package scg.tournament; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.List; import scg.exception.AuthenticationException; import scg.exception.ConnectionException; import; import; import; import scg.Config; import scg.Constants; import scg.Util; /** * Object which holds all the information required for a tournament to run. * @author CS5500 * */ public class TournamentSetup { private Date runTime; private final Config config; private final String name; private final int tournamentId; private final Hashtable enrolledPlayers; private final Hashtable registeredPlayers; private Hashtable finalTournamentScores; private Status currentStatus; private Tournament tournament; private Thread tournamentThread; public enum Status { ENROLLMENT, REGISTRATION, RUNNING, STOP_REQUESTED, COMPLETE, EXCEPTION } public TournamentSetup(int tournamentId, String name, Config config, Date runTime, Hashtable players) { this(tournamentId, name, config, runTime, players, Status.ENROLLMENT, new Hashtable()); // All tournaments are initialized in this state } public TournamentSetup(int tournamentId, String name, Config config, Date runTime, Hashtable players, TournamentSetup.Status currentStatus, Hashtable finalTournamentScores) { = name; this.tournamentId = tournamentId; this.config = config; this.runTime = runTime; this.enrolledPlayers = players; this.currentStatus = currentStatus; this.registeredPlayers = new Hashtable(); this.finalTournamentScores = finalTournamentScores; } public synchronized Date getRunTime() { return runTime; } public synchronized void setRunTime(Date runTime){ this.runTime = runTime; } public synchronized int getTournamentId(){ return tournamentId; } public synchronized String getName(){ return name; } /** * Enroll a player in the tournament * @param player Username of the player to add * @param password Password of the player to add * @return True if the user was enrolled */ public synchronized boolean enrollPlayer(String player, String password) { if (enrolledPlayers.size() >= config.getScgCfg().getMaxNumAvatars()) { return false; } if (enrolledPlayers.containsKey(player)) { return false; } try { String hashedPasswordString = Util.encrypt(password); enrolledPlayers.put(player, hashedPasswordString); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Failed to hash password"); return false; } return true; } /** * Unenroll a player from the tournament * @param player Username of the player to unenroll * @return True if the player was unenrolled */ public synchronized boolean unEnrollPlayer(String player) { if (!enrolledPlayers.containsKey(player)) { return false; } try { enrolledPlayers.remove(player); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Failed to remove user"); return false; } return true; } /** * Handles registering the player in the given tournament, validates their username/password * combination, and ensures the tournament is in the appropriate state to allow registrations * @param client PlayerSpec object created by the registration listener * @param password Password for the connected user * @throws ConnectionException * @throws AuthenticationException */ public synchronized void registerPlayer(PlayerSpec client, String password) throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException { String player = client.getName(); if (!enrolledPlayers.containsKey(player)) { System.out.println("Player " + player + " is not registered for tournament \"" + name + "\""); throw new ConnectionException("Not Registered"); } if (getStatus() == Status.ENROLLMENT) { System.out.println("Registration is not allowed yet for tournament \"" + name + "\""); throw new ConnectionException("Not In Registration Phase"); } String hashedPassword = null; try { hashedPassword = Util.encrypt(password); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed to hash password"); throw new ConnectionException("Invalid Password"); } if (!enrolledPlayers.get(player).equalsIgnoreCase(hashedPassword)) { System.out.println("Player " + player + " incorrect password for tournament " + name); System.out.println("Password: " + password + " Hash: " + hashedPassword + " ExpectedHash: " + enrolledPlayers.get(player)); throw new AuthenticationException("Unable to login with that player name/password"); } if (registeredPlayers.containsKey(player)) { System.out.println("Player " + player + " already connected for tournament \"" + name + "\""); throw new ConnectionException("Already Connected"); } System.out.println("Player " + player + " connected to tournament \"" + name + "\""); registeredPlayers.put(player, client); } /** * Human readable printout of the current tournament state */ public synchronized void printState() { System.out.println("Name: " + name); System.out.println("Playground: " + config.getScgCfg().getDomain()); System.out.println("Run Time: " + DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(runTime)); for (Entry e : enrolledPlayers.entrySet()) { System.out.println("\t" + e.getKey() + "\t" + e.getValue()); } } /** * Get the serializable representation of the current tournament suitable for disk storage * @return Serializable state * @see Serializable */ public synchronized SerializedTournamentSetup getSerializedSetup() { return new SerializedTournamentSetup(tournamentId, name, config, runTime, enrolledPlayers, currentStatus, finalTournamentScores); } /** * Current status of the tournament * @return Current "running" status of the system */ public synchronized Status getStatus() { return currentStatus; } /** * * @return The full configuration object for the tournament */ public synchronized Config getConfig(){ return config; } public synchronized Hashtable getEnrolledPlayers(){ return enrolledPlayers; } public synchronized Hashtable getRegisteredPlayers(){ return this.registeredPlayers; } private synchronized void setStatus(Status status) { currentStatus = status; } public synchronized Tournament getTournament() { return this.tournament; } /** * Updates the status of the tournament, based on the current state * @return True if the status was updated */ public boolean updateStatus() { switch (getStatus()) { // If we are enrolled, and we're within Constants.REGISTRATION_WINDOW minutes of // the tournament runtime, set the status to REGISTRATION to allow users to begin // registering case ENROLLMENT: Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.add(Calendar.MINUTE, Constants.REGISTRATION_WINDOW); if (now.getTime().getTime() >= runTime.getTime()) { setStatus(Status.REGISTRATION); return true; } return false; // If we're in the registered state, and the time to run the tournament has past, start the tournament // and put it in the RUNNING state. case REGISTRATION: if (Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime() >= runTime.getTime()) { setStatus(Status.RUNNING); Hashtable registeredPlayers = getRegisteredPlayers(); List remotePlayerProxies = wrapPlayerSpecs(registeredPlayers, 0, getConfig().getScgCfg().getInitialReputation()); java.util.List gamePlayers = getGamePlayers(remotePlayerProxies); tournament = new Tournament(tournamentId, getConfig(), gamePlayers); // to do Have To supply history tournamentThread = new Thread(tournament); tournamentThread.start(); return true; } return false; // If the tournament is running but the thread has died, set the status to COMPLETE. case RUNNING: if (tournamentThread != null && !tournamentThread.isAlive()){ setStatus(Status.COMPLETE); for (PlayerStatus ps : tournament.getTournamentStatus().getRegisteredPlayers()){ finalTournamentScores.put(ps.getName(), ps.getScore()); } return true; } return false; case STOP_REQUESTED: case COMPLETE: return false; default: return false; } } private List wrapPlayerSpecs(Hashtable registeredPlayers, final long maxResp, final double initialReputation){ List playerSpecs = List.create(); for(Iterator it = registeredPlayers.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { playerSpecs = playerSpecs.append(registeredPlayers.get(; } return List.Map() { @Override public RemotePlayerProxy map(PlayerSpec spec){ return new RemotePlayerProxy(spec, maxResp, initialReputation); } }); } private static java.util.List getGamePlayers(List proxies) { java.util.List gamePlayersL = new ArrayList(); int playerId = 100; for(RemotePlayerProxy remoteProxy : proxies){ GamePlayer player = new GamePlayer(playerId, remoteProxy, remoteProxy.getReputation()); playerId++; gamePlayersL.add(player); } return gamePlayersL; } }