Managing Software Development Project 7: Generalize the Remaining Agents from SAT to CSP / Design by Contract / Requirements and Testing / Reverse Engineering Spring 2008 Karl Lieberherr Out: March 4, 2008 Due date: March 17, 2008 Grading of your algorithmic player/administrator: 50% -- Code compiles and runs. Runs correctly with 2 players plus administrator, one your player and the other a "simple" player. A simple player is one that uses only a restricted set of derivative types. 25% -- Code runs against several complex players and wins, i.e. it wins the competition. The players are sorted based on the money accumulated at the end of the game. The first gets 25%, the second 12.5%, the third 6.25% etc. If two or more players achieve a tie, they get the lowest score if there would not have been a tie. 25% -- General code quality/clarity. PART 3 IS NOT COMPLETE BUT PLEASE START WITH 1 and 2. This subproject completes the generalization of the SDG game from MAX-SAT to MAX-CSP. PART 1. =========================================================== Generalize the Raw Material Construction Agent. See for the corresponding MAX-SAT version. Generalize the Derivative Creation Agent and the Derivative Buying Agent. See for the corresponding MAX-SAT version You may choose your own algorithms. Your main objective should be to beat the other players and not following my suggestions. You should have now a complete player for SDG(CSP) along with an administrator. PART 2: =========================================================== Run your player against itself, produce a history of transactions and use your checker from the previous project to check the history. PART 3: This part is prepared based on a program written by Bryan Chadwick ================================================================== John, an employee at your company, has written the enclosed code (file BST.pdf) and then he left the company. Connection to Reverse Engineering: Reverse engineering often is done because the documentation of a particular device has been lost (or was never written), and the person who built the thing is no longer working at the company. Your task is to understand this code, properly document it, extend it, write proper requirements for it and develop test cases. PART A ======= In which sense can this code be viewed as a wizard? Apply Tip 50: Don't Use Wizard Code You Don't Understand Write requirements and test cases for this code. What does code mean here? You should consider self-contained reusable pieces of the code. PART B ====== Read section 21: Design by contract. Write the contract for the insert method. Is there an interesting class invariant? Write code that checks at run-time whether the contract is satisfied. PART C ====== Write a program that increments not by 1 but by a constant c that can be changed when the increment program is called. I.e., the constant is a parameter to the increment program. In other words, write a program that increments each node in a tree by c. PART D ====== Write a program that computes the depth of a tree and the number of nodes in a tree. PART E ====== OPTIONAL; easy if you know Latex: Also generate the code to print pictures in the BST.pdf file.