CSG120 Artificial Intelligence - Spring 2008
Your Project Choices

Professor Futrelle - College of Computer and Information Sciences, Northeastern U., Boston, MA

Version of 28 December 2007

How we will proceed:
You are to choose your project from one of the many systems/areas below. In the first lecture, I will go over the list below briefly. I'll then proceed with the two overview lectures outlining all topics covered in our textbook, "AIMA". In required email to me between the first and second class, you must indicate what topics you might be interested in. Shortly after the second and last overview lecture, in required email to me, you should narrow your focus, hopefully to a single project topic. You should then start working on it immediately. You'll need to get reading right away, starting with our textbook and then in some of the many books on reserve. In some cases you'll be dealing with a system that you should download and install immediately, to make sure it will work for you on your platform. The biggest mistakes by students in past course projects have been: 1. Not getting right to work, and not diving in and finding out as much as possible as early as possible, and 2. Not discussing questions you might have about your project with me in person, by email, or during my IM office hours.

You should also be sure to read this introduction to your Project work.

The topics below cover a wide range of important AI areas. Some areas that you might think should be there, but are missing, are not included for various reasons. They are not firmly excluded, but special permission from me would be needed to work on them. Examples include: neural nets (too much a black box), genetic algorithms (just one of many search procedures), expert systems (usually not very deep AI involved), fuzzy systems (equivalent solutions can be built using non-fuzzy techniques), and games (board games are search-based, and player games usually involve a lot of physics and graphics). These approaches are given little space in our course textbook, which is another indication of their value. The textbooks I have seen that emphasize topics such as genetic algorithms and fuzzy systems typically ignore the huge amount of excellent standard AI approaches, and are misleading in that regard.

I have chosen topics that are mainstream AI and that I'm rather familiar with through my own research, systems, and publications. This means that I can be maximally helpful as your work proceeds. My research focus over the years has been on knowledge extraction from the biomedical literature, from the text and the figures. These are broad topics that have given me a chance to work with many different aspects of AI.

A project based on the Semantic Web applied to the Health Sciences

Health sciences and semantic web: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/notes/kb/ This health sciences / semantic web activity is centered in Cambridge, MA, with teleconferences held regularly with researchers around the world. The health sciences are one of the largest, most important, and complex content-based systems in our culture. Getting experience with them and with the Semantic Web can be quite useful. I am on the very active mailing list from this group, so I have many references to the group's work.

Projects that use Biomed Central papers

The majority of knowledge available on the web is in a so-called "unstructured" format, typically text. Given the billions of pages of text out there, there is obviously an enormous amount of knowledge that can be mined, analyzed, learned from, and exploited for retrieval and to build more structured data/knowledge-bases. An important source of full-text research papers in the biomedical domain is in the journals of the publisher, Biomed Central (BMC). They have published nearly 30,000 papers, all open access, which means that you can freely download the full text and figures to use in your projects. You might want to choose a project which involves working directly with me on some of my AI-based research. A number of students have done that in various courses I have taught. The two projects immediately below are examples.

Projects using major AI-related tools

Each of the AI tools listed below is a downloadable application that you can use on your own computer. Most are Java applications, so they should run without problems on Windows, Mac, or Linux. NLTK is Python-based. If you decide to work with one of the systems below, you should join the mailing lists for it, or at least locate the mailing list archives and use them to answer various questions you might have. Each system typically has its own documentation, including FAQs, tutorials, lectures, etc.

Projects based on advanced exercises/material in books on reserve

You'll need to access these books from the Reserves, or better, purchase your own copies for any serious project. There are many books on Reserve for the course. Below are a few relevant ones for possible projects.

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