Designing for Extensibility and Planning for Conflict: Experiments in Web-Browser Design

Benjamin Lerner

UW Computer Science & Engineering



  • What are extensions?
    • Why do they matter?
    • What challenges do they face?
  • The once and future browser
    • How are browsers built, and how will they be built?
  • C3: A platform for web-app research
  • Challenge #1: extending JS code
    • Answer: dynamic aspects
  • Challenge #2: extending UI markup
    • Answer: semantic overlays
  • Future challenges


  • What are extensions?
    • Why do they matter?
    • What challenges do they face?
  • The once and future browser
    • How are browsers built, and how will they be built?
  • C3: A platform for web-app research
  • Challenge #1: extending JS code
    • Answer: dynamic aspects
  • Challenge #2: extending UI markup
    • Answer: semantic overlays
  • Future challenges

What are extensions?

  • Third-party code
  • Modify websites or the browser itself
colortabs facebook slashdotter gmail

Why Extensions?

A closed system cannot be all things to all people

  • Experiment with new features
    • Provide new features after products ship
  • User-specific customization
    • Without bloating the main application for everyone
  • Wildly popular:
    • 6,000+ Firefox extensions
    • Over 2.5 Billion downloads

Extensions, schematically

schematic firefox extensions

schematic firefox extensions

What can extensions do?

Three main approaches:

  • Powerful but brittle Firefox icon
    • Modify all existing UI
    • Interact with all other extensions
  • Ad-hoc and sandboxed Chrome icon IE icon
    • Modify few limited UI elements
    • Message-passing between extensions
  • Widgets Opera icon
    • “Chromeless” mini-apps
    • Like web pages, isolated from one another

Combining behaviors: Motivation

  • Userscripts
    • Inject a script into a webpage
    • Run with same privileges as page
    • Modify the page arbitrarily — new content and event handlers
  • Over 60,000 userscripts, over 10 million users

Combining behaviors: Motivation

  • Browser extensions
    • Downloaded into browser
    • Run with same privileges as browser
    • Hook into browser events
  • Over 6,000 Firefox extensions, over 2 billion downloads

Combining UI: Motivation

  • Intuition: “tree-structured patch”
  • Find positions in the document tree
    • CSS selectors, XQuery, …
  • Insert new content or modify existing nodes

Extensions: What can go wrong?*

With a base document

  <KeyBinding Modifiers="Ctrl" Key="L" Command="Close" />

And overlay

<modify selector="InputBindings" where="after">
  <KeyBinding Modifiers="Ctrl" Key="L" Command="GoToLocation" />

What should happen when Ctrl+L is pressed?

(*adapted from real-world example)


  • What are extensions?
    • Why do they matter?
    • What challenges do they face?
  • The once and future browser
    • How are browsers built, and how will they be built?
  • C3: A platform for web-app research
  • Challenge #1: extending JS code
    • Answer: dynamic aspects
  • Challenge #2: extending UI markup
    • Answer: semantic overlays
  • Future challenges

Browsers today

schematic firefox extensions

monolithic browser

Browsers of the future

browser as webapp

Browsers of the future as they exist today

gecko's architecture

Browsers of the future: Webapps

browser as platform

Extensions in a post-browser world

  • The web browser is evaporating
    • App tabs: removing the address bar for special tabs
    • Google Chrome: removing the address bar for all tabs
    • Mozilla Labs Chromeless: removing the tab bar too!
  • All that remains is the web platform
  • If extending the browser was good, what do we do when the browser is gone?

Extensions, schematically

schematic extensions

c3 schematic extensions

c3 schematic extensions 2

What could platform-level extensions do?

Example: prototyping HTML5 concepts

  • Key challenge in HTML5: understanding the interactions between parts of the spec
    • DOMCrypt API: new JS APIs for webapps to use
    • <device>, <canvas>: new tags to build with
  • Common implementation approaches:
  • Alternative: write a self-contained extension
    • No need to rebuild browser
    • Can easily define/limit interactions
    • Still can get the corner cases right

Extension design tradeoffs

Competing design goals:

  • Familiarity: make extension authoring easy
  • Power & flexibility
    • Vendor can simplify base system
    • User can personalize base system
    • Extension authors can build on other extensions
  • Security & stability
    • Extensions can break the base system...or each other!
    • Less control over the platform

How to support all of these?


  • What are extensions?
    • Why do they matter?
    • What challenges do they face?
  • The once and future browser
    • How are browsers built, and how will they be built?
  • C3: A platform for web-app research
  • Challenge #1: extending JS code
    • Answer: dynamic aspects
  • Challenge #2: extending UI markup
    • Answer: semantic overlays
  • Future challenges

This is a webpage!

Everything within the arrows is HTML


Components of an HTML platform

  • HTML Parser
  • DOM implementation
  • JS engine
  • Layout engine
  • Event loops
  • Network/filesystem stack
  • User interface

Design goals for C3

  • Reconfigurable: Easy to replace browser components with new implementations
  • Extensible: Enhance default components without breaking or hacking them
  • Experimental: Lower the entry barrier to platform-level research

Extensible Components of an HTML platform

  • HTML Parser: recognize new tag names & new AST nodes
  • DOM implementation: inject new content into the DOM
  • JS engine: modify existing scripts
  • Layout engine
  • Event loops
  • Network/filesystem stack
  • User interface: can be done entirely in HTML

The C3 architecture

Example: Where did the bullets come from?

We don't have generated content yet…
but maybe we can use other mechanisms?

  <modify selector="head" where="after">
        li > span { margin-right: 1em; }
        li > span { color: red; }
        li li > span { color: blue; }
  <modify selector="li" where="before">

Systematic extension points

  • Recognizing new HTML tag names
  • Adding new global objects to JS
  • Monitor and modify document construction
  • Overlaying new content into documents
    • Provides cleaner semantics than Firefox overlays
    • Enables static checking for conflicts
  • Safely patching running JS code
    • Provide better semantics than Greasemonkey-style patches
    • ...without using eval and with better performance
  • Others are possible — see the paper!

Already a useful platform for research

  • SPUR: A Trace-Based JIT Compiler for CIL (Bebenita et al., OOPSLA 2010)
  • Supporting Dynamic, Third-party Code Customizations in JavaScript Using Aspects (Lerner et al., OOPSLA 2010)
  • RePriv: Re-Envisioning In-Browser Privacy (Fredrickson and Livshits, Oakland 2011)
  • Verified Security for Browser Extensions (Guha et al., Oakland 2011)
  • C3: An Experimental, Extensible, Reconfigurable Platform for HTML-based Applications (Lerner et al., WebApps 2011)


  • What are extensions?
    • Why do they matter?
    • What challenges do they face?
  • The once and future browser
    • How are browsers built, and how will they be built?
  • C3: A platform for web-app research
  • Challenge #1: extending JS code
    • Answer: dynamic aspects
  • Challenge #2: extending UI markup
    • Answer: semantic overlays
  • Future challenges

Combining behaviors: code injection

Only two mechanisms within JS:

  • Wrapping
    var oldF = f;
    f = function(x, y) { 
      return oldF.apply(this, 2*x, y);
  • Monkey patching
    eval("f = " + 
           .replace('x', '2*x'));

Drawbacks of these approaches*

  • Idioms are “clever” and hard to read
  • What does this code do?
    eval("XULBrowserWindow.setOverLink = " + 
         "$& link = Fission.setOverLink(link);"));
  • function XULBrowserWindow.setOverlink(link) {
      link = Fission.setOverLink(link);

(*real-world example)

Drawbacks of these approaches*

  • How about this code?
    eval('window.aioTabFocus = '+window.aioTabFocus.toSource()
                  'if (e.originalTarget.ownerDocument != document)'+
                  'var b = e.originalTarget;'+
                  'while (b.localName != "tabbrowser")'+
                     'b = b.parentNode;'
                '(b.mPanelContainer || b)'

Drawbacks of these approaches

  • Both approaches break aliases
    function foo(x) { return x*x; }
    var bar = foo;
    eval("foo = " + foo.toString().replace("x*x", "42"));
    # foo(5) == bar(5);
    # false
  • And aliases are everywhere in JS code
    function onLoad(evt)  { window.alert("hello"); }
    window.addEventListener("load", onLoad, );
    eval("onLoad = " + onLoad.toString.replace('hello', 'hi there'));
    # …loading the page…
    # Alert: “hello”

Drawbacks of these approaches

  • Monkeypatching breaks closures
    function makeAdder(x)  { return function(y){ return x+y; }; }
    var addFive = makeAdder(5);
    eval("addFive = " + addFive.toString.replace('y', 'z'));
    # addFive(3);
    # error: ‘x’ is undefined

Goal: Combine extension code and mainline

  • Extensions need to define:
    • What new code to run
    • When it needs to run
    • How it interacts with existing code
  • This is essentially dynamic aspect weaving


  • Aspects = Advice + Pointcuts
  • Advice defines what code to run
  • Pointcuts define when to trigger it
at pointcut(callee(square)) before(x) {
   alert("x is ", x);

Key features of these Aspects

  • Given an aspect
    at pointcut(callee(square)) before(x) {
       alert("x is ", x);
  • We do not construct new closures
    square  envcode + advice  squareAlias
  • This cannot be done in pure JS

Kinds of aspects

  • Function advice:
    • Before, after or around bodies of functions
  • Field advice:
    • Around getting, setting fields
  • Statement advice:
    • Before, after or around statements within functions
  • Others?

Implementation for advice weaving

  • Targeting the Spur JIT
  • Key idea: weaving = inline advice + invalidate JITted closure
  • Inlining advice:
    • Avoids function call overhead
    • Ensures advice has access to local variables
  • Invalidating JITted closure:
    • Ensures future calls to function get advice
    • Amortizes weaving cost across all calls to function

(See OOPSLA'10 paper for more details)

Evaluation: performance

Evaluation: performance

Evaluation: Expressiveness

  • From snapshot of top Firefox extensions, examined 20 using monkeypatching
  • Code size: 0.3—14KLOC per extension, 99KLOC total
  • Monkey patch size: 11-900LOC, total 2.7KLOC
  • 636 observed monkey patches
  • We can express 621/636 patches easily

Evaluation: Expressiveness

Our example from before:

eval("XULBrowserWindow.setOverLink = " + 
           "$& link = Fission.setOverLink(link);"));


at pointcut(callee(XULBrowserWindow.setOverLink)) before(link) {
   link = Fission.setOverLink(link);

More explicit, easier to read, more analyzable

Aspects for JS: Contributions

  • Extensions have strange behavior
    • Existing techniques within JS are inadequate
    • But we can’t simply outlaw all extensions
  • Introduced dynamic aspect weaving as new JS primitive
    • First to integrate aspects into JS engine
    • Cleaner semantics and better performance
    • First to evaluate aspects against real-world extension code
    • Win-win!


  • What are extensions?
    • Why do they matter?
    • What challenges do they face?
  • The once and future browser
    • How are browsers built, and how will they be built?
  • C3: A platform for web-app research
  • Challenge #1: extending JS code
    • Answer: dynamic aspects
  • Challenge #2: extending UI markup
    • Answer: semantic overlays
  • Future challenges

Overlays: What can go wrong?

  • Final composite document depends on loading order
  • What if two overlays tried to overlay Ctrl+L?
  • In general, what happens when one extension changes the document in ways another extension doesn't expect?
  • Idea: built a tool to automatically detect these sorts of problems

Overlay Conflicts in practice

  • Examined snapshot of top 350 Firefox extensions
  • For main browser UI, extensions contribute:
    • 264 overlays
    • 1140 individual actions
    • ~15,000 “semantic requirements”
    • This is too big for manual checking
  • Built a tool to automatically analyze these requirements
  • Conflicts found:
    • 6 inter-extension conflicts
    • 50 imprecise overlays
    • 20 incorrectly declared overlays
    • 150 missing dependencies
    • All these errors are silently ignored by Firefox

Overlay conflict detection

  • 1. Key idea: Extensions…
    • Use a set of resources (CSS Selectors)
    • Guard those resources (Require, Reject, Last, First)
    • And define actions that occur when the guards are satisfied (overlays)
      (Do something, assuming
        {guarded resource1, guarded resource2, …})
  • 2. Guards on resources induce a dependency graph
  • 3. Load extensions only if graph is acyclic

Overlay conflict detection in practice


<modify selector="InputBindings" where="after">
  <KeyBinding Modifiers="Ctrl" Key="L" Command="GoToLocation" />


(Append <KeyBinding Modifiers="Ctrl" Key="L" Command="GoToLocation" />
     to <Inputbindings>,
 {Require InputBindings, Last Key "Ctrl+L"})

Overlay conflict detection: base case

We can treat the base document as an extension too:

(Define html#1, 
        html#1 > head#2,
        html#1 > head#2 + body#3,
        html#1 > head#2 + body#3 > span#4,
 {Reject html#1,
  Reject html#1 > head#2,
  • The action defines each element in the document by its path to the root
  • The guards reject prior definitions of those elements
  • This ensures the base document must sort before any extensions that overlay it

When do resources “contradict”?

  • Depends on resource type, but must be conservative
  • For CSS selectors, need to compute intersection
  • Essentially, “may alias” analysis:
    • When might two selectors pick the same nodes?

Overlay conflicts: Contributions

  • Overlay systems are powerful but subtle
    • Ordering constraints, well-formedness constraints, …
    • Existing approaches do not catch even simple errors
  • Introduced a general dependency-checking tool for overlays
    • Fully-automatic
    • Generalizes existing overlay approaches
    • Checks errors at scales impractical for manual inspection
    • Finds a variety of kinds of errors


  • What are extensions?
    • Why do they matter?
    • What challenges do they face?
  • The once and future browser
    • How are browsers built, and how will they be built?
  • C3: A platform for web-app research
  • Challenge #1: extending JS code
    • Answer: dynamic aspects
  • Challenge #2: extending UI markup
    • Answer: semantic overlays
  • Future challenges

What next?

  • Direct follow-ups:
    • Combine aspects with a pointer-analysis to detect when advice are in conflict
    • “Cross-language conflicts”: Extensions may compose cleanly within each language, yet still have broken behavior
    • Security implications: May not always want to permit extensions to modify mainline code…
  • Longer-term:
    • Development tools: What PL support is needed to build a “WebApp IDE” on par with VS?
    • Systems: How to close the functionality gap between HTML and native apps?
    • Platform: How to make the rest of the platform extensible?
    • HCI: How can we make it easier to write an app for a phone, tablet, console and desktop, and what should that look like?

