ISU570 -- Human-Computer Interaction
The CourseIntroduction 12/07: Abstracts of Student Projects
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T he official course description: Studies the principles of human-computer interaction and the practice of user interface design. Discusses the major human information processing sub-systems (perception, memory, attention, and problem-solving), and how the properties of these systems influence the design of interactive systems. Reviews guidelines and specification languages for designing user interfaces, with an emphasis on toolkits of standard graphical-user-interface objects. Introduces usability metrics and evaluation methods. Additional topics may include: World Wide Web design principles and tools; wireless/mobile device interfaces; computer-supported cooperative-work; information visualization; virtual reality. Coursework includes designing user interfaces, creating working prototypes using a GUI toolkit, and evaluating existing interfaces using the methods studied. Prerequisites: CSU370. Things to keep in mind: News and Notes - Added as the course proceedsQUIZ, FRIDAY THE 28th ON CHAPTERS 2 AND 3 (You should be reading Chapters 2 and 3 in the two weeks leading up to the quiz.) September 16th: The Assignments page is now available and includes a detailed description of Assignment 2, which is due Sept 24th. As of September 11th, some of the links on the left are not ready, and are marked accordingly as NA = "Not Available".