/* * Created on Nov 20, 2004 * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ package aspectEditor.editors; /** * @author mtavares * * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextDoubleClickStrategy; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer; import aspectEditor.aspectEditorUtils.ClassDictionaryL; import aspectEditor.aspectEditorUtils.Main; import aspectEditor.aspectEditorUtils.XAspectLanguage2; public class DoubleClickStrategy implements ITextDoubleClickStrategy { protected ITextViewer fText; public void doubleClicked(ITextViewer part) { int pos = part.getSelectedRange().x; if (pos < 0) return; fText = part; if (!selectComment(pos)) { selectWord(pos); } int lineNum = fText.getSelectedRange().x; int lineNum2 = fText.getSelectedRange().y; String line = fText.getTextWidget().getSelectionText().toString(); //get class dictionary out of editor////////////////////// String docToParse = AspectEditor.myDoc.get(); XAspectLanguage2 s = new XAspectLanguage2(); s = XAspectLanguage2.parse(docToParse); HashSet myCDNodeHash = new HashSet(); //setup iterator for list of aspects in the cd Enumeration aspectEnumeration = s.get_aspectlanguage_list().elements(); String myClass = ""; //loops through aspect cd (will contain ClassDictionaries and Traversals) while(aspectEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) { Object currObj = aspectEnumeration.nextElement(); String cdType = "aspectEditor.aspectEditorUtils.ClassDictionaryL"; String traversalType= "aspectEditor.aspectEditorUtils.SelectorL"; //check if it's a class dictionary then check semantics if(cdType.equals(currObj.getClass().getName())) { ClassDictionaryL currDict = (ClassDictionaryL)currObj; myClass = currDict.get_classdict().get_text().toString(); //aspectEditor.traversalViewer.setText(myClass); edu.neu.ccs.demeter.aplib.cd.ClassGraph genericCG = edu.neu.ccs.demeter.aplib.cd.ClassGraph.parse(myClass); myCDNodeHash.addAll(genericCG.getNodes()); } } //Main.highlight(myClass,line); } protected boolean selectComment(int caretPos) { IDocument doc = fText.getDocument(); int startPos, endPos; try { int pos = caretPos; char c = ' '; while (pos >= 0) { c = doc.getChar(pos); if (c == '\\') { pos -= 2; continue; } if (c == Character.LINE_SEPARATOR || c == '\"') break; --pos; } if (c != '\"') return false; startPos = pos; pos = caretPos; int length = doc.getLength(); c = ' '; while (pos < length) { c = doc.getChar(pos); if (c == Character.LINE_SEPARATOR || c == '\"') break; ++pos; } if (c != '\"') return false; endPos = pos; int offset = startPos + 1; int len = endPos - offset; fText.setSelectedRange(offset, len); return true; } catch (BadLocationException x) { } return false; } protected boolean selectWord(int caretPos) { IDocument doc = fText.getDocument(); int startPos, endPos; try { int pos = caretPos; char c; pos = caretPos; int length = doc.getLength(); //modified here to stop highlighted region in editor at the ';' char while (pos < length) { c = doc.getChar(pos); if (c==';'){ break; } ++pos; } endPos = pos; //start working back from the end position (;) //to find the place where the highlighting is going to start pos=endPos; //if the first character encountered after the ';' is a '}' //we need a special case to geet worked back until we hit a '{' if(doc.getChar(pos-1)=='}'){ while (pos >= 0) { c = doc.getChar(pos); if (c=='{'){ --pos; break; } --pos; } } //if the character to the left of the ';' is not a '}' //we keep moving back until we hit a ':' else{ while (pos >= 0) { c = doc.getChar(pos); if (c==':'){ break; } --pos; } } startPos = pos; selectRange(startPos, endPos); return true; } catch (BadLocationException x) { } return false; } private void selectRange(int startPos, int stopPos) { int offset = startPos + 1; int length = stopPos - offset; fText.setSelectedRange(offset, length); } }