package admin;
import http.server.*;
import http.gen.HTTPReq;
import http.gen.HTTPResp;
import gen.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import logging.Logger;
import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.List;
import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.Map;
/** Player/Competition Registration Server. Waits for registration requests, and
* responds accordingly.
The registration protocol is as follows:
* - The Palyer sends a {@link gen.PlayerSpec PlayerSpec} as the body of
* a POST to the RegServer, including a URL argument.
* - The full URL request will be:
* RegServer.PATH_ENTRY+"?"+RegServer.PASS_URL_ARG+"="+PASSWORD
* where PASSWORD is the Player/Team password as registered with
* the Teaching Staff (to be described separately).
* - If registration succeeds, an HTTP Response with code 200 (OK) will be
* sent back, with a short description "Player '...' has been Registered".
public class RegServer{
/** Path the RegServer Listens On */
public static final String PATH_ENTRY = "/register";
/** Admins Listening (incoming) Port */
public static final int PORT = 7000;
/** Hashed Passwords File */
private static final String PASS_FILE = "files/passwords.pwd";
/** Password Argument Name */
public static final String PASS_URL_ARG = "password";
/** Date Format for parsing Dates */
public static final DateFormat DateFmt =
/** Set the current Time Zone for Date Parsing */
/** Password List */
private Map passwds;
/** Currently registered Players */
private List players = List.create();
/** Logger for the Registration Process */
private Logger log;
/** Create a RegServer with the given Passwords. Players/Teams will submit a
* Passsword, which we will 'encrypt' and store to verify the registration
* for competitions. */
private RegServer(Map ps, Logger l){ passwds = ps; log = l; }
/** Create a RegServer with the given Passwords. Players/Teams will submit a
* Passsword, which we will 'encrypt' and store to verify the registration
* for competitions. */
public static RegServer create(Map ps, Logger l){
return new RegServer(ps,l);
/** Create a RegServer with the given Logger. Passwords will be loaded from
* the usual File. */
public static RegServer create(Logger l) throws ParseException,IOException{
PasswordFile file = PasswordFile.parse(new FileInputStream(PASS_FILE));
return create(file.getPasswordMap(),l);
/** Main URL handler for the RegServer */
public HTTPResp registerResp(HTTPReq req){
log.event("Registration Request");
PlayerSpec spec = PlayerSpec.parse(req.getBody());
return HTTPResp.error(log.error("Unknown Team Name '"+spec.getName()+"'"));
return HTTPResp.error(log.error("Player '"+spec.getName()+"' Already Registered"));
Map args = req.urlArgs();
return HTTPResp.error(log.error("No Password Given"));
players = players.push(spec);
return HTTPResp.textResponse(log.event("Player '"+spec.getName()+"' has been Registered"));
return HTTPResp.error(log.error("Password Does not Match Player '"+spec.getName()+"'"));
}catch(ParseException pe){
return HTTPResp.error(log.error("Error Parsing Registration (gen.PlayerSpec)"));
/** Encrypt a given Password (consistently) */
public static String encrypt(String s){
// PlainText for now
return s;
/** Encrypt and Verify the given Password agains the known 'Hash' */
private static boolean verify(String known, String unknownPlain){
return known.equals(encrypt(unknownPlain));
public HTTPResp defaultResp(HTTPReq req){
return HTTPResp.error("Unhandled Server Path '"+req.trimmedUrl()+"'");
/** How long to wait before re-checking the competition strat */
private static final int TIMEOUT = 20;
/** Run the registration server, until the competition starts. */
public List runRegistration(String startDate) throws IOException,java.text.ParseException{
return runRegistration(DateFmt.parse(startDate));
/** Run the registration server, until the competition starts. */
public List runRegistration(Date start) throws IOException{
ServerThread server = Factory.create(this);
log.event("Registration Opened");
log.notify("Competition will start at: "+DateFmt.format(start));
while(start.compareTo(new Date()) > 0){
}catch(InterruptedException ie){}
log.event("Registration Closed");
return players;
/** Main Test for the Server. */
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
RegServer server = RegServer.create(Logger.text(System.err));
System.err.println(server.runRegistration("7/2/2009 12:50 pm").toString());
System.err.println("\n\n ******* DONE : "+DateFmt.format(new Date())+" ************");