IS U570 Human Computer Interaction -- Fall 2004 - Visualization Links

Professor Futrelle - College of Computer and Information Sciences, Northeastern U., Boston, MA

Version of 24 October 2004

These links should help you with Project #2

This page focuses on visualization examples per se. I will later add a few links to datasets that could be visualized. But these are more yours to find. It is impressive just how many links to visualization are broken, especially those from our textbook's Links page. It is hard to keep such pages up to date.

Some visualization links

Another of the frustrations in all of this is when there are links to full papers, many of them are in proceedings or journals that require purchase, subscription or other access. They are traditional limited access documents, as contrasted with the new wave of open access documents. There are a lot of walls and locked doors in the world of information.

Screen capture for Visual Thesaurus, "ship":

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