/* **********************************
 *   BuyAgent.java
 *     Handles the buying of Derivitives.
 * **********************************/
package player.playeragent;

import player.*;
import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.List;
import gen.*;

/** Class for buying a derivative */
public class BuyAgent implements PlayerI.BuyAgentI{
    static int MAX_BUY = 3;
    /** Returns the profitable derivatives from those on sale */
    public List<Derivative> buyDerivatives(List<Derivative> forSale, double account){
        return forSale.foldl(new List.Fold<Derivative, BuyChoice>(){
            public BuyChoice fold(Derivative d, BuyChoice choice){
                // Should this one be bought??
                if(shouldBuy(d, choice)){
                    Util.display(Util.color("Buying","green")+" "+Util.tag(d.type.print(),"b")+
                            ", now "+Util.color("$"+Util.format(choice.account),"blue")+" remaining");
                    return choice.buy(d);
                // I guess not...
                return choice;
            }}, new BuyChoice(account)).toBuy;
    /** Is the given Derivative profitable? Do I have enough Money? */
    private boolean shouldBuy(Derivative der, BuyChoice ch){
        return Util.coinFlip() && der.price.val < ch.account && ch.toBuy.length() < MAX_BUY;
    /** Collects buying decisions based on the shouldBuy "predicate" */
    private class BuyChoice{
        double account;
        List<Derivative> toBuy;
        BuyChoice(double acc){ this(acc, List.<Derivative>create()); }
        BuyChoice(double acc, List<Derivative> buy){ account = acc; toBuy = buy; }
        BuyChoice buy(Derivative der){
            return new BuyChoice(account-der.price.val, toBuy.push(der));