126
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 54->118
Found implication: 54->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 84->86
Found implication: 84->92
Found implication: 84->94
Found implication: 84->116
Found implication: 84->118
Found implication: 84->124
Found implication: 84->126
Found implication: 86->94
Found implication: 86->118
Found implication: 86->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 116->118
Found implication: 116->124
Found implication: 116->126
Found implication: 118->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962963* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d" 15 0.8447724880621078 type classic [62 ] ] *0.6311303094408988* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba" 15 0.7655582485678251 type classic [46 ] ] *0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 15 0.5402430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 192->255
Found implication: 64->255
Found implication: 64->127
Found implication: 64->192
*0.7255092227044213* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.3733951008197048* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152" 6 0.27762496214712784 type classic [64 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_37d9a45b_9531_46e7_b409_51e714364e42" 1 0.505 type classic [3 176 ] ] *0.6681627773481399* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_828d4a42_785b_43bc_af79_28ff123a01ea" 1 0.505 type classic [39 240 ] ] *0.5498976201348037* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_619a85aa_8116_4914_9e0e_6866e59b1989" 1 0.505 type classic [39 152 ] ] *0.685222122807674* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_ac36d930_3ffe_4428_bd37_936d589fcef2" 1 0.505 type classic [15 136 ] ] *0.6571892625936047* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_7cdf21b0_9d10_4cf1_8b58_65d1461af52f" 1 0.505 type classic [1 146 ] ] *0.6676068622913243* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_71bef1e9_2d83_4a37_9131_7eef967c5d50" 1 0.505 type classic [21 144 ] ] *0.6415020358827755* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_293ae65d_138b_4866_862d_a98f3e109ed8" 1 0.505 type classic [1 234 ] ] *0.5837126838089639* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a226e4a5_eee2_446c_953b_f54325ff9b22" 1 0.505 type classic [17 240 ] ] *0.5760028756551038* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_0a42da9d_f628_4e56_a0ec_ef653b9de528" 1 0.505 type classic [33 182 ] ] *0.9595512144270095* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_af7387d7_54df_4b84_a01c_2f95c2786b73" 1 0.505 type classic [25 192 ] ] *0.595204835779678* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9" 1 0.505 type classic [9 162 ] ] *0.6002782143016072* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d" 1 0.505 type classic [9 212 ] ] *0.7278853327507919* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82" 1 0.505 type classic [29 140 ] ] *0.7307653401869454* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c" 1 0.505 type classic [15 228 ] ] *0.5369051046533782* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e141db8c_5f68_4c4f_8a8b_73cdf269e4c5" 1 0.505 type classic [33 204 ] ] *0.6406868379301025* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880" 4 1.0 type classic [154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192 ] ]Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 98->226
Found implication: 98->114
Found implication: 192->220
Found implication: 192->240
Found implication: 192->226
*0.5787325278722024* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 4 1.0 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.6256130081286941* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TuesdayNight8_c49ae377_ee30_42db_a0fb_9913948fab8c" 4 0.355 type classic [98 108 36 36 54 108 62 50 22 42 116 60 30 98 18 66 ] ]Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->36
Found implication: 36->54
Found implication: 36->108
Found implication: 36->62
Found implication: 36->116
Found implication: 36->60
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 108->108
Found implication: 50->54
Found implication: 50->62
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 42->62
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 98->98
Found implication: 18->54
Found implication: 18->62
Found implication: 18->50
Found implication: 18->22
Found implication: 18->30
Found implication: 66->98
Found implication: 66->98
*0.2858008622937852* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 4 0.25123277349999995 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.8469317787116066* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 0.2984037528 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.5924509556849893* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 4 0.2955649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 4 0.30999999999999994 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 4 0.605 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 4 0.43999999999999995 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 4 0.48 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.967936975118684* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a8dd6013_d90b_4388_808d_c9e689769284" 4 0.22999999999999998 type classic [179 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->179
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 4 0.25 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 4 0.37 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 4 0.615 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 4 1.0 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.5774882174488339* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 1.0 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.5296427048727088* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d82eed07_86fd_4d83_8f46_0e2572aa0d4c" 5 0.41000000000000003 type classic [165 2 ] ] *0.49004614442896743* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_01c37255_40c2_47a6_bd64_02f74e0c087c" 5 0.35 type classic [105 2 ] ] *0.7044038456608296* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_ae176913_6c0d_4413_b71c_db02cdb01813" 5 0.45999999999999996 type classic [111 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->111
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_6d020603_312d_4ab7_b776_63636320fdae" 5 0.32 type classic [239 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->239
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5fbd3845_1c8d_465b_9678_a46439b74987" 5 0.32 type classic [183 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->183
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3f5cab4f_400d_4d28_b34d_660f0767f669" 5 0.25 type classic [211 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->211
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b" 5 0.32999999999999996 type classic [5 2 ] ] *0.7346103487597264* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36" 5 0.47 type classic [237 2 ] ] *0.7845969618776085* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c" 5 0.47 type classic [151 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->151
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 5 0.44999999999999996 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 5 0.49 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.48849415741546903* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 5 0.26 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 5 0.38 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 5 0.39 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 5 0.35 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_537844de_735f_4959_9cca_f0a0067df6ea" 9 0.6481480369999999 type classic [72 74 76 78 88 90 92 94 104 106 108 110 120 122 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 72->74
Found implication: 72->76
Found implication: 72->78
Found implication: 72->88
Found implication: 72->90
Found implication: 72->92
Found implication: 72->94
Found implication: 72->104
Found implication: 72->106
Found implication: 72->108
Found implication: 72->110
Found implication: 72->120
Found implication: 72->122
Found implication: 72->124
Found implication: 72->126
Found implication: 74->78
Found implication: 74->90
Found implication: 74->94
Found implication: 74->106
Found implication: 74->110
Found implication: 74->122
Found implication: 74->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 88->90
Found implication: 88->92
Found implication: 88->94
Found implication: 88->120
Found implication: 88->122
Found implication: 88->124
Found implication: 88->126
Found implication: 90->94
Found implication: 90->122
Found implication: 90->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 104->106
Found implication: 104->108
Found implication: 104->110
Found implication: 104->120
Found implication: 104->122
Found implication: 104->124
Found implication: 104->126
Found implication: 106->110
Found implication: 106->122
Found implication: 106->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 120->122
Found implication: 120->124
Found implication: 120->126
Found implication: 122->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962964* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b" 9 0.648148037 type classic [20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 20->22
Found implication: 20->28
Found implication: 20->30
Found implication: 20->52
Found implication: 20->54
Found implication: 20->60
Found implication: 20->62
Found implication: 20->84
Found implication: 20->86
Found implication: 20->92
Found implication: 20->94
Found implication: 20->116
Found implication: 20->118
Found implication: 20->124
Found implication: 20->126
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->86
Found implication: 22->94
Found implication: 22->118
Found implication: 22->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 52->54
Found implication: 52->60
Found implication: 52->62
Found implication: 52->116
Found implication: 52->118
Found implication: 52->124
Found implication: 52->126
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 54->118
Found implication: 54->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 84->86
Found implication: 84->92
Found implication: 84->94
Found implication: 84->116
Found implication: 84->118
Found implication: 84->124
Found implication: 84->126
Found implication: 86->94
Found implication: 86->118
Found implication: 86->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 116->118
Found implication: 116->124
Found implication: 116->126
Found implication: 118->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962963* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 9 0.28840375279999997 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.5209268238691108* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 9 0.29999999999999993 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 9 0.2855649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 9 0.3055649254999999 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 9 0.49 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 9 0.625 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 9 0.3084037528 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.38082847412896337* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 9 0.3055649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 9 0.31999999999999995 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.615 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.75 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_2afc0a72_ecbd_427e_8969_1b026ac1927d" 3 0.505 type classic [5 7 23 128 230 ] ]Found implication: 5->7
Found implication: 5->23
Found implication: 7->23
Found implication: 128->230
*0.7534220202788042* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_9901b4a0_fcb4_4a61_852b_771ea11106a1" 3 0.305 type classic [9 12 76 ] ]Found implication: 12->76
*0.3165222954370572* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_34463a7f_feb0_4d6a_98e2_b04359ea5b39" 3 0.505 type classic [9 11 13 59 162 ] ]Found implication: 9->11
Found implication: 9->13
Found implication: 9->59
Found implication: 11->59
*0.6041405389118547* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_a31115c9_f917_4a7e_ad20_43d37302d7e4" 3 0.305 type classic [35 36 109 115 ] ]Found implication: 35->115
Found implication: 36->109
*0.5406898222271331* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_cb07256d_8812_4065_b87f_6b5d849724a7" 3 0.505 type classic [47 3 15 39 172 ] ]Found implication: 3->47
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->39
Found implication: 15->47
Found implication: 39->47
*0.9090315818065204* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_9d8df467_c048_43df_8fe7_59b6a4c3268e" 3 0.505 type classic [170 3 43 19 127 ] ]Found implication: 3->43
Found implication: 3->19
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 43->127
Found implication: 19->127
*0.978908798133978* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7cdc8096_9f9d_4697_819e_4789bbf1dc27" 3 0.505 type classic [5 21 109 166 253 ] ]Found implication: 5->21
Found implication: 5->109
Found implication: 5->253
Found implication: 21->253
Found implication: 109->253
*0.541732372919644* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_ebb02a91_76e5_4665_9312_f435bb8109fc" 3 0.505 type classic [1 3 9 15 252 ] ]Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 1->9
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 9->15
*0.5035632066317262* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2" 3 0.505 type classic [9 15 45 176 181 ] ]Found implication: 9->15
Found implication: 9->45
Found implication: 176->181
*0.9744481497501141* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_6fb0cd54_2567_42b7_a0ff_fe01cee83ece" 13 0.7159580748405884 type classic [12 ] ] *0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d" 13 0.8547724880621078 type classic [62 ] ] *0.6311303094408988* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba" 13 0.7755582485678251 type classic [46 ] ] *0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 13 0.5502430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 13 0.6377401152817918 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
[TIME]***BuyAgent took this long: 2.672
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken finished: 10.8440
** Admin overhead: 7.4690
** Player 9: Team LordCanti's turn
** Player 9: Team LordCanti finished: 9.5000
***** Player 9 (LordCanti) has violated a rule! *****
***** Negative account balance
** Admin overhead: 12.1400
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8's turn
Buy Time: 0 ms
Deliver Time: 0 ms
Deliver Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [51 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "3" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 172 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [5 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "3" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 140 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [9 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "3" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 156 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [23 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "3" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 157 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [19 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "3" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 125 ms
total time: 1750
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8 finished: 21.0940
** Admin overhead: 6.5000
** Player 1: Team Bender8's turn
** Player 1: Team Bender8 finished: 8.1410
** Admin overhead: 5.0930
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2's turn
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.14190476190476192
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.007000000000000006
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.007000000000000006
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.007000000000000006
GenericPlayer2: Losing 0.8133333333333334
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2 finished: 24.7350
** Admin overhead: 4.4220
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8's turn
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8 finished: 10.3280
** Admin overhead: 8.2340
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8's turn
BuyAgent time: 46
CreateAgent: 31
CreateAgent: 93
CreateAgent: 0
CreateAgent: 157
CreateAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 16
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 15
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 16
DeliverAgent: 15
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 16
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 16
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 0
DeliverAgent: 15
DeliverAgent: 0
Finishing 120constraints.
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
wait time: 31
wait time: 16
wait time: 0
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 0
Shannon: 125
FinishAgent: 141
Finishing 969constraints.
wait time: 78
wait time: 109
wait time: 63
wait time: 78
wait time: 109
wait time: 63
wait time: 78
wait time: 109
wait time: 79
wait time: 78
wait time: 78
wait time: 62
wait time: 78
wait time: 79
wait time: 78
wait time: 93
wait time: 79
wait time: 62
wait time: 78
Shannon: 1594
FinishAgent: 1625
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8 finished: 10.0160
** Admin overhead: 8.3900
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8's turn
Buying 4 Derivatives
Creating Derivative
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Delivering Raw Material
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.495 at quality 1.0
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.495 at quality 1.0
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.495 at quality 1.0
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.5 at quality 1.0
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8 finished: 15.7660
** Admin overhead: 9.1560
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8's turn
Browsing the store...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [19 172 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 148 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [59 132 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 172 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [28 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [165 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [105 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [5 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [237 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 238 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 152 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 136 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 146 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [21 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 234 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [25 192 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 212 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [221 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 218 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [11 192 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 176 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [193 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 238 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 152 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 136 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 146 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [21 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [25 192 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 212 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 234 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 182 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 218 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [11 192 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 162 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 238 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [3 176 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [39 152 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 136 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 146 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [21 144 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 240 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [25 192 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [9 212 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [29 140 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [15 228 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [1 234 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [33 148 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [19 172 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [59 132 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [17 172 ]
0.0010 -- type classic [28 1 128 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [193 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [5 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [5 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [105 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [105 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [221 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [221 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [165 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [165 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [237 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [237 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [153 2 ]
Constructing derivative...
1.0E-4 -- type classic [64 54 ]
Delivering raw material for deriv["IAmRobot8_e7a089b4_c047_40fc_b574_c21faecada01" 7 3 0.51 type classic [106 60 ] ]
1.0E-4 -- type classic [106 60 ]
** Player 7: Team IAmRobot8 finished: 62.0470
***** Player 7 (IAmRobot8) has violated a rule! *****
***** Time Violation or missing jar
***** OVERTIME ROUND 1 of 2 *****
** Admin overhead: 92.3910
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6's turn
freshType t = : Type (
: Classic ( )
: Cons (
: TypeInstance (
: RelationNr (
: int "108" ) )
: Empty ( ) ) )
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6 finished: 40.1560
** Admin overhead: 8.2500
** Player 3: Team Celtics8's turn
Finishing Derivative:
(BobLoblaw8_18799e17_83f9_4fb3_bc6b_295d51770849, 2, 57 134, -0.007)
Number of Constraints: 1260
Finishing Time: 95 milliseconds
(LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec, 15, 60 62 124 126, -0.015)
Number of Constraints: 969
Finishing Time: 53 milliseconds
(Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2, 15, 9 15 45 176 181, 0.505)
Number of Constraints: 969
Finishing Time: 47 milliseconds
Total Profit: 0.483
Total Time: 806 milliseconds
Delivering Raw Material:
(Celtics8_2afc0a72_ecbd_427e_8969_1b026ac1927d, 5, 5 7 23 128 230, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 187 milliseconds
(Celtics8_34463a7f_feb0_4d6a_98e2_b04359ea5b39, 5, 9 11 13 59 162, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 193 milliseconds
(Celtics8_cb07256d_8812_4065_b87f_6b5d849724a7, 5, 47 3 15 39 172, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 247 milliseconds
(Celtics8_9d8df467_c048_43df_8fe7_59b6a4c3268e, 5, 170 3 43 19 127, 0.505, 0.500)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 155 milliseconds
(Celtics8_9901b4a0_fcb4_4a61_852b_771ea11106a1, 1, 9 12 76, 0.305, 0.250)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 193 milliseconds
(Celtics8_a31115c9_f917_4a7e_ad20_43d37302d7e4, 1, 35 36 109 115, 0.305, 0.250)
Number of Constraints: 2000
Deliver Time: 210 milliseconds
(Celtics8_52138c47_dcbf_41ef_9a64_0eb9689137f7, 1, 4 6 29 74 76 92, 0.205, 0.148)
Number of Constraints: 1980
Deliver Time: 192 milliseconds
Total Time: 2 seconds
Creating Derivative:
(Celtics8_00cf8141_32e3_4415_a4c2_4606cda4b7a9, 138 43 111 159 123, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 48 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 363 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 56 milliseconds
Creation Time: 104 milliseconds
(Celtics8_5a6a1e79_d9e8_4a38_bec3_b194f405b6a7, 3 108 76 14 2 6, 0.205)
Type Creation Time: 933,174 nanoseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 19 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 32,028 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 20 milliseconds
(Celtics8_ad92763d_8d89_4d45_af73_2217c45d2773, 196 17 159 19 115, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 19 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 270 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 30,178 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 19 milliseconds
(Celtics8_c3e181ad_ad24_4d17_9045_dd2a081008e2, 7 16 4 23 38, 0.205)
Type Creation Time: 1 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 19 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 32,995 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 20 milliseconds
(Celtics8_db2e76e4_9d27_4cc5_ab1c_8d3c4d957a52, 226 39 154 130 119, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 51 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 339 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 18,426 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 51 milliseconds
Total Time: 4 seconds
Buying Derivative:
Total Cost: 0.000
Total Time: 2 seconds
** Player 3: Team Celtics8 finished: 13.4690
** Admin overhead: 9.9060
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken's turn
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.21111111111111108 fp: ! cc1 ! cc2 ! cc3 cc4 cc5 ! cc6 ! cc7 cc8 cc9 cc10
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.062
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.2222222222222222 fp: ! cc1 cc2 ! cc3 ! cc4 ! cc5 cc6 ! cc7 cc8 cc9 ! cc10
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.032
Starting to finish...
Beat previous quality by: 0.0
Finishing for profit: -0.49 fp: ! v12 ! v11 ! v10 ! v9 ! v8 ! v7 ! v6 ! v5 ! v4 ! v3 ! v2 ! v1
[TIME]***finishDerivative() done in 0.078
CreateAgent : deriv["RobotChicken_632c56c1_ace3_4294_8b16_55879c5ddd04" 11 0.5281529477305951 type classic [86 ] ] with price: 0.5281529477305951
[TIME]***createDerivative took: 0.109
[TIME]***deliverRawMaterial() finished in 0.015
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_e70bb571_0241_4875_8940_bb8bb29e0339" 2 0.507 type classic [33 148 ] ] *0.5443540409582209* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_e72dcf2a_9240_45f6_8ebf_0d7ee1053c96" 2 0.507 type classic [19 172 ] ] *0.580501368634267* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_da305f75_8128_4ce0_8577_99831b60f460" 2 0.507 type classic [59 132 ] ] *0.8260466932923489* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_865948ee_81ab_4405_ab01_473675ce7d1a" 2 0.507 type classic [17 172 ] ] *0.5564538246570954* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_36764afb_3b5f_4b36_ab7a_e3b90d673fd3" 2 0.43355337850000003 type classic [28 1 128 ] ] *0.3822210088337341* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 2 0.99 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.40800022190171115* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 2 0.99 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.7828748350557174* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 2 0.74 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 2 0.6277401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_08631675_9a18_4947_a88c_06049e78a251" 8 0.35 type classic [68 16 32 2 128 13 ] ] *0.2669143115922162* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_f9017bc7_3c74_4bf3_b101_3707b710297f" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 4 129 194 75 ] ] *0.5765923530749679* {yes}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_b38a0cd8_a54d_42d6_a1bb_629906697135" 8 0.35 type classic [69 16 32 2 8 128 ] ] *0.16605545268409003* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_de69c7c0_2aff_4bb9_9650_bbd35cd9739e" 8 0.35 type classic [16 2 201 4 160 104 ] ] *0.1870720783302458* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_835f026d_5a41_4b7c_89cd_55835c6bed68" 8 0.35 type classic [16 2 4 97 8 224 ] ] *0.4101671942310044* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_376e8024_80fa_4791_a6d4_db2c2e91b542" 8 0.35 type classic [16 1 2 8 160 132 ] ] *0.36490640396428886* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_293ae65d_138b_4866_862d_a98f3e109ed8" 15 0.495 type classic [1 234 ] ] *0.737096548438023* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c" 15 0.495 type classic [15 228 ] ] *0.5621807315210112* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82" 15 0.495 type classic [29 140 ] ] *0.5171828071931046* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d" 15 0.495 type classic [9 212 ] ] *0.5020645444803857* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_af7387d7_54df_4b84_a01c_2f95c2786b73" 15 0.495 type classic [25 192 ] ] *0.7280110732988317* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a226e4a5_eee2_446c_953b_f54325ff9b22" 15 0.495 type classic [17 240 ] ] *0.5550937096671635* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_71bef1e9_2d83_4a37_9131_7eef967c5d50" 15 0.495 type classic [21 144 ] ] *0.6530927064327765* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_7cdf21b0_9d10_4cf1_8b58_65d1461af52f" 15 0.495 type classic [1 146 ] ] *0.5606545043342553* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_ac36d930_3ffe_4428_bd37_936d589fcef2" 15 0.495 type classic [15 136 ] ] *0.982964559924434* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_619a85aa_8116_4914_9e0e_6866e59b1989" 15 0.495 type classic [39 152 ] ] *0.6031549145952217* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_828d4a42_785b_43bc_af79_28ff123a01ea" 15 0.495 type classic [39 240 ] ] *0.785405519463827* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_37d9a45b_9531_46e7_b409_51e714364e42" 15 0.495 type classic [3 176 ] ] *0.5885199616677548* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e141db8c_5f68_4c4f_8a8b_73cdf269e4c5" 15 0.495 type classic [33 204 ] ] *0.5682293906389582* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9" 15 0.495 type classic [9 162 ] ] *0.5630223164683131* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_0a42da9d_f628_4e56_a0ec_ef653b9de528" 15 0.495 type classic [33 182 ] ] *0.9618791178702364* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 15 0.27840375279999996 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.29037313110739194* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 15 0.48 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.46357314572744457* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 15 0.2899999999999999 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 15 0.6177401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_341a5aaa_c682_4d60_8cc0_ed9e675e0676" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 32 3 66 8 130 ] ] *0.21667895056311934* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [69 16 32 2 12 133 ] ] *0.32565233793452125* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [137 16 2 4 161 193 ] ] *0.34388757948251425* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.20809819077364886* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.2206075912839781* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388" 15 0.49 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 192->255
Found implication: 64->255
Found implication: 64->127
Found implication: 64->192
*0.13744643771005677* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152" 15 0.26762496214712783 type classic [64 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880" 15 0.99 type classic [154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192 ] ]Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 98->226
Found implication: 98->114
Found implication: 192->220
Found implication: 192->240
Found implication: 192->226
*0.66550104757375* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 15 0.99 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.4856215965893356* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 15 0.2755649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 15 0.42999999999999994 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 15 0.47 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.21154535281667203* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 15 0.2955649254999999 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 15 0.48 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d82eed07_86fd_4d83_8f46_0e2572aa0d4c" 15 0.4 type classic [165 2 ] ] *0.5013513922060195* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_01c37255_40c2_47a6_bd64_02f74e0c087c" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [105 2 ] ] *0.7130630479364275* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_ae176913_6c0d_4413_b71c_db02cdb01813" 15 0.44999999999999996 type classic [111 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->111
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_6d020603_312d_4ab7_b776_63636320fdae" 15 0.31 type classic [239 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->239
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5fbd3845_1c8d_465b_9678_a46439b74987" 15 0.31 type classic [183 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->183
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b" 15 0.31999999999999995 type classic [5 2 ] ] *0.5701650863830156* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36" 15 0.45999999999999996 type classic [237 2 ] ] *0.6854428486051555* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c" 15 0.45999999999999996 type classic [151 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->151
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_537844de_735f_4959_9cca_f0a0067df6ea" 15 0.6381480369999999 type classic [72 74 76 78 88 90 92 94 104 106 108 110 120 122 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 72->74
Found implication: 72->76
Found implication: 72->78
Found implication: 72->88
Found implication: 72->90
Found implication: 72->92
Found implication: 72->94
Found implication: 72->104
Found implication: 72->106
Found implication: 72->108
Found implication: 72->110
Found implication: 72->120
Found implication: 72->122
Found implication: 72->124
Found implication: 72->126
Found implication: 74->78
Found implication: 74->90
Found implication: 74->94
Found implication: 74->106
Found implication: 74->110
Found implication: 74->122
Found implication: 74->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 88->90
Found implication: 88->92
Found implication: 88->94
Found implication: 88->120
Found implication: 88->122
Found implication: 88->124
Found implication: 88->126
Found implication: 90->94
Found implication: 90->122
Found implication: 90->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 104->106
Found implication: 104->108
Found implication: 104->110
Found implication: 104->120
Found implication: 104->122
Found implication: 104->124
Found implication: 104->126
Found implication: 106->110
Found implication: 106->122
Found implication: 106->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 120->122
Found implication: 120->124
Found implication: 120->126
Found implication: 122->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962964* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b" 15 0.638148037 type classic [20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 20->22
Found implication: 20->28
Found implication: 20->30
Found implication: 20->52
Found implication: 20->54
Found implication: 20->60
Found implication: 20->62
Found implication: 20->84
Found implication: 20->86
Found implication: 20->92
Found implication: 20->94
Found implication: 20->116
Found implication: 20->118
Found implication: 20->124
Found implication: 20->126
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->86
Found implication: 22->94
Found implication: 22->118
Found implication: 22->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 52->54
Found implication: 52->60
Found implication: 52->62
Found implication: 52->116
Found implication: 52->118
Found implication: 52->124
Found implication: 52->126
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 54->118
Found implication: 54->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 84->86
Found implication: 84->92
Found implication: 84->94
Found implication: 84->116
Found implication: 84->118
Found implication: 84->124
Found implication: 84->126
Found implication: 86->94
Found implication: 86->118
Found implication: 86->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 116->118
Found implication: 116->124
Found implication: 116->126
Found implication: 118->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962963* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d" 15 0.8447724880621078 type classic [62 ] ] *0.6311303094408988* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba" 15 0.7655582485678251 type classic [46 ] ] *0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 15 0.5402430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 192->255
Found implication: 64->255
Found implication: 64->127
Found implication: 64->192
*0.5570459334250578* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.7173106149534693* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 6 0.98 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.8265394341337811* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 6 0.2799999999999999 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 6 0.595 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 6 0.6077401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_376e8024_80fa_4791_a6d4_db2c2e91b542" 6 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 1 2 8 160 132 ] ] *0.29418302251464346* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388" 6 0.48 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 192->255
Found implication: 64->255
Found implication: 64->127
Found implication: 64->192
*0.7772175430618795* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152" 6 0.2576249621471278 type classic [64 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880" 6 0.98 type classic [154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192 ] ]Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 98->226
Found implication: 98->114
Found implication: 192->220
Found implication: 192->240
Found implication: 192->226
*0.5825422112573706* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 6 0.98 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.6530693101639146* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 6 0.2655649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 6 0.41999999999999993 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 6 0.2855649254999999 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 6 0.47 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_ae176913_6c0d_4413_b71c_db02cdb01813" 6 0.43999999999999995 type classic [111 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->111
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_6d020603_312d_4ab7_b776_63636320fdae" 6 0.3 type classic [239 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->239
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5fbd3845_1c8d_465b_9678_a46439b74987" 6 0.3 type classic [183 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->183
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c" 6 0.44999999999999996 type classic [151 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->151
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_537844de_735f_4959_9cca_f0a0067df6ea" 6 0.6281480369999999 type classic [72 74 76 78 88 90 92 94 104 106 108 110 120 122 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 72->74
Found implication: 72->76
Found implication: 72->78
Found implication: 72->88
Found implication: 72->90
Found implication: 72->92
Found implication: 72->94
Found implication: 72->104
Found implication: 72->106
Found implication: 72->108
Found implication: 72->110
Found implication: 72->120
Found implication: 72->122
Found implication: 72->124
Found implication: 72->126
Found implication: 74->78
Found implication: 74->90
Found implication: 74->94
Found implication: 74->106
Found implication: 74->110
Found implication: 74->122
Found implication: 74->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 88->90
Found implication: 88->92
Found implication: 88->94
Found implication: 88->120
Found implication: 88->122
Found implication: 88->124
Found implication: 88->126
Found implication: 90->94
Found implication: 90->122
Found implication: 90->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 104->106
Found implication: 104->108
Found implication: 104->110
Found implication: 104->120
Found implication: 104->122
Found implication: 104->124
Found implication: 104->126
Found implication: 106->110
Found implication: 106->122
Found implication: 106->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 120->122
Found implication: 120->124
Found implication: 120->126
Found implication: 122->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962964* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b" 6 0.628148037 type classic [20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 20->22
Found implication: 20->28
Found implication: 20->30
Found implication: 20->52
Found implication: 20->54
Found implication: 20->60
Found implication: 20->62
Found implication: 20->84
Found implication: 20->86
Found implication: 20->92
Found implication: 20->94
Found implication: 20->116
Found implication: 20->118
Found implication: 20->124
Found implication: 20->126
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->86
Found implication: 22->94
Found implication: 22->118
Found implication: 22->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 52->54
Found implication: 52->60
Found implication: 52->62
Found implication: 52->116
Found implication: 52->118
Found implication: 52->124
Found implication: 52->126
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 54->118
Found implication: 54->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 84->86
Found implication: 84->92
Found implication: 84->94
Found implication: 84->116
Found implication: 84->118
Found implication: 84->124
Found implication: 84->126
Found implication: 86->94
Found implication: 86->118
Found implication: 86->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 116->118
Found implication: 116->124
Found implication: 116->126
Found implication: 118->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962963* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d" 6 0.8347724880621078 type classic [62 ] ] *0.6311303094408988* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba" 6 0.755558248567825 type classic [46 ] ] *0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 6 0.5302430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_3d685332_77b4_4b37_a109_0459de972a30" 6 0.495 type classic [1 238 ] ] *0.8063607635698689* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_619a85aa_8116_4914_9e0e_6866e59b1989" 6 0.495 type classic [39 152 ] ] *0.5695829195139485* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_ac36d930_3ffe_4428_bd37_936d589fcef2" 6 0.495 type classic [15 136 ] ] *0.6211666592097879* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_7cdf21b0_9d10_4cf1_8b58_65d1461af52f" 6 0.495 type classic [1 146 ] ] *0.6275121462677469* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_71bef1e9_2d83_4a37_9131_7eef967c5d50" 6 0.495 type classic [21 144 ] ] *0.5914585562960464* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_293ae65d_138b_4866_862d_a98f3e109ed8" 6 0.495 type classic [1 234 ] ] *0.7091962035352922* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a226e4a5_eee2_446c_953b_f54325ff9b22" 6 0.495 type classic [17 240 ] ] *0.7976605531852029* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_0a42da9d_f628_4e56_a0ec_ef653b9de528" 6 0.495 type classic [33 182 ] ] *0.707957608696044* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_af7387d7_54df_4b84_a01c_2f95c2786b73" 6 0.495 type classic [25 192 ] ] *0.9506989968855782* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9" 6 0.495 type classic [9 162 ] ] *0.8911250118459655* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d" 6 0.495 type classic [9 212 ] ] *0.5430251676977398* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82" 6 0.495 type classic [29 140 ] ] *0.9502545519512278* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c" 6 0.495 type classic [15 228 ] ] *0.601785213006452* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 6 0.24 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a2cf6f9c_aeb0_4cae_867f_d203a453dd73" 6 0.44999999999999996 type classic [199 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->199
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_126f35f1_1748_4d91_9a74_72d22391e6fb" 6 0.37 type classic [221 2 ] ] *0.7160306383154214* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3f5cab4f_400d_4d28_b34d_660f0767f669" 6 0.24 type classic [211 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->211
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_6fb0cd54_2567_42b7_a0ff_fe01cee83ece" 6 0.7059580748405884 type classic [12 ] ] *0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152" 6 0.27762496214712784 type classic [64 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_ad444228_0e63_466d_82bc_ca2a39f120da" 1 0.505 type classic [3 218 ] ] *0.5818319580506887* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_01254426_8f23_416e_a74c_3f6bf5550146" 1 0.505 type classic [11 192 ] ] *0.5095108533779724* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a5737f37_6f17_48f4_ae88_aadac527d0a0" 1 0.505 type classic [17 162 ] ] *0.5379261137200019* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_3d685332_77b4_4b37_a109_0459de972a30" 1 0.505 type classic [1 238 ] ] *0.8677009601915306* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_37d9a45b_9531_46e7_b409_51e714364e42" 1 0.505 type classic [3 176 ] ] *0.6119200770259284* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_828d4a42_785b_43bc_af79_28ff123a01ea" 1 0.505 type classic [39 240 ] ] *0.6738569361576406* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_619a85aa_8116_4914_9e0e_6866e59b1989" 1 0.505 type classic [39 152 ] ] *0.8473736464382188* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_ac36d930_3ffe_4428_bd37_936d589fcef2" 1 0.505 type classic [15 136 ] ] *0.5127561850779527* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_7cdf21b0_9d10_4cf1_8b58_65d1461af52f" 1 0.505 type classic [1 146 ] ] *0.6068792017051259* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_71bef1e9_2d83_4a37_9131_7eef967c5d50" 1 0.505 type classic [21 144 ] ] *0.5692584111677064* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_293ae65d_138b_4866_862d_a98f3e109ed8" 1 0.505 type classic [1 234 ] ] *0.5165791787794665* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a226e4a5_eee2_446c_953b_f54325ff9b22" 1 0.505 type classic [17 240 ] ] *0.5206463031658407* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_0a42da9d_f628_4e56_a0ec_ef653b9de528" 1 0.505 type classic [33 182 ] ] *0.847206751134193* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_af7387d7_54df_4b84_a01c_2f95c2786b73" 1 0.505 type classic [25 192 ] ] *0.5277051928048654* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9" 1 0.505 type classic [9 162 ] ] *0.6841845262901584* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d" 1 0.505 type classic [9 212 ] ] *0.5054753628622635* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82" 1 0.505 type classic [29 140 ] ] *0.5061147743500614* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c" 1 0.505 type classic [15 228 ] ] *0.772744665824333* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880" 4 1.0 type classic [154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192 ] ]Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 98->226
Found implication: 98->114
Found implication: 192->220
Found implication: 192->240
Found implication: 192->226
*0.5545582612137472* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 4 1.0 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.7526629173153624* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 0.2984037528 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.41068159139970517* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 4 0.2955649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 4 0.30999999999999994 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 4 0.605 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 4 0.43999999999999995 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 4 0.48 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.6734521162912923* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 4 0.25 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 4 0.37 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 4 0.615 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 4 1.0 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.5682721048002957* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 1.0 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.21224348304788165* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_e3f48f2d_fc66_43e6_b7f1_2c43dbf9ddad" 5 0.31 type classic [193 2 ] ] *0.7999029401530056* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a2cf6f9c_aeb0_4cae_867f_d203a453dd73" 5 0.45999999999999996 type classic [199 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->199
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_126f35f1_1748_4d91_9a74_72d22391e6fb" 5 0.38 type classic [221 2 ] ] *0.23284718658487163* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d82eed07_86fd_4d83_8f46_0e2572aa0d4c" 5 0.41000000000000003 type classic [165 2 ] ] *0.20656598940816673* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_01c37255_40c2_47a6_bd64_02f74e0c087c" 5 0.35 type classic [105 2 ] ] *0.24199303982949127* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_ae176913_6c0d_4413_b71c_db02cdb01813" 5 0.45999999999999996 type classic [111 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->111
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_6d020603_312d_4ab7_b776_63636320fdae" 5 0.32 type classic [239 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->239
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5fbd3845_1c8d_465b_9678_a46439b74987" 5 0.32 type classic [183 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->183
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3f5cab4f_400d_4d28_b34d_660f0767f669" 5 0.25 type classic [211 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->211
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b" 5 0.32999999999999996 type classic [5 2 ] ] *0.3011433923395948* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36" 5 0.47 type classic [237 2 ] ] *0.6310741821146705* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c" 5 0.47 type classic [151 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->151
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 5 0.44999999999999996 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 5 0.49 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.26485137009910664* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 5 0.26 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 5 0.38 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 5 0.39 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 5 0.35 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_537844de_735f_4959_9cca_f0a0067df6ea" 9 0.6481480369999999 type classic [72 74 76 78 88 90 92 94 104 106 108 110 120 122 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 72->74
Found implication: 72->76
Found implication: 72->78
Found implication: 72->88
Found implication: 72->90
Found implication: 72->92
Found implication: 72->94
Found implication: 72->104
Found implication: 72->106
Found implication: 72->108
Found implication: 72->110
Found implication: 72->120
Found implication: 72->122
Found implication: 72->124
Found implication: 72->126
Found implication: 74->78
Found implication: 74->90
Found implication: 74->94
Found implication: 74->106
Found implication: 74->110
Found implication: 74->122
Found implication: 74->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 88->90
Found implication: 88->92
Found implication: 88->94
Found implication: 88->120
Found implication: 88->122
Found implication: 88->124
Found implication: 88->126
Found implication: 90->94
Found implication: 90->122
Found implication: 90->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 104->106
Found implication: 104->108
Found implication: 104->110
Found implication: 104->120
Found implication: 104->122
Found implication: 104->124
Found implication: 104->126
Found implication: 106->110
Found implication: 106->122
Found implication: 106->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 120->122
Found implication: 120->124
Found implication: 120->126
Found implication: 122->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962964* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b" 9 0.648148037 type classic [20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 20->22
Found implication: 20->28
Found implication: 20->30
Found implication: 20->52
Found implication: 20->54
Found implication: 20->60
Found implication: 20->62
Found implication: 20->84
Found implication: 20->86
Found implication: 20->92
Found implication: 20->94
Found implication: 20->116
Found implication: 20->118
Found implication: 20->124
Found implication: 20->126
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->86
Found implication: 22->94
Found implication: 22->118
Found implication: 22->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 52->54
Found implication: 52->60
Found implication: 52->62
Found implication: 52->116
Found implication: 52->118
Found implication: 52->124
Found implication: 52->126
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 54->118
Found implication: 54->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 84->86
Found implication: 84->92
Found implication: 84->94
Found implication: 84->116
Found implication: 84->118
Found implication: 84->124
Found implication: 84->126
Found implication: 86->94
Found implication: 86->118
Found implication: 86->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 116->118
Found implication: 116->124
Found implication: 116->126
Found implication: 118->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962963* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 9 0.28840375279999997 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.13183309878176339* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 9 0.29999999999999993 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 9 0.2855649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 9 0.3055649254999999 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 9 0.49 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 9 0.625 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 9 0.3084037528 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.4873801473673314* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 9 0.3055649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 9 0.31999999999999995 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.615 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.75 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7cdc8096_9f9d_4697_819e_4789bbf1dc27" 3 0.505 type classic [5 21 109 166 253 ] ]Found implication: 5->21
Found implication: 5->109
Found implication: 5->253
Found implication: 21->253
Found implication: 109->253
*0.5714915421421276* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_ebb02a91_76e5_4665_9312_f435bb8109fc" 3 0.505 type classic [1 3 9 15 252 ] ]Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 1->9
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 9->15
*0.5831467055237582* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2" 3 0.505 type classic [9 15 45 176 181 ] ]Found implication: 9->15
Found implication: 9->45
Found implication: 176->181
*0.5529515557594601* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_6fb0cd54_2567_42b7_a0ff_fe01cee83ece" 13 0.7159580748405884 type classic [12 ] ] *0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d" 13 0.8547724880621078 type classic [62 ] ] *0.6311303094408988* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba" 13 0.7755582485678251 type classic [46 ] ] *0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 13 0.5502430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 13 0.6377401152817918 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
[TIME]***BuyAgent took this long: 3.079
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken finished: 11.6090
** Admin overhead: 9.5780
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8's turn
Buy Time: 15 ms
Deliver Time: 0 ms
Deliver Time: 0 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [33 204] from : PlayerID (
: int "1" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 109 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [5 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "3" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 125 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [9 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "3" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 141 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [47 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "3" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 156 ms
ding! fries are done
Bought [170 ] from : PlayerID (
: int "3" ) at 0.505 Finished for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Finish Time: 125 ms
total time: 1750
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8 finished: 27.7500
** Admin overhead: 8.8600
** Player 1: Team Bender8's turn
** Player 1: Team Bender8 finished: 15.2500
** Admin overhead: 6.8590
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2's turn
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2 finished: 8.7500
** Admin overhead: 8.4220
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8's turn
** Player 15: Team Zshauthotho8 finished: 23.7810
***** Player 15 (Zshauthotho8) has violated a rule! *****
***** Negative account balance
** Admin overhead: 6.8440
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8's turn
BuyAgent time: 31
CreateAgent: 31
CreateAgent: 125
CreateAgent: 204
CreateAgent: 15
CreateAgent: 47
Finishing 120constraints.
wait time: 16
wait time: 0
wait time: 15
wait time: 16
wait time: 16
wait time: 0
wait time: 0
wait time: 15
wait time: 0
wait time: 32
Shannon: 125
FinishAgent: 125
Finishing 1440constraints.
wait time: 203
wait time: 172
wait time: 203
wait time: 203
wait time: 172
wait time: 156
Shannon: 1203
FinishAgent: 1219
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8 finished: 11.1560
** Admin overhead: 8.1250
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8's turn
Buying 4 Derivatives
Creating Derivative
Generated 6 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.495 at quality 0.7016666666666667
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.495 at quality 0.8
Generated 1 candidates
Finishing Derivative of price 0.495 at quality 0.62
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8 finished: 12.0000
***** OVERTIME ROUND 2 of 2 *****
** Admin overhead: 17.5000
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6's turn
freshType t = : Type (
: Classic ( )
: Cons (
: TypeInstance (
: RelationNr (
: int "70" ) )
: Empty ( ) ) )
** Player 13: Team TeamAwesome6 finished: 7.4850
** Admin overhead: 7.9210
** Player 3: Team Celtics8's turn
Finishing Derivative:
Total Profit: 0.000
Total Time: 611 milliseconds
Delivering Raw Material:
Total Time: 328 milliseconds
Creating Derivative:
(Celtics8_1308ac0f_4c7e_4357_8e7f_f7164f179127, 27 9 188 137 93, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 61 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 405 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 649 milliseconds
Creation Time: 709 milliseconds
(Celtics8_034c9e55_035a_44ae_b615_558ccf3bda32, 177 58 72 171 32 36, 0.205)
Type Creation Time: 1 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 25 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 29,971 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 26 milliseconds
(Celtics8_20dd248a_6af3_4338_ae3b_a7c28b5c7122, 25 53 182 146 17, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 23 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 267 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 29,850 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 23 milliseconds
(Celtics8_12aca01c_60eb_4e22_9a72_acf5c1bf8297, 48 16 165 33, 0.205)
Type Creation Time: 1 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 23 milliseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 30,234 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 24 milliseconds
(Celtics8_cac8efb6_4601_4199_9605_085b9b65d824, 23 210 5 221 101, 0.505)
Type Creation Time: 74 milliseconds
Quality Calculation Time: 339 nanoseconds
Derivative Creation Time: 15,739 nanoseconds
Creation Time: 74 milliseconds
Total Time: 4 seconds
Buying Derivative:
Total Cost: 0.000
Total Time: 335 milliseconds
** Player 3: Team Celtics8 finished: 7.9220
** Admin overhead: 8.1100
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken's turn
CreateAgent : deriv["RobotChicken_c3e6b541_dbdd_4866_9dfe_0dcbed5c0f2e" 11 0.3849001794597505 type classic [52 ] ] with price: 0.3849001794597505
[TIME]***createDerivative took: 0.125
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_e70bb571_0241_4875_8940_bb8bb29e0339" 2 0.507 type classic [33 148 ] ] *0.6759889020823154* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_e72dcf2a_9240_45f6_8ebf_0d7ee1053c96" 2 0.507 type classic [19 172 ] ] *0.5396841582998035* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_da305f75_8128_4ce0_8577_99831b60f460" 2 0.507 type classic [59 132 ] ] *0.7732312490514658* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_865948ee_81ab_4405_ab01_473675ce7d1a" 2 0.507 type classic [17 172 ] ] *0.9887932212537934* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["BobLoblaw8_36764afb_3b5f_4b36_ab7a_e3b90d673fd3" 2 0.43355337850000003 type classic [28 1 128 ] ] *0.679146274037255* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 2 0.99 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.22586454456863447* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 2 0.99 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.5351167669159793* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 2 0.33999999999999997 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 2 0.74 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 2 0.6277401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 8 0.35 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ] *0.32272633742623125* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ] *0.42926940399882274* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 8 0.35 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.37087620088085926* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 8 0.35 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.4479576938876313* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_2016d017_5a49_443a_9d0f_015c955281de" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 2 140 197 9 ] ] *0.5632324453530414* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420" 8 0.35 type classic [137 16 2 4 161 193 ] ] *0.46726408705511235* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4" 8 0.35 type classic [69 16 32 2 12 133 ] ] *0.4146825272742035* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_341a5aaa_c682_4d60_8cc0_ed9e675e0676" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 3 66 8 130 ] ] *0.32291395961401737* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_75dc32c0_7b2f_4d56_986a_0debc9af16bc" 8 0.35 type classic [16 69 32 8 193 194 ] ] *0.34677608329124937* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_956dd8c8_fb2b_4a4e_a2e2_d18f3464af81" 8 0.35 type classic [16 4 98 97 8 128 ] ] *0.21256049087259038* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_a4ab08ce_227a_4136_a564_9de69d737bb5" 8 0.35 type classic [137 16 2 32 5 12 ] ] *0.250565138889153* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_fd0555e9_db36_48f1_aca0_c14b6f84cf45" 8 0.35 type classic [152 32 2 4 65 80 ] ] *0.331293732641031* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_08631675_9a18_4947_a88c_06049e78a251" 8 0.35 type classic [68 16 32 2 128 13 ] ] *0.17996697958662078* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_f9017bc7_3c74_4bf3_b101_3707b710297f" 8 0.35 type classic [16 32 4 129 194 75 ] ] *0.2573041758956003* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_b38a0cd8_a54d_42d6_a1bb_629906697135" 8 0.35 type classic [69 16 32 2 8 128 ] ] *0.33456110411668843* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_de69c7c0_2aff_4bb9_9650_bbd35cd9739e" 8 0.35 type classic [16 2 201 4 160 104 ] ] *0.4213198607013413* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_835f026d_5a41_4b7c_89cd_55835c6bed68" 8 0.35 type classic [16 2 4 97 8 224 ] ] *0.20612158168546074* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_376e8024_80fa_4791_a6d4_db2c2e91b542" 8 0.35 type classic [16 1 2 8 160 132 ] ] *0.39773724196106147* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_293ae65d_138b_4866_862d_a98f3e109ed8" 15 0.495 type classic [1 234 ] ] *0.5634143436212438* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c" 15 0.495 type classic [15 228 ] ] *0.8104930193959884* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82" 15 0.495 type classic [29 140 ] ] *0.617956663567278* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d" 15 0.495 type classic [9 212 ] ] *0.8861329135977996* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_af7387d7_54df_4b84_a01c_2f95c2786b73" 15 0.495 type classic [25 192 ] ] *0.8506511301541564* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a226e4a5_eee2_446c_953b_f54325ff9b22" 15 0.495 type classic [17 240 ] ] *0.7082494491360162* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_71bef1e9_2d83_4a37_9131_7eef967c5d50" 15 0.495 type classic [21 144 ] ] *0.9125787115849929* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_7cdf21b0_9d10_4cf1_8b58_65d1461af52f" 15 0.495 type classic [1 146 ] ] *0.8437416777785057* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_ac36d930_3ffe_4428_bd37_936d589fcef2" 15 0.495 type classic [15 136 ] ] *0.9509578285576891* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_619a85aa_8116_4914_9e0e_6866e59b1989" 15 0.495 type classic [39 152 ] ] *0.9092516265248077* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_828d4a42_785b_43bc_af79_28ff123a01ea" 15 0.495 type classic [39 240 ] ] *0.5241475569005938* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_37d9a45b_9531_46e7_b409_51e714364e42" 15 0.495 type classic [3 176 ] ] *0.8526394763909222* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e141db8c_5f68_4c4f_8a8b_73cdf269e4c5" 15 0.495 type classic [33 204 ] ] *0.7460564156295367* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9" 15 0.495 type classic [9 162 ] ] *0.540340851380316* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_0a42da9d_f628_4e56_a0ec_ef653b9de528" 15 0.495 type classic [33 182 ] ] *0.5058408760181501* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 15 0.27840375279999996 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.6068598964721623* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 15 0.48 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.4903898105975199* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 15 0.2899999999999999 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 15 0.6177401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_341a5aaa_c682_4d60_8cc0_ed9e675e0676" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 32 3 66 8 130 ] ] *0.23557720260543558* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [69 16 32 2 12 133 ] ] *0.3339716043592961* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [137 16 2 4 161 193 ] ] *0.484597790998036* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.2612996525747545* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.23480444375539328* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388" 15 0.49 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 192->255
Found implication: 64->255
Found implication: 64->127
Found implication: 64->192
*0.29987666004714014* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152" 15 0.26762496214712783 type classic [64 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880" 15 0.99 type classic [154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192 ] ]Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 98->226
Found implication: 98->114
Found implication: 192->220
Found implication: 192->240
Found implication: 192->226
*0.5942381051630221* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 15 0.99 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.5451684105844175* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 15 0.2755649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 15 0.42999999999999994 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 15 0.47 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.42302487945652667* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 15 0.2955649254999999 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 15 0.48 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d82eed07_86fd_4d83_8f46_0e2572aa0d4c" 15 0.4 type classic [165 2 ] ] *0.6794849297332693* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_01c37255_40c2_47a6_bd64_02f74e0c087c" 15 0.33999999999999997 type classic [105 2 ] ] *0.6054606839342485* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_ae176913_6c0d_4413_b71c_db02cdb01813" 15 0.44999999999999996 type classic [111 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->111
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_6d020603_312d_4ab7_b776_63636320fdae" 15 0.31 type classic [239 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->239
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5fbd3845_1c8d_465b_9678_a46439b74987" 15 0.31 type classic [183 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->183
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b" 15 0.31999999999999995 type classic [5 2 ] ] *0.2936919181732191* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36" 15 0.45999999999999996 type classic [237 2 ] ] *0.5840468483762769* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c" 15 0.45999999999999996 type classic [151 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->151
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_537844de_735f_4959_9cca_f0a0067df6ea" 15 0.6381480369999999 type classic [72 74 76 78 88 90 92 94 104 106 108 110 120 122 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 72->74
Found implication: 72->76
Found implication: 72->78
Found implication: 72->88
Found implication: 72->90
Found implication: 72->92
Found implication: 72->94
Found implication: 72->104
Found implication: 72->106
Found implication: 72->108
Found implication: 72->110
Found implication: 72->120
Found implication: 72->122
Found implication: 72->124
Found implication: 72->126
Found implication: 74->78
Found implication: 74->90
Found implication: 74->94
Found implication: 74->106
Found implication: 74->110
Found implication: 74->122
Found implication: 74->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 88->90
Found implication: 88->92
Found implication: 88->94
Found implication: 88->120
Found implication: 88->122
Found implication: 88->124
Found implication: 88->126
Found implication: 90->94
Found implication: 90->122
Found implication: 90->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 104->106
Found implication: 104->108
Found implication: 104->110
Found implication: 104->120
Found implication: 104->122
Found implication: 104->124
Found implication: 104->126
Found implication: 106->110
Found implication: 106->122
Found implication: 106->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 120->122
Found implication: 120->124
Found implication: 120->126
Found implication: 122->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962964* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b" 15 0.638148037 type classic [20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 20->22
Found implication: 20->28
Found implication: 20->30
Found implication: 20->52
Found implication: 20->54
Found implication: 20->60
Found implication: 20->62
Found implication: 20->84
Found implication: 20->86
Found implication: 20->92
Found implication: 20->94
Found implication: 20->116
Found implication: 20->118
Found implication: 20->124
Found implication: 20->126
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->86
Found implication: 22->94
Found implication: 22->118
Found implication: 22->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 52->54
Found implication: 52->60
Found implication: 52->62
Found implication: 52->116
Found implication: 52->118
Found implication: 52->124
Found implication: 52->126
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 54->118
Found implication: 54->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 84->86
Found implication: 84->92
Found implication: 84->94
Found implication: 84->116
Found implication: 84->118
Found implication: 84->124
Found implication: 84->126
Found implication: 86->94
Found implication: 86->118
Found implication: 86->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 116->118
Found implication: 116->124
Found implication: 116->126
Found implication: 118->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962963* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d" 15 0.8447724880621078 type classic [62 ] ] *0.6311303094408988* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba" 15 0.7655582485678251 type classic [46 ] ] *0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 15 0.5402430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 192->255
Found implication: 64->255
Found implication: 64->127
Found implication: 64->192
*0.507387784851038* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 15 0.5 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.4173357200720482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_e3f48f2d_fc66_43e6_b7f1_2c43dbf9ddad" 6 0.3 type classic [193 2 ] ] *0.4591687785530563* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_828d4a42_785b_43bc_af79_28ff123a01ea" 6 0.495 type classic [39 240 ] ] *0.7452344278574032* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_37d9a45b_9531_46e7_b409_51e714364e42" 6 0.495 type classic [3 176 ] ] *0.5133744851946124* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a5737f37_6f17_48f4_ae88_aadac527d0a0" 6 0.495 type classic [17 162 ] ] *0.7007912108561644* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_01254426_8f23_416e_a74c_3f6bf5550146" 6 0.495 type classic [11 192 ] ] *0.8090311945805637* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_ad444228_0e63_466d_82bc_ca2a39f120da" 6 0.495 type classic [3 218 ] ] *0.5468096917291471* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_6ed9da79_845b_483c_9182_deafd1121951" 6 0.495 type classic [49 220 ] ] *0.9129240731681342* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36" 6 0.44999999999999996 type classic [237 2 ] ] *0.804896151711334* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b" 6 0.30999999999999994 type classic [5 2 ] ] *0.41770449828974504* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_01c37255_40c2_47a6_bd64_02f74e0c087c" 6 0.32999999999999996 type classic [105 2 ] ] *0.7669547634349396* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d82eed07_86fd_4d83_8f46_0e2572aa0d4c" 6 0.39 type classic [165 2 ] ] *0.510373845525116* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 6 0.45999999999999996 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.7080439759433993* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_8e347f66_c521_49b7_97df_295f8b48401a" 6 0.47 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 234 106 42 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 234->255
Found implication: 106->255
Found implication: 106->127
Found implication: 106->234
Found implication: 42->255
Found implication: 42->127
Found implication: 42->63
Found implication: 42->234
Found implication: 42->106
*0.45955377842918294* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4982774d_b5ee_4fb7_a406_649b9c55b35a" 6 0.33999999999999997 type classic [69 32 2 8 129 208 ] ] *0.34819522465988195* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_bd6976d5_4eb4_4e9e_84f9_c5a2f4052230" 6 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 32 4 201 67 130 ] ] *0.25112772795173366* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_9d337ddb_6beb_4de9_a810_7f244f16d980" 6 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 136 2 33 4 96 ] ] *0.16404869421060175* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_e1ad8e87_4de9_42eb_ac33_81c063d9966c" 6 0.32999999999999996 type classic [136 16 1 32 4 74 ] ] *0.21157745054538218* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_2016d017_5a49_443a_9d0f_015c955281de" 6 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 32 2 140 197 9 ] ] *0.3307645407565944* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_f3e2d145_a86d_41b8_908a_d4ccb9aa3420" 6 0.32999999999999996 type classic [137 16 2 4 161 193 ] ] *0.5675524162902992* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_4722c6f3_49d8_4893_94b4_8d5480a880b4" 6 0.32999999999999996 type classic [69 16 32 2 12 133 ] ] *0.35749405332493167* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_341a5aaa_c682_4d60_8cc0_ed9e675e0676" 6 0.32999999999999996 type classic [16 32 3 66 8 130 ] ] *0.241706957618224* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_75dc32c0_7b2f_4d56_986a_0debc9af16bc" 6 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 69 32 8 193 194 ] ] *0.30424315730653184* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_956dd8c8_fb2b_4a4e_a2e2_d18f3464af81" 6 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 4 98 97 8 128 ] ] *0.22388264376501685* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_a4ab08ce_227a_4136_a564_9de69d737bb5" 6 0.33999999999999997 type classic [137 16 2 32 5 12 ] ] *0.2546532153867336* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_fd0555e9_db36_48f1_aca0_c14b6f84cf45" 6 0.33999999999999997 type classic [152 32 2 4 65 80 ] ] *0.18290872782024759* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 6 0.26840375279999995 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.31955248462526553* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 6 0.98 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.9850434358056963* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 6 0.2799999999999999 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 6 0.595 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 6 0.6077401152817917 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Lichwalla8_376e8024_80fa_4791_a6d4_db2c2e91b542" 6 0.33999999999999997 type classic [16 1 2 8 160 132 ] ] *0.49834629946618625* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Zshauthotho8_d0ac0b8e_f92e_43ef_86ea_7b5fc8bde388" 6 0.48 type classic [255 127 63 31 15 7 3 1 192 64 ] ]Found implication: 127->255
Found implication: 63->255
Found implication: 63->127
Found implication: 31->255
Found implication: 31->127
Found implication: 31->63
Found implication: 15->255
Found implication: 15->127
Found implication: 15->63
Found implication: 15->31
Found implication: 7->255
Found implication: 7->127
Found implication: 7->63
Found implication: 7->31
Found implication: 7->15
Found implication: 3->255
Found implication: 3->127
Found implication: 3->63
Found implication: 3->31
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 3->7
Found implication: 1->255
Found implication: 1->127
Found implication: 1->63
Found implication: 1->31
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 1->7
Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 192->255
Found implication: 64->255
Found implication: 64->127
Found implication: 64->192
*0.9246520617837423* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152" 6 0.2576249621471278 type classic [64 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880" 6 0.98 type classic [154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192 ] ]Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 98->226
Found implication: 98->114
Found implication: 192->220
Found implication: 192->240
Found implication: 192->226
*0.47132155113504126* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 6 0.98 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.7979190445583838* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 6 0.2655649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 6 0.41999999999999993 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 6 0.2855649254999999 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 6 0.47 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_ae176913_6c0d_4413_b71c_db02cdb01813" 6 0.43999999999999995 type classic [111 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->111
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_6d020603_312d_4ab7_b776_63636320fdae" 6 0.3 type classic [239 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->239
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5fbd3845_1c8d_465b_9678_a46439b74987" 6 0.3 type classic [183 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->183
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c" 6 0.44999999999999996 type classic [151 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->151
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_537844de_735f_4959_9cca_f0a0067df6ea" 6 0.6281480369999999 type classic [72 74 76 78 88 90 92 94 104 106 108 110 120 122 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 72->74
Found implication: 72->76
Found implication: 72->78
Found implication: 72->88
Found implication: 72->90
Found implication: 72->92
Found implication: 72->94
Found implication: 72->104
Found implication: 72->106
Found implication: 72->108
Found implication: 72->110
Found implication: 72->120
Found implication: 72->122
Found implication: 72->124
Found implication: 72->126
Found implication: 74->78
Found implication: 74->90
Found implication: 74->94
Found implication: 74->106
Found implication: 74->110
Found implication: 74->122
Found implication: 74->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 88->90
Found implication: 88->92
Found implication: 88->94
Found implication: 88->120
Found implication: 88->122
Found implication: 88->124
Found implication: 88->126
Found implication: 90->94
Found implication: 90->122
Found implication: 90->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 104->106
Found implication: 104->108
Found implication: 104->110
Found implication: 104->120
Found implication: 104->122
Found implication: 104->124
Found implication: 104->126
Found implication: 106->110
Found implication: 106->122
Found implication: 106->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 120->122
Found implication: 120->124
Found implication: 120->126
Found implication: 122->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962964* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b" 6 0.628148037 type classic [20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 20->22
Found implication: 20->28
Found implication: 20->30
Found implication: 20->52
Found implication: 20->54
Found implication: 20->60
Found implication: 20->62
Found implication: 20->84
Found implication: 20->86
Found implication: 20->92
Found implication: 20->94
Found implication: 20->116
Found implication: 20->118
Found implication: 20->124
Found implication: 20->126
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->86
Found implication: 22->94
Found implication: 22->118
Found implication: 22->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 52->54
Found implication: 52->60
Found implication: 52->62
Found implication: 52->116
Found implication: 52->118
Found implication: 52->124
Found implication: 52->126
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 54->118
Found implication: 54->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 84->86
Found implication: 84->92
Found implication: 84->94
Found implication: 84->116
Found implication: 84->118
Found implication: 84->124
Found implication: 84->126
Found implication: 86->94
Found implication: 86->118
Found implication: 86->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 116->118
Found implication: 116->124
Found implication: 116->126
Found implication: 118->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962963* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d" 6 0.8347724880621078 type classic [62 ] ] *0.6311303094408988* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba" 6 0.755558248567825 type classic [46 ] ] *0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 6 0.5302430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_3d685332_77b4_4b37_a109_0459de972a30" 6 0.495 type classic [1 238 ] ] *0.7235841949063087* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_619a85aa_8116_4914_9e0e_6866e59b1989" 6 0.495 type classic [39 152 ] ] *0.6503245365058082* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_ac36d930_3ffe_4428_bd37_936d589fcef2" 6 0.495 type classic [15 136 ] ] *0.6623160777389729* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_7cdf21b0_9d10_4cf1_8b58_65d1461af52f" 6 0.495 type classic [1 146 ] ] *0.7691218486514573* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_71bef1e9_2d83_4a37_9131_7eef967c5d50" 6 0.495 type classic [21 144 ] ] *0.6874191061124502* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_293ae65d_138b_4866_862d_a98f3e109ed8" 6 0.495 type classic [1 234 ] ] *0.5564586338485163* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a226e4a5_eee2_446c_953b_f54325ff9b22" 6 0.495 type classic [17 240 ] ] *0.6048083761516335* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_0a42da9d_f628_4e56_a0ec_ef653b9de528" 6 0.495 type classic [33 182 ] ] *0.5223377268505849* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_af7387d7_54df_4b84_a01c_2f95c2786b73" 6 0.495 type classic [25 192 ] ] *0.6454525278968819* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9" 6 0.495 type classic [9 162 ] ] *0.5114937649570329* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d" 6 0.495 type classic [9 212 ] ] *0.7741963085105272* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82" 6 0.495 type classic [29 140 ] ] *0.6980366999474025* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c" 6 0.495 type classic [15 228 ] ] *0.7371789915267046* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 6 0.24 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a2cf6f9c_aeb0_4cae_867f_d203a453dd73" 6 0.44999999999999996 type classic [199 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->199
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_126f35f1_1748_4d91_9a74_72d22391e6fb" 6 0.37 type classic [221 2 ] ] *0.3650520796404038* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3f5cab4f_400d_4d28_b34d_660f0767f669" 6 0.24 type classic [211 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->211
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_6fb0cd54_2567_42b7_a0ff_fe01cee83ece" 6 0.7059580748405884 type classic [12 ] ] *0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["GenericPlayer2_2d8e57ce_f5de_4e7e_8ab2_9f1ef9d0b152" 6 0.27762496214712784 type classic [64 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_ad444228_0e63_466d_82bc_ca2a39f120da" 1 0.505 type classic [3 218 ] ] *0.5076510801648475* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_01254426_8f23_416e_a74c_3f6bf5550146" 1 0.505 type classic [11 192 ] ] *0.5209718297990431* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a5737f37_6f17_48f4_ae88_aadac527d0a0" 1 0.505 type classic [17 162 ] ] *0.5663278094279521* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_3d685332_77b4_4b37_a109_0459de972a30" 1 0.505 type classic [1 238 ] ] *0.6728117128042385* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_37d9a45b_9531_46e7_b409_51e714364e42" 1 0.505 type classic [3 176 ] ] *0.6965172504985108* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_828d4a42_785b_43bc_af79_28ff123a01ea" 1 0.505 type classic [39 240 ] ] *0.7335288047268101* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_619a85aa_8116_4914_9e0e_6866e59b1989" 1 0.505 type classic [39 152 ] ] *0.548074298630755* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_ac36d930_3ffe_4428_bd37_936d589fcef2" 1 0.505 type classic [15 136 ] ] *0.764979409511692* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_7cdf21b0_9d10_4cf1_8b58_65d1461af52f" 1 0.505 type classic [1 146 ] ] *0.8206911392102034* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_71bef1e9_2d83_4a37_9131_7eef967c5d50" 1 0.505 type classic [21 144 ] ] *0.9048691883097765* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_293ae65d_138b_4866_862d_a98f3e109ed8" 1 0.505 type classic [1 234 ] ] *0.7669834591970579* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a226e4a5_eee2_446c_953b_f54325ff9b22" 1 0.505 type classic [17 240 ] ] *0.6375371955714435* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_0a42da9d_f628_4e56_a0ec_ef653b9de528" 1 0.505 type classic [33 182 ] ] *0.7743555417462401* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_af7387d7_54df_4b84_a01c_2f95c2786b73" 1 0.505 type classic [25 192 ] ] *0.6074768404583544* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_a7a9bc84_d222_4f42_af1b_ddb7793e10d9" 1 0.505 type classic [9 162 ] ] *0.6302963461007386* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_e9af879b_63ef_49fb_8091_4e9c92ce6f5d" 1 0.505 type classic [9 212 ] ] *0.5191149431295019* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_89ca806f_701c_4348_931a_ca288a79cc82" 1 0.505 type classic [29 140 ] ] *0.5720294131846967* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Bender8_4db99ccf_88c2_4057_b53f_bcaac547652c" 1 0.505 type classic [15 228 ] ] *0.7659316485389777* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_ca8e1ce2_448b_4be5_b451_3bef9d8ce880" 4 1.0 type classic [154 54 220 240 98 226 174 62 114 192 ] ]Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 98->226
Found implication: 98->114
Found implication: 192->220
Found implication: 192->240
Found implication: 192->226
*0.6705626652805958* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_12ac331d_0e55_4e71_8fcd_f9b64724c88e" 4 1.0 type classic [154 190 60 184 116 162 ] ]Found implication: 154->190
Found implication: 60->190
Found implication: 184->190
Found implication: 162->190
*0.5585232741919384* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 0.2984037528 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.19990101897018603* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 4 0.2955649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 4 0.30999999999999994 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 4 0.605 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 4 0.43999999999999995 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 4 0.48 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.15787414117088705* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 4 0.25 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 4 0.37 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 4 0.615 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_98f13c4a_a5ce_4698_8a34_651577c0f163" 4 1.0 type classic [80 138 132 164 130 122 ] ]Found implication: 80->122
Found implication: 132->164
Found implication: 130->138
*0.5562095800301681* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 4 1.0 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.24659604175624167* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_e3f48f2d_fc66_43e6_b7f1_2c43dbf9ddad" 5 0.31 type classic [193 2 ] ] *0.16805818823585258* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_a2cf6f9c_aeb0_4cae_867f_d203a453dd73" 5 0.45999999999999996 type classic [199 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->199
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_126f35f1_1748_4d91_9a74_72d22391e6fb" 5 0.38 type classic [221 2 ] ] *0.45140840096599044* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d82eed07_86fd_4d83_8f46_0e2572aa0d4c" 5 0.41000000000000003 type classic [165 2 ] ] *0.5990412228311681* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_01c37255_40c2_47a6_bd64_02f74e0c087c" 5 0.35 type classic [105 2 ] ] *0.9182343209895262* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_ae176913_6c0d_4413_b71c_db02cdb01813" 5 0.45999999999999996 type classic [111 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->111
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_6d020603_312d_4ab7_b776_63636320fdae" 5 0.32 type classic [239 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->239
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5fbd3845_1c8d_465b_9678_a46439b74987" 5 0.32 type classic [183 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->183
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3f5cab4f_400d_4d28_b34d_660f0767f669" 5 0.25 type classic [211 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->211
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_5a756932_3ffd_4fae_9441_c05d5100640b" 5 0.32999999999999996 type classic [5 2 ] ] *0.4759234468735327* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_bf6ece33_1672_4d7e_b1f7_0b124cd8ef36" 5 0.47 type classic [237 2 ] ] *0.5516250728631124* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_3e9edc44_67a5_40b6_8c55_db8e219f3a4c" 5 0.47 type classic [151 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->151
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_eb3ba39c_606b_40fd_b6a3_6c921a5c75a2" 5 0.44999999999999996 type classic [135 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->135
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_36810ad5_7681_4181_b9f2_a082dd508138" 5 0.49 type classic [153 2 ] ] *0.23527326722863415* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_81cd722e_8447_4581_98a9_afc7158d2fec" 5 0.26 type classic [47 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->47
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 5 0.38 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 5 0.39 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 5 0.35 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_537844de_735f_4959_9cca_f0a0067df6ea" 9 0.6481480369999999 type classic [72 74 76 78 88 90 92 94 104 106 108 110 120 122 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 72->74
Found implication: 72->76
Found implication: 72->78
Found implication: 72->88
Found implication: 72->90
Found implication: 72->92
Found implication: 72->94
Found implication: 72->104
Found implication: 72->106
Found implication: 72->108
Found implication: 72->110
Found implication: 72->120
Found implication: 72->122
Found implication: 72->124
Found implication: 72->126
Found implication: 74->78
Found implication: 74->90
Found implication: 74->94
Found implication: 74->106
Found implication: 74->110
Found implication: 74->122
Found implication: 74->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 88->90
Found implication: 88->92
Found implication: 88->94
Found implication: 88->120
Found implication: 88->122
Found implication: 88->124
Found implication: 88->126
Found implication: 90->94
Found implication: 90->122
Found implication: 90->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 104->106
Found implication: 104->108
Found implication: 104->110
Found implication: 104->120
Found implication: 104->122
Found implication: 104->124
Found implication: 104->126
Found implication: 106->110
Found implication: 106->122
Found implication: 106->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 120->122
Found implication: 120->124
Found implication: 120->126
Found implication: 122->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962964* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_8628038f_8fa4_4487_8815_f3a7e6bfda1b" 9 0.648148037 type classic [20 22 28 30 52 54 60 62 84 86 92 94 116 118 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 20->22
Found implication: 20->28
Found implication: 20->30
Found implication: 20->52
Found implication: 20->54
Found implication: 20->60
Found implication: 20->62
Found implication: 20->84
Found implication: 20->86
Found implication: 20->92
Found implication: 20->94
Found implication: 20->116
Found implication: 20->118
Found implication: 20->124
Found implication: 20->126
Found implication: 22->30
Found implication: 22->54
Found implication: 22->62
Found implication: 22->86
Found implication: 22->94
Found implication: 22->118
Found implication: 22->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 52->54
Found implication: 52->60
Found implication: 52->62
Found implication: 52->116
Found implication: 52->118
Found implication: 52->124
Found implication: 52->126
Found implication: 54->62
Found implication: 54->118
Found implication: 54->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 84->86
Found implication: 84->92
Found implication: 84->94
Found implication: 84->116
Found implication: 84->118
Found implication: 84->124
Found implication: 84->126
Found implication: 86->94
Found implication: 86->118
Found implication: 86->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 116->118
Found implication: 116->124
Found implication: 116->126
Found implication: 118->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.2962962962962963* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 9 0.28840375279999997 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.18185934457346692* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 9 0.29999999999999993 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 9 0.2855649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_14f0e74c_d717_43ff_9de7_a5acce70a552" 9 0.3055649254999999 type classic [59 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->59
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 9 0.49 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_d0dedeb9_ce38_4510_95fe_a9f9ca276f47" 9 0.625 type classic [12 14 28 30 44 46 60 62 76 78 92 94 108 110 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 12->14
Found implication: 12->28
Found implication: 12->30
Found implication: 12->44
Found implication: 12->46
Found implication: 12->60
Found implication: 12->62
Found implication: 12->76
Found implication: 12->78
Found implication: 12->92
Found implication: 12->94
Found implication: 12->108
Found implication: 12->110
Found implication: 12->124
Found implication: 12->126
Found implication: 14->30
Found implication: 14->46
Found implication: 14->62
Found implication: 14->78
Found implication: 14->94
Found implication: 14->110
Found implication: 14->126
Found implication: 28->30
Found implication: 28->60
Found implication: 28->62
Found implication: 28->92
Found implication: 28->94
Found implication: 28->124
Found implication: 28->126
Found implication: 30->62
Found implication: 30->94
Found implication: 30->126
Found implication: 44->46
Found implication: 44->60
Found implication: 44->62
Found implication: 44->108
Found implication: 44->110
Found implication: 44->124
Found implication: 44->126
Found implication: 46->62
Found implication: 46->110
Found implication: 46->126
Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 76->78
Found implication: 76->92
Found implication: 76->94
Found implication: 76->108
Found implication: 76->110
Found implication: 76->124
Found implication: 76->126
Found implication: 78->94
Found implication: 78->110
Found implication: 78->126
Found implication: 92->94
Found implication: 92->124
Found implication: 92->126
Found implication: 94->126
Found implication: 108->110
Found implication: 108->124
Found implication: 108->126
Found implication: 110->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["DrPepper8_1f643f22_e64b_44e6_b600_f75489315926" 9 0.3084037528 type classic [148 4 32 62 146 34 58 144 30 228 ] ]Found implication: 4->148
Found implication: 4->62
Found implication: 4->30
Found implication: 4->228
Found implication: 32->62
Found implication: 32->34
Found implication: 32->58
Found implication: 32->228
Found implication: 34->62
Found implication: 34->58
Found implication: 58->62
Found implication: 144->148
Found implication: 144->146
Found implication: 30->62
*0.12682041719904136* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_d5cae49a_e13d_4a9e_877f_f942fffdf6dc" 9 0.3055649254999999 type classic [231 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->231
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["FourthReich8_c784a82e_86bb_42b4_81b2_b9b6f3dc75df" 9 0.31999999999999995 type classic [223 2 ] ]Found implication: 2->223
*0.14814814814814814* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.615 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["LordCanti_6132b2bf_7a51_4ce2_bfa5_fa00d933aaec" 9 0.75 type classic [60 62 124 126 ] ]Found implication: 60->62
Found implication: 60->124
Found implication: 60->126
Found implication: 62->126
Found implication: 124->126
*0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7cdc8096_9f9d_4697_819e_4789bbf1dc27" 3 0.505 type classic [5 21 109 166 253 ] ]Found implication: 5->21
Found implication: 5->109
Found implication: 5->253
Found implication: 21->253
Found implication: 109->253
*0.5408447833859237* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_ebb02a91_76e5_4665_9312_f435bb8109fc" 3 0.505 type classic [1 3 9 15 252 ] ]Found implication: 1->3
Found implication: 1->9
Found implication: 1->15
Found implication: 3->15
Found implication: 9->15
*0.6052506312281031* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["Celtics8_7b573e8f_1aae_4002_a91d_e4fbe5b954f2" 3 0.505 type classic [9 15 45 176 181 ] ]Found implication: 9->15
Found implication: 9->45
Found implication: 176->181
*0.5523535668153614* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_6fb0cd54_2567_42b7_a0ff_fe01cee83ece" 13 0.7159580748405884 type classic [12 ] ] *0.25* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_01fa853b_1e4d_49c0_a31f_70247aac078d" 13 0.8547724880621078 type classic [62 ] ] *0.6311303094408988* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_c3e8ff30_2884_436d_8c54_e50f9312f8ba" 13 0.7755582485678251 type classic [46 ] ] *0.5* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_4b4bb8e5_ca10_430f_a223_f7e88c2abd01" 13 0.5502430783624792 type classic [32 ] ] *0.1481481481481482* {no}
BuyAgent:shouldBuy? deriv["TeamAwesome6_d697a1fa_7d83_43ca_b7be_f94898a5c305" 13 0.6377401152817918 type classic [16 ] ] *0.14814814814814814* {no}
[TIME]***BuyAgent took this long: 3.891
** Player 11: Team RobotChicken finished: 11.0620
** Admin overhead: 7.9380
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8's turn
Buy Time: 31 ms
total time: 16
** Player 5: Team FourthReich8 finished: 21.0470
** Admin overhead: 7.9530
** Player 1: Team Bender8's turn
** Player 1: Team Bender8 finished: 12.5000
** Admin overhead: 7.9530
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2's turn
** Player 6: Team GenericPlayer2 finished: 7.2810
** Admin overhead: 8.0780
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8's turn
BuyAgent time: 47
CreateAgent: 250
CreateAgent: 78
CreateAgent: 31
CreateAgent: 109
CreateAgent: 94
** Player 8: Team Lichwalla8 finished: 7.6410
** Admin overhead: 7.9690
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8's turn
Buying 4 Derivatives
Creating Derivative
** Player 2: Team BobLoblaw8 finished: 10.8900
** Admin overhead: 7.9530
** Total Game time: 1757.3120