The purpose of these notes is to help students in Computer Sciences 537 (Introduction to Operating Systems) at the University of Wisconsin - Madision learn enough Java to do the course projects. The Computer Sciences Department is in the process of converting most of its classes from C++ to Java as the principal langauge for programming projects. CS 537 was the first course to make the switch, Fall term, 1996. At that time vitually all the students had heard of Java and none had used it. Over the next few years more and more of our courses were converted to Java until, by 1998-99, the introductory programming prerequisites for this course, CS 302 and CS 367, were taught in Java. Now, a "C++ for Java Programmers" would probably be more useful, but I haven't gotten around to writing it yet. Nonetheless, students already unfamiliar with Java may find some of the later sections of this tutorial useful, particularly the material on Threads .
The first thing you have to decide when writing a Java program is whether you are writing an application or an applet. An applet is piece of code designed to display a part of a document. It is run by a browser (such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer) in response to an <applet> tag in the document. We will not be writing any applets in this course.
An application is a stand-alone program. All of our programs will be applications.
Java was orginally designed to build active, multimedia, interactive environments, so its standard runtime library has lots of features to aid in creating user interfaces. There are standard classes to create scrollbars, pop-up menus, etc. There are special facilities for manipulating URL's and network connections. We will not be using any of these features. On the other hand, there is one thing operating systems and user interfaces have in common: They both require multiple, cooperating threads of control. We will be using those features in this course.
You may have heard of JavaScript. JavaScript is an addition to HTML (the language for writing Web pages) that supports creation of ``subroutines''. It has a syntax that looks sort of like Java, but otherwise it has very little to do with Java. I have heard one very good analogy: JavaScript is to Java as the C Shell (csh) is to C.
The Java langauge is actually rather small and simple - an order of magnitude smaller and simpler than C++, and in some ways, even smaller and simpler than C. However, it comes with a very large and constantly growing library of utility classes. Fortunately, you only need to know about the parts of this library that you really need, you can learn about it a little at a time, and there is excellent, browsable, on-line documentation. These libraries are grouped into packages. One set of about 60 packgages, called the Java 2 Platform API comes bundled with the language (API stands for "Application Programming Interface"). You will probably only use classes from three of these packages:
Large parts of Java are identical to C++. For example, the following procedure, which sorts an array of integers using insertion sort, is exactly the same in C++ or Java.1
/** Sort the array a[] in ascending order ** using an insertion sort. */ void sort(int a[], int size) { for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { // a[0..i-1] is sorted // insert a[i] in the proper place int x = a[i]; int j; for (j = i-1; j >=0; --j) { if (a[j] <= x) break; a[j+1] = a[j]; } // now a[0..j] are all <= x // and a[j+2..i] are > x a[j+1] = x; } } // sort
Note that the syntax of control structures (such as for and if), assignment statements, variable declarations, and comments are all the same in Java as in C++.
To test this procedure in a C++ program, we might use a ``main program'' like this:
#include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> extern "C" long random(); /** Test program to test sort */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { cerr << "usage: sort array-size" << endl; exit(1); } int size = atoi(argv[1]); int *test = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) test[i] = random() % 100; cout << "before" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) cout << " " << test[i]; cout << endl; sort(test, size); cout << "after" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) cout << " " << test[i]; cout << endl; return 0; } // main
A Java program to test the sort procedure is different in a few ways. Here is
a complete Java program using the sort
import java.util.Random;
class SortTest {
/** Sort the array a[] in ascending order
** using an insertion sort.
static void sort(int a[], int size) {
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
// a[0..i-1] is sorted
// insert a[i] in the proper place
int x = a[i];
int j;
for (j = i-1; j >=0; --j) {
if (a[j] <= x)
a[j+1] = a[j];
// now a[0..j] are all <= x
// and a[j+2..i] are > x
a[j+1] = x;
} // sort
/** Test program to test sort */
public static void main(String argv[]) {
if (argv.length != 1) {
System.out.println("usage: sort array-size");
int size = Integer.parseInt(argv[0]);
int test[] = new int[size];
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
test[i] = (int)(r.nextFloat() * 100);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
System.out.print(" " + test[i]);
sort(test, size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
System.out.print(" " + test[i]);
} // main
} // SortTest
A copy of this program is available in ~cs537-1/public/examples/
To try it out, create a new directory and copy the example to a file named in that directory or visit
with your web browser and use the Save As... option from the
File menu. The file must be called!
mkdir test1
cd test1
cp ~cs537-1/public/examples/
java SortTest 10
(The C++ version of the program is also available in ~cs537-1/public/examples/
The javac command2 file If all goes well, it will create a file named SortTest.class, which contains code for the Java virtual machine. The java command invokes the Java interpreter to run the code for class SortTest. Note that the first parameter is SortTest, not SortTest.class or because it is the name of a class, not a file.
There are several things to note about this program. First, Java has no ``top-level'' or ``global'' variables or functions. A Java program is always a set of class definitions. Thus, we had to make sort and main member functions (called ``methods'' in Java) of a class, which we called SortTest.
Second, the main function is handled somewhat differently in Java from C++. In C++, the first function to be executed is always a function called main, which has two arguments and returns an integer value. The return value is the ``exit status'' of the program; by convention, a status of zero means ``normal termination'' and anything else means something went wrong. The first argument is the number of words on the command-line that invoked the program, and the second argument is a an array of character strings (denoted char *argv[] in C++) containing those words. If we invoke the program by typing
sort 10we will find that argc==2, argv[0]=="sort", and argv[1]=="10".
In Java, the first thing executed is the method called main of the indicated class (in this case SortTest). The main method does not return any value (it is of type void). For now, ignore the words ``public static'' preceding void. We will return to these later. The main method takes only one parameter, an array of strings (denoted String argv[] in Java). This array will have one element for each word on the command line following the name of the class being executed. Thus in our example call,
java SortTest 10argv[0] == "10". There is no separate argument to tell you how many words there are, but in Java, you can tell how big any array is by using length. In this case argv.length == 1, meaning argv contains only one word.
The third difference to note is the way I/O is done in Java. System.out in Java is roughly equivalent to cout in C++ (or stdout in C), and
System.out.println(whatever);is (even more) roughly equivalent to
cout << whatever << endl;
Our C++ program used three functions from the standard library, atoi, random, and exit. Integer.parseInt does the same thing as atoi: It converts the character-string "10" to the integer value ten, and System.exit(1) does the same thing as exit(1): It immediately terminates the program, returning an exit status of 1 (meaning something's wrong). The library class Random defines random-number generators. The statement Random r = new Random() create an instance of this class, and r.nextFloat() uses it to generate a floating point number between 0 and 1. The cast (int) means the same thing in Java as in C++. It converts its floating-point argument to an integer, throwing away the fraction.
Finally, note that the #include
directives from C++ have been replaced by import declarations. Although they have roughly the
same effect, the mechanisms are different. In C++, #include <iostream.h> copies a source file
called iostream.h from a source library
and compiles it along with the rest of the program. #include is usually used to include files containing
declarations of library functions and classes, but the file could contain any
C++ source code whatever. The Java declaration import
java.util.Random declares that the pre-compiled class Random is in a package called java.util. The next section explains more about
Names, Packages, and Separate Compilation
As in C or C++, case is significant in identifiers in Java. Aside from a few reserved words, like if, while, etc., the Java langauge places no restrictions on what names you use for functions, variables, classes, etc. However, there is a standard naming convention, which all the standard Java libraries follow, and which you must follow in this class.
Simple class defintions in Java look rather like class definitions in C++ (although, as we shall see later, there are important differences).
class Pair { int x, y; }
There is a large set of predefined classes, grouped into packages. The full name of one of these predefined classes includes the name of the package as prefix. We already saw the class java.util.Random. The import statement allows you to omit the package name from one of these classes. Because the SortTest program starts with
import java.util.Random;we can write
Random r = new Random();rather than
java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random();You can import all the classes in a package at once with a notation like
import*;The package java.lang is special; every program behaves as if it started with
import java.lang.*;whether it does or not. You can define your own packages, but defining packages is an advanced topic beyond the scope of what's required for this course.
The import statement doesn't really "import" anything. It just introduces a convenient abbreviation for a fully-qualified class name. When a class needs to use another class, all it has to do is use it. The Java compiler will know that it is supposed to be a class by the way it is used, will import the appropriate .class file, and will even compile a .java file if necessary. (That's why it's important for the name of the file to match the name of the class). For example, here is a simple program that uses two classes:
class HelloTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Hello greeter = new Hello(); greeter.speak(); } } class Hello { void speak() { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }Put each class in a separate file ( and Then try this:
javac java HelloTestYou should see a cheery greeting. If you type ls you will see that you have both HelloTest.class and Hello.class even though you only asked to compiled The Java compiler figured out that class HelloTest uses class Hello and automatically compiled it. Try this to learn more about what's going on:
rm -f *.class javac -verbose java HelloTest
It is sometimes said that Java doesn't have pointers. That is not true. In fact, objects can only be referenced with pointers. More precisely, variables can hold primitive values (such as integers or floating-point numbers) or references (pointers) to objects. A variable cannot hold an object, and you cannot make a pointer to a primitive value. Since you don't have a choice, Java doesn't have a special notation like C++ does to indicate when you want to use a pointer.
There are exactly eight primitive types in Java, boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, and double. Most of these are similar to types with the same name in C++. We mention only the differences.
A boolean value is either true or false. You cannot use an integer where a boolean is required (e.g. in an if or while statement) nor is there any automatic conversion between boolean and integer.
A char value is 16 bits rather than 8 bits, as it is in C or C++, to allow for all sorts of international alphabets. As a practical matter, however, you are unlikely to notice the difference. The byte type is an 8-bit signed integer (like signed char in C or C++).
A short is 16 bits and an int is 32 bits, just as in C or C++ on most modern machines (in C++ the size is machine-dependent, but in Java it is guaranteed to be 32 bits). A Java long is not the same as in C++; it is 64 bits long--twice as big as a normal int--so it can hold any value from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. The types float and double are just like in C++: 32-bit and 64-bit floating point.
As in C++, objects are instances of classes. There is no prefix * or & operator or infix -> operator.
As an example, consider the class declaration (which is the same in C++ and in Java)
class Pair { int x, y; }
C++ | Java |
Pair origin; | Pair origin = new Pair(); |
Pair *p, *q, *r; | Pair p, q, r; |
origin.x = 0; | origin.x = 0; |
p = new Pair; | p = new Pair(); |
p -> y = 5; | p.y = 5; |
q = p; | q = p; |
r = &origin; | not possible |
As in C or C++, arguments to a Java procedure are passed ``by value'':
void f() { int n = 1; Pair p = new Pair(); p.x = 2; p.y = 3; System.out.println(n); // prints 1 System.out.println(p.x); // prints 2 g(n,p); System.out.println(n); // still prints 1 System.out.println(p.x); // prints 100 } void g(int num, Pair ptr) { System.out.println(num); // prints 1 num = 17; // changes only the local copy System.out.println(num); // prints 17 System.out.println(ptr.x);// prints 2 ptr.x = 100; // changes the x field of caller's Pair ptr = null; // changes only the local ptr }The formal parameters num and ptr are local variables in the procedure g initialized with copies of the values of n and p. Any changes to num and ptr affect only the copies. However, since ptr and p point to the same object, the assignment to ptr.x in g changes the value of p.x.
Unlike C++, Java has no way of declaring reference parameters, and unlike C++ or C, Java has no way of creating a pointer to a (non-object) value, so you can't do something like this
/* C or C++ */ void swap1(int *xp, int *yp) { int tmp; tmp = *xp; *xp = *yp; *yp = tmp; } int foo = 10, bar = 20; swap1(&foo, &bar); /* now foo==20 and bar==10 */ // C++ only void swap2(int &xp, int &yp) { int tmp; tmp = xp; xp = yp; yp = tmp; } int this_one = 88, that_one = 99; swap2(this_one, that_one); // now this_one==99 and that_one==88You'll probably miss reference parameters most in situations where you want a procedure to return more than one value. As a work-around you can return an object or array or pass in a pointer to an object or array. See Section 2.6.4 on page 54 of the Java book for more information.
New objects are create by the new operator in Java just like C++ (except that an argument list is required after the class name, even if the constructor for the class doesn't take any arguments so the list is empty). However, there is no delete operator. The Java system automatically deletes objects when no references to them remain. This is a much more important convenience than it may at first seem. delete operator is extremely error-prone. Deleting objects too early can lead to dangling reference, as in
p = new Pair(); // ... q = p; // ... much later delete p; q -> x = 5; // oops!while deleting them too late (or not at all) can lead to garbage, also known as a storage leak.
Just as in C++, it is possible to restrict access to members of a class by
declaring them private, but the syntax is different.
In C++:
class C { private: int i; double d; public: int j; void f() { /*...*/ } }In Java:
class C { private int i; public int j; private double d; public void f() { /* ... */ } }As in C++, private members can only be accessed from inside the bodies of methods (function members) of the class, not ``from the outside.'' Thus if x is an instance of C, x.i is not legal, but i can be accessed from the body of x.f(). (protected is also supported; it means the same thing as it does in C++). The default (if neither public nor private is specified) is that a member can be accessed from anywhere in the same package, giving a facility rather like ``friends'' in C++. You will probably be putting all your classes in one package, so the default is essentially public, but you should not rely on this default. In this course, every member must be declared public, protected, or private.
The keyword static also means the same thing in Java as C++, which not what the word implies: Ordinary members have one copy per instance, whereas a static member has only one copy, which is shared by all instances. In effect, a static member lives in the class itself, rather than instances.
class C { int x = 1; // by the way, this is ok in Java but not C++ static int y = 1; void f(int n) { x += n; } static int g() { return ++y; } } C p = new C(); C q = new C(); p.f(3); q.f(5); System.out.println(p.x); // prints 4 System.out.println(q.x); // prints 6 System.out.println(C.y); // prints 1 System.out.println(p.y); // means the same thing System.out.println(C.g());// prints 2 System.out.println(q.g());// prints 3Static members are often used instead of global variables and functions, which do not exist in Java. For example,
Math.tan(x); // tan is a static method of class Math Math.PI; // a static "field" of class Math with value 3.14159... Integer.parseInt("10"); // used in the sorting exampleThe keyword final is roughly equivalent to const in C++: final fields cannot be changed. It is often used in conjunction with static to defined named constants.
class Card { public int suit = CLUBS; // default public final static int CLUBS = 1; public final static int DIAMONDS = 2; public final static int HEARTS = 3; public final static int SPADES = 4; } Card c = new Card(); c.suit = Card.SPADES;Each Card has its own suit. The value CLUBS is shared by all instances of Card so it only needs to be stored once, but since it's final, it doesn't need to be stored at all!
In Java, arrays are objects. Like all objects in Java, you can only point to them, but unlike a C++ variable, which is treated like a pointer to the first element of the array, a Java array variable points to the whole object. There is no way to point to a particular slot in an array.
Each array has a read-only (final) field length that tells you how many elements it has. The elements are numbered starting at zero as in C++: a[0] ... a[a.length-1]. Once you create an array (using new), you can't change its size. If you need more space, you have to create a new (larger) array and copy over the elements (but see the library class Vector below).
int x = 3; // a value int[] a; // a pointer to an array object; initially null int a[]; // means exactly the same thing (for compatibility with C) a = new int[10]; // now a points to an array object a[3] = 17; // accesses one of the slots in the array a = new int[5]; // assigns a different array to a // the old array is inaccessible (and so // is garbage-collected) int[] b = a; // a and b share the same array object System.out.println(a.length); // prints 5
Since you can make an array of anything, you can make an an array of char or an an array of byte, but Java has something much better: the type String. The + operator is overloaded on Strings to mean concatenation. What's more, you can concatenate anything with a string; Java automatically converts it to a string. Built-in types such as numbers are converted in the obvious way. Objects are converted by calling their toString() methods. Library classes all have toString methods that do something reasonable. You should do likewise for all classes you define. This is great for debugging.
String s = "hello"; String t = "world"; System.out.println(s + ", " + t); // prints "hello, world" System.out.println(s + "1234"); // "hello1234" System.out.println(s + (12*100 + 34)); // "hello1234" System.out.println(s + 12*100 + 34); // "hello120034" (why?) System.out.println("The value of x is " + x); // will work for any x System.out.println("System.out = " + System.out); // "System.out =" String numbers = ""; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) numbers += " " + i; System.out.println(numbers); // " 0 1 2 3 4"Strings have lots of other useful operations:
String s = "whatever", t = "whatnow"; s.charAt(0); // 'w' s.charAt(3); // 't' t.substring(4); // "now" (positions 4 through the end) t.substring(4,6); // "no" (positions 4 and 5, but not 6) s.substring(0,4); // "what" (positions 0 through 3) t.substring(0,4); // "what" s.compareTo(t); // a value less than zero // s precedes t in "lexicographic" // (dictionary) order t.compareTo(s); // a value greater than zero (t follows s) t.compareTo("whatnow"); // zero t.substring(0,4) == s.substring(0,4); // false (they are different String objects) t.substring(0,4).equals(s.substring(0,4)); // true (but they are both equal to "what") t.indexOf('w'); // 0 t.indexOf('t'); // 3 t.indexOf("now"); // 4 t.lastIndexOf('w'); // 6 t.endsWith("now"); // trueand more.
You can't modify a string, but you can make a string variable point to a new
string (as in numbers += " " + i;). See
StringBuffer if you want a string you can
scribble on.
Constructors and Overloading
A constructor is like in C++: a method with the same name as the class. If a constructor has arguments, you supply corresponding values when using new. Even if it has no arguments, you still need the parentheses (unlike C++). There can be multiple constructors, with different numbers or types of arguments. The same is true for other methods. This is called overloading. Unlike C++, you cannot overload operators. The operator `+' is overloaded for strings and (various kinds of) numbers, but user-defined overloading is not allowed.
class Pair { int x, y; Pair(int u, int v) { x = u; // the same as this.x = u y = v; } Pair(int x) { this.x = x; // not the same as x = x! y = 0; } Pair() { x = 0; y = 0; } } class Test { public static void main(String[] argv) { Pair p1 = new Pair(3,4); Pair p2 = new Pair(); // same as new Pair(0,0) Pair p3 = new Pair; // error! } }NB: The bodies of the methods have to be defined in line right after their headers as shown above. You have to write
class Foo { double square(double d) { return d*d; } };rather than
class Foo { double square(double); }; double Foo::square(double d) { return d*d; } // ok in C++ but not in Java
In C++, when we write
class Derived : public Base { ... }we mean two things:
Method inheritance is specified with the keyword extends.
class Base { int f() { /* ... */ } void g(int x) { /* ... */ } } class Derived extends Base { void g(int x) { /* ... */ } double h() { /* ... */ } }Class Derived has three methods: f, g, and h. The method Derived.f() is implemented in the same way (the same executable code) as Base.f(), but Derived.g() overrides the implementation of Base.g(). We call Base the super class of Derived and Derived a subclass of Base. Every class (with one exception) has exactly one super class (single inheritance). If you leave out the extends specification, Java treats it like ``extends Object''. The primordial class Object is the lone exception -- it does not extend anything. All other classes extend Object either directly or indirectly. Object has a method toString, so every class has a method toString; either it inherits the method from its super class or it overrides it.
Interface inheritance is specified with implements. A class implements an Interface, which is like a class, except that the methods don't have bodies. Two examples are given by the built-in interfaces Runnable and Enumeration.
interface Runnable { void run(); } interface Enumeration { Object nextElement(); boolean hasMoreElements(); }An object is Runnable if it has a method named run that is public3 and has no arguments or results. To be an Enumeration, a class has to have a public method nextElement() that returns an Object and a public method hasMoreElements that returns a boolean. A class that claims to implement these interfaces has to either inherit them (via extends) or define them itself.
class Words extends StringTokenizer implements Enumeration, Runnable { public void run() { for (;;) { String s = nextToken(); if (s == null) { return; } System.out.println(s); } } Words(String s) { super(s); // perhaps do something else with s as well } }The class Words needs methods run, hasMoreElements, and nextElement to meet its promise to implement interfaces Runnable and Enumeration. It inherits implementations of hasMoreElements and nextElement from StringTokenizer , but it has to give its own implementation of run. The implements clause tells users of the class what they can expect from it. If w is an instance of Words, I know I can write;or
if (w.hasMoreElements()) ...A class can only extend one class, but it can implement any number of interfaces.
By the way, constructors are not inherited. The call super(s) in class Words calls the constructor of StringTokenizer that takes one String argument. If you don't explicitly call super, Java automatically calls the super class constructor with no arguments (such a constructor must exist in this case). Note the call nextToken() in, which is short for this.nextToken(). Since this is an instance of Words, it has a nextToken method -- the one it inherited from StringTokenizer.
A cast in Java looks just like a cast in C++: It is a type name in parentheses preceding an expression. We have already seen an example of a cast used to convert between primitive types. A cast can also be used to convert an object reference to a super class or subclass. For example,
Words w = new Words("this is a test"); Object o = w.nextElement(); String s = (String)o; System.out.println("The first word has length " + s.length());We know that w.nextElement() is ok, since Words implements the interface Enumeration, but all that tells us is that the value returned has type Object. We cannot call o.length() because class Object does not have a length method. In this case, however, we know that o is not just any kind of Object, but a String in particular. Thus we cast o to type String. If we were wrong about the type of o we would get a run-time error. If you are not sure of the type of an object, you can test it with instanceof (note the lower case `o'), or find out more about it with the method Object.getClass()
if (o instanceof String) { n = ((String)o).length(); } else { System.err.println("Bad type " + o.getClass().getName()); }
A Java program should never ``core dump,'' no matter how buggy it is. If the compiler excepts it and something goes wrong at run time, Java throws an exception. By default, an exception causes the program to terminate with an error message, but you can also catch an exception.
try { // ...; // ... a[i] = 17; // ... } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.err.println("Oops: " + e); }The try statement says you're interested in catching exceptions. The catch clause (which can only appear after a try) says what to do if an IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs anywhere in the try clause. In this case, we print an error message. The toString() method of an exception generates a string containing information about what went wrong, as well as a call trace. Because we caught this exception, it will not terminate the program. If some other kind of exception occurs (such as divide by zero), the exception will be thrown back to the caller of this function and if that function doesn't catch it, it will be thrown to that function's caller, and so on back to the main function, where it will terminate the program if it isn't caught. Similarly, if the function throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException and doesn't catch it, we will catch it here.
The catch clause actually catches IndexOutOfBoundsException or any of its subclasses, including ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException , StringIndexOutOfBoundsException , and others. An Exception is just another kind of object, and the same rules for inheritance hold for exceptions as any other king of class.
You can define and throw your own exceptions.
class SytaxError extends Exception { int lineNumber; SytaxError(String reason, int line) { super(reason); lineNumber = line; } public String toString() { return "Syntax error on line " + lineNumber + ": " + getMessage(); } } class SomeOtherClass { public void parse(String line) throws SyntaxError { // ... if (...) throw new SyntaxError("missing comma", currentLine); //... } public void parseFile(String fname) { //... try { // ... nextLine = in.readLine(); parse(nextLine); // ... } catch (SyntaxError e) { System.err.println(e); } } }Each function must declare in its header (with the keyword throws) all the exceptions that may be thrown by it or any function it calls. It doesn't have to declare exceptions it catches. Some exceptions, such as IndexOutOfBoundsException, are so common that Java makes an exception for them (sorry about that pun) and doesn't require that they be declared. This rule applies to RuntimeException and its subclasses. You should never define new subclasses of RuntimeException.
There can be several catch clauses at
the end of a try statement, to catch
various kinds of exceptions. The first one that ``matches'' the exception (i.e.,
is a super class of it) is executed. You can also add a finally clause, which will always be
executed, no matter how the program leaves the try clause (whether by falling through the bottom,
executing a return, break, or continue, or throwing an exception).
Java lets you do several things at once by using threads. If your computer has more than one CPU, it may actually run two or more threads simultaneously. Otherwise, it will switch back and forth among the threads at times that are unpredictable unless you take special precautions to control it.
There are two different ways to create threads. I will only describe one of them here.
Thread t = new Thread(command); // t.start(); // t start running command, but we don't wait for it to finish // ... do something else (perhaps start other threads?) // ... later: t.join(); // wait for t to finish running commandThe constructor for the built-in class Thread takes one argument, which is any object that has a method called run. This requirment is specified by requiring that command implement the Runnable interface described earlier. (More precisely, command must be an instance of a class that implements Runnable). The way a thread ``runs'' a command is simply by calling its run() method. It's as simple as that!
In project 1, you are supposed to run each command in a separate thread. Thus you might declare something like this:
class Command implements Runnable { String commandLine; Command(String commandLine) { this.commandLine = commandLine; } public void run() { // Do what commandLine says to do } }You can parse the command string either in the constructor or at the start of the run() method.
The main program loop reads a command line, breaks it up into commands, runs all of the commands concurrently (each in a separate thread), and waits for them to all finish before issuing the next prompt. In outline, it may look like this.
for (;;) { System.out.print("% "); System.out.flush(); String line = inputStream.readLine(); int numberOfCommands = // count how many comands there are on the line Thread t[] = new Thread[numberOfCommands]; for (int i=0; i<numberOfCommands; i++) { String c = // next command on the line t[i] = new Thread(new Command(c)); t[i].start(); } for (int i=0; i<numberOfCommands; i++) { t[i].join(); } }This main loop is in the main() method of your main class. It is not necessary for that class to implement Runnable.
Although you won't need it for project 1, the next project will require to to synchronize thread with each other. There are two reasons why you need to do this: to prevent threads from interferring with each other, and to allow them to cooperate. You use synchronized methods to prevent interference, and the built-in methods Object.wait() , Object.notify() , Object.notifyAll() , and Thread.yield() to support cooperation.
Any method can be preceded by the word synchronized (as well as public, static, etc.). The rule is:
The Java system enforces this rule by associating a monitor lock with each object. When a thread calls a synchronized method of an object, it tries to grab the object's monitor lock. If another thread is holding the lock, it waits until that thread releases it. A thread releases the monitor lock when it leaves the synchronized method. If one synchronized method of a calls contains a call to another, a thread may have the same lock ``multiple times.'' Java keeps track of that correctly. For example,
class C { public synchronized void f() { // ... g(); // ... } public synchronized void g() { /* ... */ } }If a thread calls C.g() ``from the outside'', it grabs the lock before executing the body of g() and releases it when done. If it calls C.f(), it grabs the lock on entry to f(), calls g() without waiting, and only releases the lock on returning from f().
Sometimes a thread needs to wait for another thread to do something before it can continue. The methods wait() and notify(), which are defined in class Object and thus inherited by all classes, are made for this purpose. They can only be called from within synchronized methods. A call to wait() releases the monitor lock and puts the calling thread to sleep (i.e., it stops running). A subsequent call to notify on the same object wakes up a sleeping thread and lets it start running again. If more than one thread is sleeping, one is chosen arbitrarily4 no threads are sleeping in this object, notify() does nothing. The awakened thread has to wait for the monitor lock before it starts; it competes on an equal basis with other threads trying to get into the monitor. The method notifyAll is similar, but wakes up all threads sleeping in the object.
class Buffer { private List queue = new ArrayList(); public synchronized void put(Object o) { queue.add(o); notify(); } public synchronized Object get() { while (queue.isEmpty()) { wait(); } return queue.remove(0); } }This class solves the so-call ``producer-consumer'' problem. (The class ArrayList and interface List are part of the java.util package.) ``Producer'' threads somehow create objects and put them into the buffer by calling Buffer.put(), while ``consumer'' threads remove objects from the buffer (using Buffer.get()) and do something with them. The problem is that a consumer thread may call Buffer.get() only to discover that the queue is empty. By calling wait() it releases the monitor lock and goes to sleep so that producer threads can call put() to add more objects. Each time a producer adds an object, it calls notify() just in case there is some consumer waiting for an object.
This example is not correct as it stands (and the Java compiler will reject it). The wait() method can throw an InterruptedException exception, so the get() method must either catch it or declare that it throws InterruptedException as well. The simplest solution is just to catch the exception and ignore it:
class Buffer { private List queue = new ArrayList(); public synchronized void put(Object o) { queue.add(o); notify(); } public synchronized Object get() { while (queue.isEmpty()) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return queue.remove(0); } }The method printStackTrace() prints some information about the exception, including the line number where it happened. It is a handy thing to put in a catch clause if you don't know what else to put there. Never use an empty catch clause. If you violate this rule, you will live to regret it!
There is also a version of Object.wait() that takes an integer parameter. The call wait(n) will return after n milliseconds if nobody wakes up the thread with notify or notifyAll sooner.
You may wonder why Buffer.get() uses
while (queue.isEmpty()) rather than
if (queue.isEmpty()). In this particular
case, either would work. However, in more complicated situations, a sleeping
thread might be awakened for the ``wrong'' reason. Thus it is always a good idea
when you wake up to recheck the condition that made to decide to go to sleep
before you continue.
Input and Output
Input/Output, as described in Chapter 15 of the Java book, is not as complicated as it looks. You can get pretty far just writing to System.out (which is of type PrintStream ) with methods println and print. For input, you probably want to wrap the standard input in a BufferedReader , which provides the handy method readLine()
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; for(;;) { String line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } // do something with the next line }
If you want to read from a file, rather than from the keyboard (standard input), you can use FileReader, probably wrapped in a BufferedReader.
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("somefile")); for (;;) { String line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } // do something with the next line }Similarly, you can use new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("whatever")) to write to a file.
The library of pre-defined classes has several other handy tools. See the online
manual , particularly java.lang
and java.util
for more details.
Integer, Character, etc.
Java makes a big distinction between values
(integers, characters, etc.) and objects. Sometimes you need an object when you
have a value (the next
paragraph has an example). The classes Integer, Character, etc. serve as convenient wrappers for
this purpose. For example, Integer i = new
Integer(3) creates a version of the number 3 wrapped up as an
object. The value can be retrieved as i.intValue(). These classes also serve as convenient
places to define utility functions for manipulating value of the given types,
often as static methods or defined
int i = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // 2147483648, the largest possible int int j = Integer.parseInt("123"); // the int value 123 String s = Integer.toHexString(123);// "7b" (123 in hex) double x = Double.parseDouble("123e-2"); // the double value 1.23 Character.isDigit('3') // true Character.isUpperCase('a') // false Character.toUpperCase('a') // 'A'
A Vector is like an array, but it grows as necessary to allow you to add as many elements as you like. Unfortunately, there is only one kind of Vector--a vector of Object. Thus you can insert objects of any type into it, but when you take objects out, you have to use a cast to recover the original type.5
Vector v = new Vector(); // an empty vector for (int i=0; i<100; i++) v.add(new Integer(i)); // now it contains 100 Integer objects // print their squares for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { Integer member = (Integer)(v.get(i)); int n = member.intValue(); System.out.println(n*n); } // another way to do that for (Iterator i = v.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { int n = ((Integer)(; System.out.println(n*n); } v.set(5, "hello"); // like v[5] = "hello" Object o = v.get(3); // like o = v[3]; v.add(6, "world"); // set v[6] = "world" after first shifting // element v[7], v[8], ... to the right // to make room v.remove(3); // remove v[3] and shift v[4], ... to the // left to fill in the gapElements of a Vector must be objects, not values. That means you can put a String or an instance of a user-defined class into a Vector, but if you want to put an integer, floating-point number, or character into Vector, you have to wrap it:
v.add(47); // WRONG! sum += v.get(i); // WRONG! v.add(new Integer(47)); // right sum += ((Integer)v.get(i)).intValue(); // ugly, but rightThe class Vector is implemented using an ordinary array that is generally only partially filled. If Vector runs out of space, it allocates a bigger array and copies over the elements. There are a variety of additional methods, not shown here, that let you give the implementation advice on how to manage the extra space more efficiently. For example, if you know that you are not going to add any more elements to v, you can call v.trimToSize() to tell the system to repack the elements into an array just big enough to hold them.
Don't forget to import java.util.Vector; or import java.util.*; .
The interface Map6 represents a table mapping keys to values. It is sort of like an array or Vector, except that the ``subscripts'' can be any objects, rather than non-negative integers. Since Map is an interface rather than a class you cannot create instances of it, but you can create instances of the class HashMap, which implements Map using a hash table.
Map table = new HashMap(); // an empty table table.put("seven", new Integer(7)); // key is the String "seven"; // value is an Integer object table.put("seven", 7); // WRONG! (7 is not an object) Object o = table.put("seven", new Double(7.0)); // binds "seven" to a double object // and returns the previous value int n = ((Integer)o).intValue(); // n = 7 table.containsKey("seven"); // true table.containsKey("twelve"); // false // print out the contents of the table for (Iterator i = table.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object key =; System.out.println(key + " -> " + table.get(key)); } o = table.get("seven"); // get current binding (a Double) o = table.remove("seven"); // get current binding and remove it table.clear(); // remove all bindingsSometimes, you only care whether a particular key is present, not what it's mapped to. You could always use the same object as a value (or use null), but it would be more efficient (and, more importantly, clearer) to use a Set.
System.out.println("What are your favorite colors?"); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; Set favorites = new HashSet(); try { for (;;) { String color = in.readLine(); if (color == null) { break; } if (!favorites.add(color)) { System.out.println("you already told me that"); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int n = favorites.size(); if (n == 1) { System.out.println("your favorite color is:"); } else { System.out.println("your " + n + " favorite colors are:"); } for (Iterator i = favorites.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { System.out.println(; }
A StringTokenizer is handy in breaking up a string into words separated by white space (or other separator characters). The following example is from the Java book:
String str = "Gone, and forgotten"; StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(str, " ,"); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) System.out.println(tokens.nextToken());It prints out
Gone and forgottenThe second arguement to the constructor is a String containing the characters that such be considered separators (in this case, space and comma). If it is omitted, it defaults to space, tab, return, and newline (the most common ``white-space'' characters).
There is a much more complicated class StreamTokenizer for breaking up an input stream into tokens. Many of its features seem to be designed to aid in parsing the Java langauge itself (which is not a surprise, considering that the Java compiler is written in Java).
The random-number generator Random was presented above. See Chapters 16 and 17 of the Java book for information about other handy classes.
1Throughout this tutorial, examples in C++
are shown in green and examples in Java
are shown in blue. This example could
have been in either green or
2 You probably want to use jikes instead of javac. It gives somewhat clearer error messsages, and it's about 10 times as fast.
3 All the members of an Interface are implicitly public. You can explicitly declare them to be public, but you don't have to, and you shouldn't.
4 as a practical matter, it's probably the one that has been sleeping the longest, but you can't depend on that
5Interface Iterator was introduced with Java 1.2. It is a somewhat more convenient version of the older interface Enumeration discussed earlier.
6Interfaces Map and Set
were introduced with Java 1.2. Earier versions of the API contained only
Hashtable, which is similar to