Khoury College Researchers Present at IEEE VIS 2021

Khoury College at IEEE VIS 2021

Known as the premier forum for advances in visualization and visual analytics, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) will host VIS 2021 virtually, from October 24–29, 2021. Academic, government, and industry researchers and practitioners from all over the world will gather to share and present novel findings on the design and use of visualization tools.

Khoury College of Computer Sciences researchers will have a large presence at IEEE VIS 2021. Members of the Data Visualization Lab and other faculty at Khoury College submitted nine papers and will host four workshops and one tutorial. All full papers are cross-published in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) journal.

Paper Presentations

October 27, 2021

11:00 am ET: The Unmet Data Visualization Needs of Decision Makers within Organizations. Evanthia Dimara, Harry Zhang, Melanie Tory, and Steven Franconeri

11:11 am ET: An Exploration And Validation of Visual Factors in Understanding Classification Rule Sets. Jun Yuan, Oded Nov, and Enrico Bertini

12:07 pm ET: AdViCE: Aggregated Visual Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning Model Validation. Steffen Holter, Oscar Alejandro Gomez, Jun Yuan, and Enrico Bertini

A graphic from AdViCE: Aggregated Visual Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning Model Validation

A graphic from AdViCE: Aggregated Visual Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning Model Validation.

1:45 pm ET: Deconstructing Categorization in Visualization Recommendation: A Taxonomy and Comparative Study. Doris Jung-Lin Lee, Vidya Setlur, Melanie Tory, Karrie Karahalios, and Aditya Parameswaran

A graphic from Deconstructing Categorization in Visualization Recommendation: A Taxonomy and Comparative Study

A graphic from Deconstructing Categorization in Visualization Recommendation: A Taxonomy and Comparative Study.

October 28, 2021

10:15 am ET: Untidy Data: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Tables. Lyn Bartram, Michael Correll, and Melanie Tory

1:30 pm ET: A State-of-the-Art Survey of Tasks for Tree Design and Evaluation with a Curated Task Dataset. Aditeya Pandey, Uzma Syeda, Chaitya Shah, John Alexis Guerra Gomez, and Michelle A. Borkin

1:45 pm ET: Impact of Cognitive Biases on Progressive Visualization. Marianne Procopio, Ab Mosca, Carlos Scheidegger, Eugene Wu, and Remco Chang

2:00 pm ET: STRATISFIMAL LAYOUT: A Modular Optimization Model for Laying Out Layered Node-link Network Visualizations. Sara Di Bartolomeo, Mirek Riedewald, Wolfgang Gatterbauer, and Cody Dunne

1:30 pm ET: A State-of-the-Art Survey of Tasks for Tree Design and Evaluation with a Curated Task Dataset. Aditeya Pandey, Uzma Syeda, Chaitya Shah, John Alexis Guerra Gómez, and Michelle A. Borkin

October 29, 2021

11:15 am ET: Scalable Scalable Vector Graphics: Automatic Translation of Interactive SVGs to a Multithread VDOM for Fast Rendering. Michail Schwab, David Saffo, Nicholas Bond, Shash Sinha, Cody Dunne, Jeff Huang, James Tompkin, and Michelle A. Borkin

A graphic from Scalable Scalable Vector Graphics: Automatic Translation of Interactive SVGs to a Multithread VDOM for Fast Rendering

A graphic from Scalable Scalable Vector Graphics: Automatic Translation of Interactive SVGs to a Multithread VDOM for Fast Rendering.

Other presentations


October 24, 2021

1:00pm–4:30pm ET: Human-Data Interaction. Lyn Bartram, Sheelagh Carpendale, Eun Kyoung Choe, Bongshin Lee, and Melanie Tory

1:00 pm–4:30 pm ET: MLUI 2021: Machine Learning from User Interaction for Visualization and Analytics. John Wenskovitch, Michelle Dowling, Eli T Brown, Ab Mosca, Conny Walchshofer, Marc Streit, and Kai Xu

1:00 pm–4:30 pm ET: alt.VIS. Jane L. Adams, Lonni Besançon, Michael Correll, R. Jordan Crouser, Charles Perin, Paul Rosen

October 25, 2021

9:00 am–12:25 pm ET: Visualization for Social Good. Leilani Battle, Michelle A. Borkin, Michael Correll, Lane Harrison, and Evan Peck


October 25, 2021

9:00 am–4:15 pm ET: Observable: Quick and Effective Visualization Prototyping with Reactive Notebooks. John Alexis Guerra Gomez


October 25, 2021

9:00 am–10:30 am ET: VisInPractice Panel on Moving Between Academia and Industry. Zhicheng Leo Liu (moderator), Hank Childs, Miguel Encarnacao, Jian Zhao, and Melanie Tory

Other Northeastern faculty and affiliates


October 27, 2021

10:07 am ET: How Learners Sketch Data Stories. Rahul Bhargava, Dee Williams, and Catherine D’Ignazio

11:00 am ET: What we talk about when we talk about data physicality. Dietmar Offenhuber


October 27, 2021

9:00 am–10:30 am ET: Wait…when did we sign up to be economists? Organizers: Derya Akbaba, Kiran Gadhave; Panelists: Saiph Savage, Danielle Albers Szafir, Alexander Lex, and Steve Haroz