Assignment #7:  Project idea presentation


Due Tue Oct 30 by 1PM

This is a team assignment.

At this point you have completed several individual assignments designed to help you converge on a strong project idea.


With your team member, or on your own if you do not wish to team up, develop your idea for a project. This may involve improving the best idea either team member developed, or coming up with a new (but definitely better) idea. Either way, you need to do suffiicient paper prototyping to convince yourself you have an exceptional idea for a project. The paper protoyping, if you take it seriously, will also help you to refine the concept.


Once you have your idea fleshed out, prepare a 2 minute presentation for the 2-Minute Madness in-class presentation using the special template. Hone your prentation content and practice the presentation. Your grade will be determined entirely by the potential of your idea as conveyed by your presentation.


One member of each team should email the presentation as a PPT by 1PM on Oct 30 with subject line "Assignment7". Name the PPT [TeamMemberLastName][TeamMemberLastName].2mm.ppt and send to both Elica and