package aspectEditor.aspectEditorUtils; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import edu.neu.ccs.demeter.aplib.TraversalGraph.EdgeSet; import edu.neu.ccs.demeter.aplib.TraversalGraph.NodeSet; import; class BCompound extends NodeSubsetExpression { public void interpretExpression(SelectorL s, ClassGraph c) { Enumeration e = this.get_args().elements(); String operation = this.get_op().getClass().getName().toString(); NodeSubsetExpression nse1=null; NodeSubsetExpression nse2=null; //counter to tell which argument you're on int i=0; //get the two arguments in the BinaryCompound as nse1 and nse2 while(e.hasMoreElements()){ Object o = e.nextElement(); if(i==0){ nse1=(NodeSubsetExpression)o; } if(i==1){ nse2=(NodeSubsetExpression)o; } i++; } //if it's Union, just perform interpret expression on both args //that will automatically highlight for both args if(operation.equals("aspectEditor.aspectEditorUtils.Union")){ nse1.interpretExpression(s,c); nse2.interpretExpression(s,c); } if(operation.equals("aspectEditor.aspectEditorUtils.Intersection")){ //get nodes traversed from the first argument nse1.interpretExpression(s,c); HashSet nse1Nodes = Main.nodesTraversed; HashSet nse1Edges = Main.edgesTraversed; //wipe out these HashSets in Main, because they were just affected by interpret Expression Main.nodesTraversed=new HashSet(); Main.edgesTraversed=new HashSet(); //get nodes traversed from the second argument nse2.interpretExpression(s,c); HashSet nse2Nodes = Main.nodesTraversed; HashSet nse2Edges = Main.edgesTraversed; //System.out.println("nse1Nodes:"+nse1Nodes.size()+" nse2Nodes:"+nse2Nodes.size()); //wipe out these HashSets in Main, because they were just affected by interpret Expression Main.nodesTraversed=new HashSet(); Main.edgesTraversed=new HashSet(); ////////collect all the node names in nse2/////////////// HashSet nodeNamesInnse2 = new HashSet(); Iterator i5 = nse2Nodes.iterator(); while(i5.hasNext()){ NodeSet currNode = (NodeSet); //System.out.println(currNode.getNode().toString()); nodeNamesInnse2.add(currNode.getNode().toString()); } //collect all the edge set names in nse2/////////// HashSet edgeNamesInnse2 = new HashSet(); Iterator i6 = nse2Edges.iterator(); while(i6.hasNext()){ EdgeSet currNode = (EdgeSet); //System.out.println(currNode.getEdge().toString()); edgeNamesInnse2.add(currNode.getEdge().toString()); } //Below we're going to find all node sets and edges that arg1 and arg2 have in common //we compare node and edge names //make new HashSet for all nodes we would like to highlight HashSet nodesToHighlight = new HashSet(); Iterator i2 = nse1Nodes.iterator(); //find all nodes traversed in both BinaryOp args while(i2.hasNext()){ NodeSet currNode = (NodeSet); if(nodeNamesInnse2.contains(currNode.getNode().toString())){ nodesToHighlight.add(currNode); } } //make new HashSet for all edges we would like to highlight HashSet edgesToHighlight = new HashSet(); Iterator i3 = nse1Edges.iterator(); //find all edges traversed in both BinaryOp args //we compare edge names while(i3.hasNext()){ EdgeSet currEdge = (EdgeSet); if(edgeNamesInnse2.contains(currEdge.getEdge().toString())){ edgesToHighlight.add(currEdge); } } //now add the nodes and edges to highlight back to Main's variables Main.nodesTraversed.addAll(nodesToHighlight); Main.edgesTraversed.addAll(edgesToHighlight); } } protected BinaryOp op; public BinaryOp get_op() { return op; } public void set_op(BinaryOp new_op) { op = new_op; } protected NodeSubsetExpression_PCList args; public NodeSubsetExpression_PCList get_args() { return args; } public void set_args(NodeSubsetExpression_PCList new_args) { args = new_args; } public BCompound() { super(); } public BCompound(BinaryOp op, NodeSubsetExpression_PCList args) { super(); set_op(op); set_args(args); } public static BCompound parse( in) throws ParseException { return new Parser(in)._BCompound(); } public static BCompound parse( in) throws ParseException { return new Parser(in)._BCompound(); } public static BCompound parse(String s) { try { return parse(new; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } } void universal_trv0_bef(UniversalVisitor _v_) { super.universal_trv0_bef(_v_); ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).before(this); } void universal_trv0_aft(UniversalVisitor _v_) { ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).after(this); super.universal_trv0_aft(_v_); } void universal_trv0(UniversalVisitor _v_) { universal_trv0_bef(_v_); ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).before_op(this, op); op.universal_trv0(_v_); ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).after_op(this, op); ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).before_args(this, args); args.universal_trv0(_v_); ((UniversalVisitor) _v_).after_args(this, args); super.universal_trv0(_v_); universal_trv0_aft(_v_); } }