CSU540 Computer Graphics - Spring 2005 - General Information

Professor Futrelle - College of Computer and Information Sciences, Northeastern U., Boston, MA

Version of 10 January 2005

Course description, from the catalogue:

CSU540 Computer Graphics (4 SH)
Charts a path through every major aspect of computer graphics with varying degrees of emphasis. Discusses hardware issues: size and speed; lines, polygons, and regions; modeling: objects and their relations; viewing: what can be seen (visibility and perspective); rendering: how it looks (properties of surfaces, light, and color); transformations: moving, placing, distorting, and animation; interaction: drawing, selecting, and transforming.
Prerequisites: CSU212, MTHU371 (Linear Algebra).

In addition and partly in replacement of some of the topics mentioned above, there will material and work on 2D and especially, 3D animation.

Course Key Number:
Northeastern University, and the College of Computer and Information Sciences, Boston, MA.
Professor Robert P. Futrelle   Email me at: futrelle@ccs.neu.edu.
You can also use a web form to contact me without needing email access at all.
Futrelle's Office:
450 West Village H (WVH)
Hardcopy mailbox:
220 West Village H (WVH)
Futrelle's office: 617-373-4239, Lab: 617-373-4607
Teaching Assistant:
Mr. Jason Blind. Office: 460WVH Phone: 617-373-4607 Office hours: Mon, Wed 3-4.
Introduction to Computer Graphics by James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes, Richard L. Phillips. Hardcover: 632 pages. Publisher: Addison-Wesley Pub Co; 2nd edition. ISBN: 0201609215
Personal Help:
If you need help at any time, find Prof. Futrelle or call or send email, or ask in class to set up an appointment. Regular office hours are Tuesdays 2-3pm and Fridays 2-3pm.
On-line help:
There is a ton of information about computer graphics and about Java graphics on the web. See the graphics info link on the homepage.
Tuesdays & Fridays 11:45 AM-1:25 PM in 110 WVH
All students will do graphics programming, including an end-of-semester project (with interim reports). There may be some small interim projects also. The absolute requirement is that I be able to compile, run and view your graphics code on the College's Sun Solaris system in Java. Also, you must be careful to "present" your work well. Just handing me a bunch of code with no explanation will not do. A thorough Readme, Javadoc, source code, compiled code, and screen shots are the best set of things to hand in.
Grading --
The grading percentages are as follows:

The course email archives:
All students in the course must sign up for the mailing list in order to receive important notices. Sign up at https://lists.ccs.neu.edu/bin/listinfo/csu540-sp05-rpf. You can only post mail to the list using the email address you're signed up with. All mail to the list is archived and available here: https://lists.ccs.neu.edu/pipermail/csu540-sp05-rpf/. Post away -- your questions and information may well be of interest to other students in the class. Post mail to the list from your registered email address to here: csu540-sp05-rpf@lists.ccs.neu.edu

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