Assignment 6:Final Project Individual Paper Prototype Design




These categories and point assignments are subject to change, but they should give you general sense of what we are looking for. What is most important on this assignment is that you put thought into it and that you describe your idea clearly and professionally in a way that demonstrates that you are taking the readings and class discussion seriously.


  PDF file name [FirstName][LastName].assign6.pdf Single category mentioned App name mentioned in under 30 characters Clear and professional app description No typos in slogan and description App description under 4000 characters App description describes instead of tells (e.g.,does not use adjectives like fun or easy) More than screen sketches; tools created for actual paper prototyping Idea does not make overly simplistic assumptions about behavior of people Idea does not require large amount of high-quality content to make app successful Individual screens show evidence they have been used in paper prototyping Total Grade Major functionality missing from paper prototype
Possible Points 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 5 3 1 3 27