Past Teaching
- CS1800,
Discrete Structures (undergraduate), Fall 2017.
- CS1800,
Discrete Structures (undergraduate), Fall 2016.
- CS6800,
Applications of Information Theory to Computer Science
(graduate), Fall 2015.
- CS6140,
Machine Learning (graduate), Fall 2014.
- CS6140,
Machine Learning (graduate), Fall 2013.
- CS7800,
Advanced Algorithms (graduate), Fall 2012.
- CS6140,
Machine Learning (graduate), Fall 2012.
- IS4200/CS6200,
Information Retrieval (undergraduate/graduate), Spring 2012.
- CS6800,
Applications of Information Theory to Computer Science
(graduate), Fall 2011.
- CS6140,
Machine Learning
(graduate), Fall 2011.
- IS4200/CS6200,
Information Retrieval (undergraduate/graduate), Summer (1) 2010.
- CS1800,
Discrete Structures (undergraduate), Fall 2009.
- CS3800,
Theory of Computation (undergraduate), Fall 2009.
- ISU535/CSG232,
Information Retrieval (undergraduate/graduate), Summer (1) 2009.
- CSU390,
Theory of Computation (undergraduate), Fall 2008.
- CSG195,
Applications of Information Theory to Computer Science
(graduate), Fall 2008.
- ISU535,
Information Retrieval (undergraduate/graduate), Summer (1) 2008.
- Prof. Fell's CSU390 Theory of Computation
Homework Assignments
- CSU200,
Discrete Structures (undergraduate), Fall 2007.
- CSG713,
Advanced Algorithms (graduate), Fall 2007.
- CSU200,
Discrete Structures (undergraduate), Fall 2006.
- CSG713,
Advanced Algorithms (graduate), Fall 2006.
- CSG339,
Information Retrieval (graduate), Fall 2006.
- ISU535,
Information Retrieval (undergraduate), Summer (1) 2006.
- CSU200,
Discrete Structures (undergraduate), Fall 2005.
- CSG399,
Applications of Information Theory to Computer Science
(graduate), Fall 2005.
- ISU535,
Information Retrieval (undergraduate), Summer (1) 2005.
- CSU390,
Theory of Computation (undergraduate), Fall 2004.
- CSG713,
Advanced Algorithms (graduate), Fall 2004.
- CSG714,
Theory of Computation (graduate), Spring 2004.
- CSU390,
Theory of Computation (undergraduate), Fall 2003.
Contact Information
Javed A. Aslam
Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave, #202WVH
Boston, MA 02115