;; drscheme-init.scm - compatibility file for DrScheme ;; by Mitch Wand and Dave Herman ;; 2004-12-19 ;; usage: (require "drscheme-init.scm") ;;; makes structs printable, and provides basic functionality for testing. ;;; revision history: ;;; 1.4 1/25/05. changed pretty-print to pretty-display (module drscheme-init mzscheme (let ((version "plt209.1.5 10feb2005") (filename "drscheme-init.scm")) (printf "~a ~a~%" filename version)) ;; show the contents of define-datatype values (print-struct #t) (require (lib "pretty.ss")) (provide (all-from (lib "pretty.ss"))) (require (lib "trace.ss")) (provide (all-from (lib "trace.ss"))) (provide make-parameter) (provide run-experiment run-tests! stop-after-first-error ) ;; safely apply procedure fn to a list of args. ;; if successful, return (cons #t val) ;; if eopl:error is invoked, returns (cons #f string), where string is the ;; format string generated by eopl:error. If somebody manages to raise a ;; value other than an exception, then the raised value is reported. (define apply-safely (lambda (proc args) (with-handlers ([(lambda (exn) #t) ; catch any error (lambda (exn) ; evaluate to a failed test result (cons #f (if (exn? exn) (exn-message exn) exn)))]) (let ([actual (apply proc args)]) (cons #t actual))))) ;; run-experiment : ;; ((a ...) -> b) * (a ...) * b * (b * b -> bool) ;; -> (cons bool b) ;; usage: (run-experiment fn args correct-answer equal-answer?) ;; Applies fn to args. Compares the result to correct-answer. ;; Returns (cons bool b) where bool indicates whether the ;; answer is correct. (define run-experiment (lambda (fn args correct-answer equal-answer?) (let* ((result (apply-safely fn args)) ;; ans is either the answer or the args to eopl:error (error-thrown? (not (car result))) (ans (cdr result))) (cons (if (eqv? correct-answer 'error) error-thrown? (equal-answer? ans correct-answer)) ans)))) (define stop-after-first-error (make-parameter #f)) ;; usage: (run-tests! run-fn equal-answer? tests) ;; run-tests! : (arg -> outcome) * (any * any -> bool) * (list-of test) ;; -> unspecified ;; where: ;; test ::= (name arg outcome) ;; outcome ::= ERROR | any ;; for each item in tests, apply run-fn to the arg. Check to see if ;; the outcome is right, comparing values using equal-answer?. ;; print a log of the tests. ;; at the end, print either "no bugs found" or the list of tests ;; failed. ;; Normally, run-tests! will recover from any error and continue to ;; the end of the test suite. This behavior can be altered by ;; setting (stop-after-first-error #t). (define (run-tests! run-fn equal-answer? tests) (let ((tests-failed '())) (for-each (lambda (test-item) (let ((name (car test-item)) (pgm (cadr test-item)) (correct-answer (caddr test-item))) (printf "test: ~a~%~a~%" name pgm) (let* ((result (run-experiment run-fn (list pgm) correct-answer equal-answer?)) (correct? (car result)) (actual-answer (cdr result))) (printf "correct outcome: ~a~%" correct-answer) (printf "actual outcome: ") (pretty-print actual-answer) (if correct? (printf "correct~%~%") (begin (printf "incorrect~%~%") ;; stop on first error if stop-after-first? is set: (if (stop-after-first-error) (error name "incorrect outcome detected")) (set! tests-failed (cons name tests-failed))))))) tests) (if (null? tests-failed) (printf "no bugs found~%") (printf "incorrect answers on tests: ~a~%" (reverse tests-failed))))) )