Visions of the Future:
Screening and Making Concept Videos

During the first two sessions of this activity, we will show research and concept videos that demonstrate visions for computing in the home and workplace of the future. We will start with videos from 1980 and work our way to the present day, studying both the themes and the styles of the video presentations.

Interested participants will be encouraged to individually or in teams create their own thought-provoking and entertaining videos that show compelling visions of how technology can improve our lives. House_n: MIT Home of the Future staff and students will be available as advisors. Participants may use storyboarding, video editing, still photography, Photoshop hacking, and possibly even actual programming to create interface mockups. Participants who complete videos will be encouraged to submit them to the Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing's video program, and the videos will be debuted at the end of IAP and shown in subsequent years.

Video screening sessions (attend both): 

Wed Jan 14, 6-9:00 pm
Thu Jan 15, 6-9:00 pm

List of video clips to be shown 


MIT Room 56-154

Final presentations (if needed):

TBD based on participant interest
(probably Wednesday January 28 if held)


Interest in UI design and the future of human-computer interfaces and ubiquitous computing, creativity, enthusiasm.

If you plan to make a movie, helpful but definitely not required is experience with video editing, still and video photography expertise, artistic abilities, and interface mockup skills.

Not for credit.

Led by:

Stephen Intille, Ph.D. 
Research Scientist and Technology Director
House_n: MIT Home of the Future Consortium

students and staff

Registration is not required, but if you think you may attend please send a note as soon as you can via email. Also, if you have ideas for videos not on the list and know how to obtain them, send a note. 


After the two movie nights, we will schedule times for those participants who are inspired to make videos to share ideas throughout the remainder of IAP. Video making would start with team forming and idea brainstorming to be followed by storyboard presentations, design critiques, and finally a debut presentation (probably on Wed Jan 28). 

Participation in movie making is not required to attend the movie nights! 

Last updated: 01/06/04