Created: Tue 04 Aug 2009
Last modified:
All readings are from Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, and Umesh Vazirni (DPV), "Algorithms," McGraw Hill 2008.
Note: This is an approximate schedule; it may change at any time.
Homework links will become active by the "assigned" dates.
Lectures grouped by week
- Wed 09-09-09
- Thu 09-10-09
- Introduction; admistrivia; overview of CS 4800; assessment
- Mathematical Preliminaries, Fibonacci, Big-O
- Reading: 0 Prologue
- Homework 01 assigned
- Mon 09-14-09
- Wed 09-16-09 - Homework 01 due
- Thu 09-17-09
- Mon 09-21-09
- Wed 09-23-09 - Homework 02 due
- Thu 09-24-09
- Mon 09-28-09
- Wed 09-30-09 - Homework 03 due
- Thu 10-01-09
- Medians, Order Statistics
- Matrix Multiplication, Polynomial Multiplication
- Reading: 2 Medians Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms - sections 2.4 through 2.6
- Homework 04 assigned
- Mon 10-05-09
- Wed 10-07-09 - Homework 04 due
- Thu 10-08-09
- FFT, Fast Polynomial Multiplication
- Reading: 2 Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms - sections 2.5 and 2.6
- FFT-circuits.pdf
- Homework 05 assigned
- Mon 10-12-09, Columbus Day, no class
- Wed 10-14-09
- Thu 10-15-09 - Homework 05 due
- Graphs, BFS, DFS
- Reading: 3 Decomposition of Graphs
- Homework 06 assigned
- Mon 10-19-09 - Homework 05 due - No late assignments accepted.
- Wed 10-21-09
- Thu 10-22-09 - Homework 06 due - No late assignments accepted.
- Strongly Connected Components
- Reading: 3 Decomposition of Graphs
- Mon 10-26-09 review for Midterm exam
- Wed 10-28-09 Midterm exam (in class)
- Thu 10-29-09
- Mon 11-02-09
- Wed 11-04-09
- Thu 11-05-09
- Dijkstra's Algorithm, Priority Queues
- Shortest Path - special cases
- Reading: 4 Paths in Graphs - sections 4.2 through 4.5
- Negative edge weights - Bellman-Ford algorithm
- Shortest Paths in dags
- Reading: 4 Paths in Graphs - sections 4.6 and 4.7
- Homework 07 assigned
- Mon 11-09-09
- Wed 11-11-09, Veterans Day, no class
- Thu 11-12-09 - Homework 07 due
- Greedy Algorithms, Huffman Encoding
- Reading: 5 Greedy Algorithms - sections 5.1 and 5.2
- Mon 11-16-09
- Wed 11-18-09
- Thu 11-19-09
- Horn Formulas, Set Cover
- Reading: 5 Greedy Algorithms - sections 5.3 and 5.4
- Shortest Paths in Dags, Longest Increasing Subsequence, Edit Distance
- Reading: 6 Dynamic Programming - sections 6.1 through 6.3
- Mon 11-23-09
- Wed 11-25-09,Thanksgiving Break, no class
- Thu 11-26-09, Thanksgiving Break, no class
- Knapsack
- Reading: 6 Dynamic Programming - sections 6.4
- Mon 11-30-09
- Wed 12-02-09
- Thu 12-03-09
- Chain Matrix Multiplication, Shortest Paths, Independents Sets in Trees
- Reading: 6 Dynamic Programming - sections 6.5 through 6.7
- Mon 12-07-09
- Wed 12-09-09
- Thu 12-10-09
- Flows in Networks, Bipartite Matching, Duality
- Reading: 7 Linear Programming and Reductions - sections 7.1 through 7.4
- Mon 12-07-09
- Wed 12-09-09
- Zero-Sum Games, The Simplex Algorithm
- Review for the Final Exam
- Reading: 7 Linear Programming and Reductions - sections 7.5 and 7.6
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Harriet Fell
College of Computer Science, Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue #340 WVH,
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: (617) 373-2198 / Fax: (617) 373-5121
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