Assignment 5: Final Project Individual Paper Prototype Design


Due Mon Feb 11, beginning of class (to be used in class)

This is your last chance to show your work as an individual when it comes to the design aspects of the course. By this time, you should have evolved towards having a single idea that has a great deal of potential as a final project app. This assignment is designed to help you further refine that design.


Start by taking the feedback from Assignments 2 and 3 and your 1 minute-madness reaction into account. Double down efforts to come up with a great idea and have the courage to throw out ideas that are not getting a good reaction. Napkin discussions with friends are helpful here.

When you have ideas on how to improve on your prior idea, build a paper prototype for your app concept following the Rettig articles and the tips discussed in class. Assume you have a screen no larger than the screen on a Nexus S phone. Ideally, you would design for the smallest screen you might encounter (an Aria phone with 320 x 480 pixels (template)). The reason designing for a small screen is helpful is that it forces you to think VERY hard about what information really needs to be on the screen at any particular time. That will make your app better.

Run some paper prototyping sessions with friends, ideally friends not in computing. Adjust your prototype using the techniques discussed in class and iterate to an improved idea. Scrap bad ideas. Do this until you are satisfied that you have a terrific idea that does not make unreasonable assumptions about what people will or won't do, and an idea that you believe is implementable and testable. Remember that grad students must have an idea that uses sensors in an novel way. Your design should handle all screens in your app that are necessary for your app to work. If you use audio feedback, you will need to indicate how the audio feedback will work in as much detail as you would do if it were visual feedback.

Clean up your paper prototypes so they are ready to be used in class for paper prototype testing. We will do an in-class exercise and your project idea may be selected as an example.

In addition to your paper prototype parts, on a single page, include the following information:

Attach scans of all parts of your paper prototype and the single page above. No screens that you would need to implement should be left out of your design proposal. If it is not obvious how the parts go together, you should add a small amount of additional information.


Do not:

Email your assignment to Mansoor and as a PDF file named [YourFirstName][YourLastName].assign5.pdf by the deadline.