Prototyping Assignment #1

The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking critically about how to measure a health-related behavior of interest to you and brainstorming about how that measure might be converted to a smartwatch as a microinteraction survey and possibly used for a class experiment.

Now comes the fun part. Based on our class discussion, develop a specific suggestion for how you will use the Android Wear smartwatch system discussed in class to gather data on the behavior. Using the Android Wear Moto 360 template provided, design all components of the actual survey and the associated phone application. Do some quick paper prototyping (as discussed in the Rettig article and in class) with at least one friend or and revise your ideas as necessary.

Please be prepared to discuss your experiment and design ideas in class. Please bring all your paper prototyping parts and be prepared to use them.

In addition to bringing your paper prototype parts, bring a hardcopy of your scans and write-up to class, and send an email of both parts of the assignment to Name the file in this format: [your last name].paperproto1.pdf.