COM3113 -- Fundamentals of Programming -- Assignments
College of Computer Science -- Northeastern University
Fall Quarter 2001
Assignment 6
Part 1
Finish Lab Session 2 Part II in Java "Command Line" format.
This part due by the end of Tuesday Nov 6th.
The following two parts due by the end of Nov. 13rd.
Part 2
This is the Java Applet version of assignment 5 and the Part 1 above
Details for part 2:
1. Using TextField to get the input sequence.
2. The first output is your translation result, the protein sequence.
3. The second output is the window with highest score and the value of this score.
4. Your program should be correct for any valid input sequence instead of for only one hard-coded sequence as what we did in assignment 5.
Part3 -- Extra Credit:
Highlight the highest score window in the protein sequence.
For Example:
In protein sequence: "WSTVLFC",
the window with highest score is VLF.
One possible output looks like: WSTVLFC
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