// ** This class was generated with DemFGen (vers:09/22/2009) package gen; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.control.Fields; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.ident; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.verbatim; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.*; /** Computes a nested String representation with field names and values */ public class Display extends edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.ID{ /** Static stub method for calling display */ public static String DisplayM(Object o){ return new edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.Traversal(new Display(),edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.Control.builtins()).traverse(o," "); } public String combine(byte _h_){ return ": byte "+""+_h_; } public String combine(short _h_){ return ": short "+""+_h_; } public String combine(int _h_){ return ": int "+""+_h_; } public String combine(long _h_){ return ": long "+""+_h_; } public String combine(float _h_){ return ": float "+""+_h_; } public String combine(double _h_){ return ": double "+""+_h_; } public String combine(char _h_){ return ": char "+"\'"+escape(""+_h_)+"\'"; } public String combine(boolean _h_){ return ": boolean "+""+_h_; } public String combine(String _h_){ return ": String "+"\""+escape(""+_h_)+"\""; } public String combine(ident _h_){ return ": ident "+""+_h_; } public String combine(verbatim _h_){ return ": verbatim "+""+_h_; } public String update(Object o, Fields.any f, String d){ return d+" "; } public static String escape(String s){ char str[] = s.toCharArray(); StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(""); for(char c:str)ret.append(escape(c)); return ret.toString(); } public static String escape(char c){ switch(c){ case '\n':return "\\n"; case '\t':return "\\t"; case '\b':return "\\b"; case '\r':return "\\r"; case '\f':return "\\f"; case '\\':return "\\\\"; case '\'':return "\\'"; case '\"':return "\\\""; default: return ""+c; } } public String combine(Cons _h_, String first, String rest, String _d_){ return ": Cons ("+"\n"+_d_+" "+first+"\n"+_d_+" "+rest+" )"; } public String combine(Empty _h_, String _d_){ return ": Empty ("+" )"; } public String combine(SimpleProblems _h_, String constraints, String _d_){ return ": SimpleProblems ("+"\n"+_d_+" "+constraints+" )"; } public String combine(Problem _h_, String constraints, String _d_){ return ": Problem ("+"\n"+_d_+" "+constraints+" )"; } public String combine(Constraint _h_, String r, String vars, String _d_){ return ": Constraint ("+"\n"+_d_+" "+r+"\n"+_d_+" "+vars+" )"; } public String combine(Relation _h_, String length, String pos, String _d_){ return ": Relation ("+"\n"+_d_+" "+length+"\n"+_d_+" "+pos+" )"; } public String combine(Length _h_, String v, String _d_){ return ": Length ("+"\n"+_d_+" "+v+" )"; } public String combine(Positive _h_, String v, String _d_){ return ": Positive ("+"\n"+_d_+" "+v+" )"; } public String combine(Variable _h_, String v, String _d_){ return ": Variable ("+"\n"+_d_+" "+v+" )"; } }