package aspectEditor.aspectEditorUtils; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import aspectEditor.editors.AspectEditor; import edu.neu.ccs.demeter.aplib.TraversalException; import edu.neu.ccs.demeter.aplib.TraversalGraph.EdgeSet; import edu.neu.ccs.demeter.aplib.TraversalGraph.NodeSet; import; class GraphNodeRegExp extends Simple { //get all nodes that begin with the regular expression provided by this object public void interpretExpression(SelectorL s, ClassGraph c) { strat= new"from * to *"); HashSet nodesTraversed = new HashSet(); HashSet nodesToHighlight = new HashSet(); //first get all nodes traversed in "from * to *" try { edu.neu.ccs.demeter.aplib.TraversalGraph trav = new edu.neu.ccs.demeter.aplib.TraversalGraph(strat.toSimpleStrategy(),c.normalize()); nodesTraversed = new HashSet(trav.getNodeSets()); } catch(TraversalException e){ AspectEditor.traversalViewer.setText(e.getMessage()); } //now check to see if any of the nodes begin with the regexp value Iterator i = nodesTraversed.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ NodeSet currNodeset = (NodeSet); String currNodeSetName = currNodeset.getNode().toString(); //if the name of the current node set begins with the value of the reg exp //add it to the nodesToHighlight if(this.get_classname().toString().startsWith(currNodeSetName)){ nodesToHighlight.add(currNodeset); } } //because regexp doesn't highlight edges, we give highlightStrategiesBinary an empty one HashSet blankEdgeSet = new HashSet(); Main.highlightStrategiesBinary(c,nodesToHighlight,null); } protected ClassName classname; public ClassName get_classname() { return classname; } public void set_classname(ClassName new_classname) { classname = new_classname; } protected WildCard wildcard; public WildCard get_wildcard() { return wildcard; } public void set_wildcard(WildCard new_wildcard) { wildcard = new_wildcard; } public GraphNodeRegExp() { super(); } public GraphNodeRegExp(ClassName classname, WildCard wildcard) { super(); set_classname(classname); set_wildcard(wildcard); } public static GraphNodeRegExp parse( in) throws ParseException { return new Parser(in)._GraphNodeRegExp(); } public static GraphNodeRegExp parse( in) throws ParseException { return new Parser(in)._GraphNodeRegExp(); } public static GraphNodeRegExp parse(String s) { try { return parse(new; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } } void universal_trv0_bef(UniversalVisitor _v_) { super.universal_trv0_bef(_v_); ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).before(this); } void universal_trv0_aft(UniversalVisitor _v_) { ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).after(this); super.universal_trv0_aft(_v_); } void universal_trv0(UniversalVisitor _v_) { universal_trv0_bef(_v_); ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).before_classname(this, classname); classname.universal_trv0(_v_); ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).after_classname(this, classname); ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).before_wildcard(this, wildcard); wildcard.universal_trv0(_v_); ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).after_wildcard(this, wildcard); super.universal_trv0(_v_); universal_trv0_aft(_v_); } }