Evolving a K-12 Curriculum for Integrating Computer Science into Mathematics
Integrating computing into other subjects promises to address many challenges to offering standalone CS courses in K-12 contexts. Integrated curricula must be designed carefully, however, to both meet learning objectives of the host discipline and to gain traction with teachers. We describe the multi-year evolution of Bootstrap, a curriculum for integrating computing into middle- and high-school mathematics. We discuss the initial design and the various modifications we have made over the years to better support math instruction, leading to our goal of using integrated curricula to cover standards in both math and CS. We provide advice for others aiming for integration and raise questions for CS educators about how we might better support learning in other disciplines.

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- (first initial + last name) {at} ccs.neu.edu
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Northeastern University
Khoury College of Computer Sciences
360 Huntington Ave, 2nd floor
Boston, MA 02115