Assigned: Fri 01-28-11
Due: Fri 02-04-11
Problem | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | ... |
Credit | RC | RC | RC | EC | RC | RC | NA | RC | RC | ... |
where "RC" is "regular credit", "EC" is "extra credit", and "NA" is "not applicable" (not attempted). Failure to do so will result in an arbitrary set of problems being graded for regular credit, no problems being graded for extra credit, and a five percent penalty assessment.
Required: 5 of the following 6 problems
Points: 20 pts per problem
However, the string aab is not a subsequence of babb.
L = {w : 110 is a subsequence of w}.