Megan Barry Bebis


Senior Director - Graduate Student Services and Career Development

Megan Barry Bebis


  • MA in Higher Education Administration, Boston College
  • BA in Politics, University of Virginia


Megan Barry Bebis is a senior director of graduate student services and career development at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University. She received her master’s in higher education administration from Boston College while working full-time in advising roles. Prior to joining Northeastern, Bebis taught third and fifth grade reading through the Teach for America program in Houston, Texas.

In her current role, she focuses on creating a positive student experience through her work with the graduate advising and career team. Bebis leads the advising and co-op staff to support master’s students on the east coast campuses. Collectively, they develop initiatives and strategies to support students’ learning inside and outside of the classroom.

Beginning with her undergraduate involvement in residential life, Bebis developed an interest in working in higher education. She loves the combination of counseling, programming and strategic planning involved in academic advising and program development. Her passion lies in creating an innovative and inclusive space for students to pursue their educational and professional goals. Bebis loves that her job at Northeastern includes working with students from diverse backgrounds and with staff who care deeply about supporting students. She believes Khoury College is a dynamic place, with faculty and students contributing research that has an important impact on society. She loves helping to carry out the mission of “computer science for everyone.”

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