Assignment #4-Part 1: 1-Minute MADness Presentation


Individual assignment

Based on the work you did on Assignment 2, either pick your best idea or, come up with a new idea.


Develop an "elevator pitch" for a potential final project idea. This will be a 1-minute presentation to describe the idea to the rest of the class as best as you can. Your goal is to convince us that you have come up with a great idea ... innovative, creative, appropriate for mobile devices, useful, engaging, addictive, buildable in the span of a semester, etc. (It will probably help you to read my notes on ideas from a prior semester carefully). In short, after your 1 minute, we should be thinking, "Wow! What a great and innovative and useful project idea! Why didn't I think of that?" Remember that students registered in 5520 must have an idea that uses sensors in an novel and significant way.


Hand in:

You will present your idea in class as part of our 1-Minute MADness Project Pitch session. You must develop 3 slides using this template.


Email your slides with subject line "1MM" as PPT named [YourFirstName][YourLastName].1mm.ppt to both the TA and by the assignment deadline.


Note that you are not committing yourself to this particular idea as your final project. Your goal in this exercise is to come up with a great idea that others will with enthusiastic about and make a good 1 minute pitch for that idea. This is part of a process to help you come up with an innovative idea. In fact, the class will vote on ideas and provide quick comments after each presentation so that you get some feedback from everyone to help you develop the idea further or decide to change direction.




You will be evaluated not based on the idea itself, but on the quality and clarity of your presentation. The presentation should show clear evidence of practice and that you have carefully studied and followed the presentation template and the MAD presentation tips document. Your grade on the presentation will be factored into the grade for the rest of Assignment 4.