Thu Mar 23 18:37 EST 2017
Here is the code from Tuesday’s lecture: lec15-closed and subst.rkt.
Here is code we will go over in class tomorrow, which shows how to model the typing rules from Tuesday’s lecture: lec15-typed and tut-subst.rkt.
Tue Feb 7 09:31 EST 2017
You need to decide on a project partner and submit a project topic to me for approval by Feb 14. Consult the project page for guidelines on how to choose a paper. As it says on that page, to provoke some searching and thinking on your side, I will not make a default list of papers available until Feb 10.
Mon Feb 6 13:09 EST 2017
Substitution: subst
Call-by-value lambda calculus: Lambda-CBV
Call-by-name lambda calculus: Lambda-CBN
General reduction for lambda calculus: Lambda-full-beta
Mon Jan 30 09:40 EST 2017
Max will hold office hours on Mondays from 3pm-4pm in 308 WVH.
Mon Jan 30 08:11 EST 2017
Here is the code from Friday’s lecture: 4.rkt and 4a.rkt.
Also, read the lecture on Accumulators.
Wed Jan 25 17:30 EST 2017
Here is the code from the last two lectures: bool-or/reduction, defining metafunctions, ellipses and where clauses, extending languages and side conditions, designing functions on list-mingled data. Read the files in conjunction with the Redex lectures and Part II of the Redex textbook.
Mon Jan 16 16:37 EST 2017
Please send me an email by 5pm Tuesday January 17 with Subject "IPPL HW partner". Include the name of your homework partner (and CC your partner). You will be working with this partner on the first three or four homeworks. (If you already sent me email with a different subject line, please resend it with the specified subject.)
I have posted Problem Set 1. PS1 should be done with your homework partner. It is due at 2pm Monday, January 23rd.
I will post PS2 by Friday. It will be due the following Friday (1/27).
Mon Jan 9 13:09 EST 2017
Welcome to IPPL (CS 7400).