I am a Ph.D. student at Northeastern University. I am working with Professor David A. Smith on Natural Language Processing. Prior to that, I recieved my master degree from School of Computer Science , Fudan University in June 2014. I got my bachelor degree from School of Computer Science and Software Engineering , East China Normal University .
Here is my Curriculum Vitae .
Research Interest :
My research interests are in natural language processing and machine learning. I am currently focusing on text error correction and language modeling based on neural network models.
* Konstantin Baierer, Rui Dong, Clemens Neudecker. okralact-a multi-engine Open Source OCR training system. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP), 2019.[link]
* Rui Dong , David A. Smith, Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick. Noisy Neural Language Modeling for Typing Prediction in BCI Communication. Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT), 2019.[pdf]
* Rui Dong , David A. Smith. Multi-Input Attention for Unsupervised OCR Correction. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2018.[pdf][data][code]
* Rui Dong , Yizhou Sun, Lu Wang, Yupeng Gu, Yuan Zhong. Weakly-Guided User Stance Prediction via Joint Modeling of Content and Social Interaction. Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2017. [pdf][bibtex]
* Zhipeng Xie, Rui Dong, Zhengheng Deng, Zhenying He, Weidong Yang. A Probabilistic Approach to Latent Cluster Analysis. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2013. [pdf][bibtex]
Working Experience:
2020.06-2020.08 Applied Scientist Intern. Amazon.com, Inc. Cambridge, MA.
2018.12-2019.08 Research Intern. Onboard Data, Inc. Boston, MA.
2018.12-2019.08 Researcher. Digital Humanities Lab, Leipzig University. Leipzig, Germany.
2016.06-2016.08 Data Scientist Research Intern. Ancestory.com San Francisco, CA.
Python, Tensorflow, C, C++, Matlab