About CS2500 (London)

Welcome to Fundies I!

This course is an introduction to computing and programming. Our major goal is to introduce you to the principles of systematic problem solving through programming and the basic rules of computation.

By the end of this course, you will have a sense for the differences between a programmer and a well-trained software engineer. You will also have a sense of the complexities involved in developing solid software. You'll be able to apply what we learn to solve many non-computational problems in a systematic way.

Fundies does not assume any prior programming experience. It is suitable for all students, majors and non-majors alike, who wish to explore the ideas behind the discipline of computer science. It does assume familiarity with (high-school-level) arithmetic and algebra, and it demands curiosity, self-discipline, and the capacity to work well with others.

We will cover roughly the same topics as the CS2500 courses in Boston, but we'll have different schedules, exams, and homework assignments. You'll finish this semester prepared to continue your course of study in computer science at Khoury College.


Lecture Monday 3:00-4:30pm (Stratford), Wednesday 3:00-4:00pm (Stratford).
Lab Section I: Friday 9:00-10:00am (Marleybone)
Section II: 12:00-1:00pm (Richmond)
Final Exam December 9, 3:00-5:00pm (Marleybone)

Syllabus and Course Contract

Syllabus: PDF
Course Contract: PDF to be printed and signed on the first official day of class.
Style Guide: PDF

Instruction Team

Professor Laney Strange

E-mail laneys@northeastern.edu
Web https://northeastern.edu/home/laney
Office Hours Monday 5-8:00pm (Knightsbridge)

Teaching Assistant Khalil Haji

E-mail haji.k@husky.neu.edu
Web https://haji.dev
Office Hours Weds 5:00-8:00pm (Mayfair)
Thurs 3:00-4:30pm (Richmond)


Homework. Homeworks will be assigned (roughly) every week. You'll break down big problems into smaller ones and put your problem-solving skills to work with programming.
Lab. You must attend the lab. We meet once a week to work on problems related to recent course material. Labs will usually include some group work as well as an individual assignment.


The final grade for this course will be weighted as follows.

  • Homework (one dropped): 45%
  • Exam 1: 10%
  • Exam 2: 10%
  • Final Exam: 20%
  • Participation/Attendance: 15%

You will submit your solution on the Khoury Bottlenose server (which we'll cover in the first lab). You may submit homework up to 5 days late. However, a late homework loses 7 points for each full calendar day (or part of a day) that it is late after the deadline. Moreover, if you submit your homework late it will be graded with next week’s batch of assignments, so you’ll receive your score much later than if you submit on time.

We will have two one-hour midterm exams during the semester, as well as a final exam. The exams will test material similar to that assigned in weekly homeworks and labs. You may bring one piece of paper to the exams, double-sided, with anything written (or typed) on it that you want.

Attendance is required for lectures, and, along with your engagement during lecture, it counts towards your participation grade. Registers will be taken for all classes, and late arrival (later than 15 minutes) will be counted as an absence. Notify the Academic Operations Officer (osa@nchlondon.ac.uk, and cc:laneys @ northeastern.edu) as soon as you are aware that you must miss a class for any reason.

Classroom Environment

In my classroom, please ask questions, and answer questions! In computer science, we seldom get anything right on the first try. We see how an attempt turned out, and we try again. I like our classroom to reflect that approach as well; so please answer a question that's been posed, even if you're not sure of the answer.

To create and preserve a classroom atmosphere that optimizes teaching and learning, all participants share a responsibility in creating a civil and non-disruptive forum for the discussion of ideas.

When you come to class, I ask that you be fully present. No phones are permitted in the classroom. If you use a laptop, use it only to take notes. Please be respectful of your fellow students and me by participating attentively and non-disruptively.