;; Part 1: Evaluates to <?> ; For each of these, try to predict what the left-hand-side of the ; equality will evaluate to and then replace the # with the correct ; value -- in the canonical form ACL2 prints when passed that ; expression in the read-eval-print loop. For example: ; ; (check= (/ 3 2) #) ; ; should become ; ; (check= (/ 3 2) 3/2) ; ; which is accepted by ACL2 after moving the line past it. (The ; arguments to CHECK= must be equal for ACL2 to accept the check.) ; What you fill in should be an atom, written differently if the left ; hand side is already an atom. (check= (booleanp t) #) (check= (booleanp nil) #) (check= (booleanp 7) #) (check= (symbolp t) #) (check= (symbolp nil) #) (check= (atom t) #) (check= (consp nil) (check= (equal nil nil) (check= (equal nil t) (check= (equal T t) #) (check= (+ 5) (check= (+ 3 2 1) (check= (* -2) (check= (* 1 2 3) (check= (+) (check= (*) (check= (- 5) (check= (- -10) (check= (- 0) (check= (/ 1) (check= (/ 5) (check= (/ -2/3) (check= (equal 7/9 14/18) (check= (equal 8/2 4) (check= (* (- (+ 6 12) 1) 2) #) (check= -2/8 #) (check= (* 5 1/3) #) ; Numbers - predicates (these are t or nil) (check= (integerp -1) #) (check= (integerp 3/2) #) (check= (natp 1) #) (check= (natp 6/2) #) (check= (zp nil) #) (check= (zp 0000) #) (check= (posp 0) #) (check= (posp 4/2) #) (check= (integerp (first (rest (list -12 "b" "a" 0 43)))) #) ; Booleans and and/or functions (check= (not 0) #) (check= (and t (not nil) 13 (zp -1) 1/7) #) (check= (or (not 4) (natp -1) 0 1/7 (not t)) #) ; Lists: constructors and destructors (check= (first (cons 2 (cons 1 nil))) #) (check= (first (rest (cons 3 (list 2 1)))) #) (check= (rest (list nil)) #) (check= (rest (cons nil nil)) #) (check= (rest nil)) #) (check= (first 123) #) ; TrueLists: predicates (check= (true-listp (cons (list 1 2) nil)) #) (check= (true-listp 11) #) (check= (endp "qqq") #) (check= (endp -0) #) (check= (consp (list 12)) #) (check= (consp (list) #)) ;quotes (check= (equal '1 ''1) #) (check= (equal "ok" '"ok") #) (check= (equal -3 '-3) #) (check= (equal bb 'bb) #) ;is this a static error? if yes comment it out (check= (equal (f 3) '(f 3)) #) ;is this a static error? yes comment it out (check= (equal 'a ''a) #) (check= (equal (list 1 2 3) '(1 2 3)) #) (check= (equal (list 'a 'b) '(a b)) #) (check= (equal '(1 2 3) (quote (1 2 3))) #) (check= (car (car '('(1 2) '(3) '(4 5 6)))) #) (check= (car (car '((1 2) (3) (4 5 6)))) #) (defun foo (x) (list x 'x)) (check= (foo 3) #) ;; Part 2: Recursive Definitions ; You have to provide definitions for the function stubs below. You ; can use auxiliary definitions, if you need them. You have to use the ; design recipe and the design guidelines presented in class. ; number-elements: true-list -> NumberedList ; NumberedList is a list of 2-element lists ; Implementation details: recursively define an auxiliary ; function whose second argument is the index. (defun number-elements (l) "Usage: Here is an example of how this works. Given the list (a b c) number-elements should return ((0 a) (1 b) (2 c)). In general, given a list l, number-elements numbers the elements of l by returning a 2-element list whose first element is the index, say n, and whose second element is the nth element of l. Indexing starts from 0." #) ; in: All true-list -> Boolean (defun in (x l) "Usage: Searches l for x and returns t if it is found, nil otherwise. " #) ; rem-dups: true-list -> true-list (defun rem-dups (l) "Usage: Returns a new list which is l without the duplicate elements" #) ; ordered-elementp: true-list -> Boolean (defun ordered-elementp (l) "Usage: Returns true if x is ordered with the relation <, nil otherwise." #) ; merge-ordered: OrderedList OrderedList -> OrderedList ; OrderedList is a list of elements ordered with the relation < (defun merge-ordered (l1 l2) "Usage: Returns a list containing the elements in l1 l2, ordered with the relation <" #)