// ** This class was generated with DemFGen (vers:09/27/2009) package gen; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.control.Fields; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.ident; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.verbatim; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.*; /** Creates a Static version of the TU class for a specific CD */ public abstract class StaticTU<_X_> extends edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.FC{ public _X_ combine(byte _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(short _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(int _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(long _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(float _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(double _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(char _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(boolean _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(String _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(ident _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(verbatim _h_){ return combine(); } public abstract _X_ fold(_X_ a, _X_ b); public abstract _X_ combine(); public _X_ combine(Ifz _h_, _X_ cnd, _X_ thn, _X_ els){ return fold(cnd,fold(thn,els)); } public _X_ combine(Def _h_, _X_ id, _X_ e, _X_ body){ return fold(id,fold(e,body)); } public _X_ combine(Bin _h_, _X_ op, _X_ left, _X_ right){ return fold(op,fold(left,right)); } public _X_ combine(Var _h_, _X_ id){ return id; } public _X_ combine(Num _h_, _X_ val){ return val; } public _X_ combine(Sub _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(ExtEnv _h_, _X_ id, _X_ v, _X_ rest){ return fold(id,fold(v,rest)); } public _X_ combine(EmptyEnv _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(error _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(Minus _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(Push _h_, _X_ i){ return i; } public _X_ combine(Pop _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(Define _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(Undef _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(Load _h_, _X_ i){ return i; } public _X_ combine(Label _h_, _X_ id){ return id; } public _X_ combine(Jmp _h_, _X_ id){ return id; } public _X_ combine(IfNZ _h_, _X_ id){ return id; } public _X_ combine(OpCons _h_, _X_ first, _X_ rest){ return fold(first,rest); } public _X_ combine(OpEmpty _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(ExecStack _h_){ return combine(); } public _X_ combine(CodeEntry _h_, _X_ label, _X_ pc){ return fold(label,pc); } }